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Down in the hull, lurking as others keep their distance.

A Man like no other.

A dirk in one hand and a basket hilted cutlass at his side. A tankard in his other. Dressed in a kilt and a bonnet, but don't DARE call it a skirt (or ye be DEAD)!

He leads the Thistle, a ship of dubious distintion.

His loyalties to 2, MacBubba, MacNeil, and Wallace. Let none challenge them.

A Bat, his pet. A skunk picked up on land, now his sporran, it crossed him once.

It is . . .

Tartan John Wages

The Kilted Pyraete of the Caledonian Carolinas!

-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina




Silkie blinks, her eyes watering from the smell of the skunk pelt that she can not see though knows it is there.

Nach bhfuil fáilte bréantas. What an unwelcome stentch!

Laddie! Wash d'pelt r'buy a round ...otter wise yull bae stanin ere alone fer quite some time.

She rubs her eyes with the back of her hands and backs away about three yards.



Welcome to the Pub aurr...Mr Wages.

Are ye the pay master? Well nontheless have a seat at the bar and lift up that tankard ye boast of in a toast.! :P

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."


OK, I'll ACTUALLY introduce myself.

Yes, Wages REALLY is my last name. We do not know where it came from. The line we think we related (there is a gap about 1800, but there are reason for assuming a link to a certain family that does go back further) goes back to a William Wages that came to Virginia in 1691 with 8 other people with Scottish names. There are some theories, but they are still postulations.

I do have a degree in history, but the focus has been more on Scottish and religious subjects. My interest in pirates goes back decades, but I have a relatively small collection of book (growing thanks to the actual history books now available in either new print, reprint, or used thanks to POTC). Some of my questions may seen odd, but I am probably coming from a different background than most here.

I am not currently involved in any reenactment groups, though I would like to be (I am not sure about the amount of time I could provide, but i would love to try). I live in upstate South Carolina (US).

One of my main interests is the contrast and comparison of legends/myths to reality, then to see how they are related and how/why the reality either gave birth or developed into the legend. In this regard, pirates are one of the most facinating (as is Scottish history-> just look at William Wallace, MacBeth, or a number of the Scottish history books).

I had a very bad experience on a forum a while back and only recently reentered forums (this is only the 3rd I've joined since I got back on them). I liked the level of depth and the amount of people who seem to know what they are talking about here.

I entered with a bit of a "pirate persona" and probably sounded like a bit of an arrogant prick. I'm sorry about that. I am a MUCH better historian than I am a storyteller, I PROMISE!!!

Part of my background is also with the arts, especially graphic and industrial design. So, I am interested in the "visual" around pirates, as well as the stories and artifacts. That is also what flags facinate me so much. They are pictoral representations of the ideas held dear to those that create, fly, and honor them. Flags are esentially pieces of cloth, really nothing more. Yet, they draw out SUCH emotion and meaning. Flag bearers will charge head long into battle, without arms, carrying the colors. If they die, others grap the flag and drop their own arms to lift it up.

Hence, two of my earliest threads.

I am also interested in models. I mess with O-Guage trains, die cast cars, real cars, and many other things. Two of my "current" projects are the conversion of 2 "ships." One is the Lindburg "Jolly Roger" into a 1/48 scale sloop and a 1/96 scale Revell USS Constitution into a 1/48 scale pirate ship (I am as of yet undecided as to the rigging or if I will make it 2 or 3 masted). So,m I will probably be looking and asking a fair amount about the actual "pirate ships" and issues such as colors, and the like.

Yes, I actually do make kilts and balmorals, and am thinking of making it an actual side business. I have had plenty of interest in it from others before it even crossed my mind.

I'll tell and reveal more as I see fit and appropriate.

I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know all ya'll.

Til later,

-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina




Scotland is a beautiful place. My wife and Eye are planning a visit

there in about 3 yrs. Saving for it now...So ifen ye has some suggestions PM me. Thanx.

As for the historical... Use Capt. Twill . The more "proffessional folks of knowlege hang-out there.. They will answer and discuss ye inquiries. Lots of good folks here. So again Welcome..

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."


"Aye, Scottish pirate! Welcome, Mister Wages. Ye'd be the point man t' discuss Scottish folklore wit'. Did ye bring any single malt whisky, wit' ye?"

"Scottish story tellin' always, requires a bit o' whisky."


Welcome aboard, Mr. Wages. And as long as you keep the skunk-sporran downwind I'll join you in a drink.

(I'm still quite new to this forum, but I think you'll find this one very welcoming. As an actor and not a living historian/reenactor I've had some of the same difficulties you mentioned in other forums. Everyone here at the Pub has been great and very willing to address my questions, historical or otherwise).


Now lad det is a bit more impressive!

M'characters fadder wuz a Scott ...only cauz I ken nay manage t'keep m'dialect purely Irish! :blink:

You are most welcome here lad. There are varriying degrees of authenticity here.

Captain Twill is the place for historical accuracy. Don't go there if you don't respect (and I say this with utmost respect) "The Thread Counters". They are the ones here that know their stuff and their advice is sound.

Beyond Piracy is ...what it says ...beyond piracy.

The remainder of the threads fall some place between.

D'inn keep's name is Ray. E's d'one wot get's most o'd'plunder ere bouts. Keep im appy n'yer mates ere b'appy too.

Now, I gots m'own tradition uv welcomin lads to d'pub. Since ya appears t'bae a bit fast handed (havin tree o'dem) I'll keep m'distance n'kiss ya on yer cheek ...den we ken talk about wot a lass as t'do t' "earn" er Wages!" :lol:

Welcome aboard, Mr. Wages. And as long as you keep the skunk-sporran downwind I'll join you in a drink.

(I'm still quite new to this forum, but I think you'll find this one very welcoming. As an actor and not a living historian/reenactor I've had some of the same difficulties you mentioned in other forums. Everyone here at the Pub has been great and very willing to address my questions, historical or otherwise).

I am actually working on an real skunk sporran. I have a pelt and the rest of the stuff, but am trying to finish a few other "projects" first.

The "bad experince" could best be summed as "spam hate mail" by a PARTICULAR person. I latter found out that my compatriots on that forum HATED her and (as they were moderators), I should have "reported" her (providing an excuse to boot her). They kicked her off later for something else.

I don't really expect problems here.

Thanks for the welcomes. I will try to keep which subforum is for which topic. Though, I will probably be in Captain Twill and Plunder most of the time.

I am interested in reenactment, IF I can find a group/rabble/gang close enough that I can ACTUALLY BE involved.

If anyone from the Columbia, SC group is on here, PM ME PLEASE!!!!!


-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina




Welcome aboard Mr. Wages. You sound like you'll fit in quite well. There's a wealth of knowledge and talents in the members here. All quite willing to share what they know - do.

Do expect kilt jokes and attention from the ladies.. all in good natured fun of course!

Start reading and you'll get a feel for the place quickly.

Now about that drink...two shots o J & B Rare an I'll share one with ye

Whiskey and Freedom Mate!


Oh and I WILL take a deoch an doruis


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


As for kilt jokes, . . . I wonder if I'll hear some I don't already know.

I am better at writing jokes than telling them.

My three favorite:

A Man wearing a cling wrap kilt walks into a psyciatrist's office. The psychiatrist looks at him and says:

I can CLEARLY see your NUTS!!!!

A highlander with one sheep is a shepherd

A highlander with two sheep is an entrapaneaur (breeding and so forth)

A highlander with three sheep is a PIMP!!!


And to end:

"SHEEP LIE!!!!!!!!!!!"


-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina



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