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Need to line the buggers up and let Royaliste practice on THEM with HER guns. The big ones, that is. Now that would be a sight. "Don't move, fellers. This won't hurt a bit." BOOOM!

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Yeah, just what we need more idiots in the world to do damage to what is already in need of trouble..geezus. I hope they reported it to the authorities!

Keep Sailing!

Too bad we can't roast the cretins on a spit!

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx



^not to condone too much violence, but if said guilty parties be found that could be arranged. spits be easy to come by

still best wishes to those o the crew.

Mud Slinging Pyromanic , Errrrrr Ship's Potter at ye service

Vagabond's Rogue Potter Wench

First Mate of the Fairge Iolaire

Me weapons o choice be lots o mud, sharp pointy sticks, an string


Ahoy, folks!..Just a quick note, as I'm up to me ear's in bloody work,but......Last night, around 1715 hours (five fifteen for the lubberly) I managed to get ROYALISTE' 4-236 Perkins engine running! Five days completely submerged, and she lives!...more follow-up engine work today, then on to the transmission. We have to get her to a shipyard in Holden Beach on Monday, so it looks like it'll be under her own power for the twenty or thirty miles it be to that location. We've gotten all the matresses, bedding, clothes, and most anything else that's full of river muck and diesel off the ship, so we can begin the huge task of clean-up and hopefully, replacement......Keep alla the fingers crossed, etc., eh?


ROYALISTE Back From the Dead..........Again, Aye!


jeesh, with all that engine's been through... it's one tough little d-sail!

good luck on the hard, wish I could make it out, but... I've only got until May here in NM, and then out of this accursed state. If I leave now, I'll never come back to finish the couple of months left on the degree.


If you need anything from a Home Depot or Lowes, let me know. I have connections at both and would be happy to call the local stores and see what i can get for you.


"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."


How about posting your clothes sizes... My wife and I have lots of extra' good condition stuff, if you are needing it.


Do you have a post box in the local area to the ship so we can send it directly?

Any Pub members in that neck of the woods ?

Greg aka GoF

Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site


Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!


I just checked the Frappr Pyracy Pub map (common you slugs, if you haven't already marked your spot, do it now! http://www.frappr.com/pyracypub )

And there really isn't any body in that area....

Its a shame that we don't have any pirates in this pub from practically the home of GAoP piracy!

Greg aka GoF

Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site


Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!

As a fund raiser item to this unfortunate event, the below item is being donated. It will be sent to our West Coast Brethren where fund raising activities are being planned. Maybe some other goodies can be used.

Best wishes to the Royaliste.


Yes indeed... and together with the model will come pictures of it's creation every step of the way!

Our Master carpenter here has sent me pic's as he's moved along.

Time and date of the auction will be posted and for those of you that cannot make the event itself we will figure some kind of way for you to bid as well.

What a beauty!! :rolleyes:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Greg aka GoF ~

Thank you for the Frappr Pyracy Pub map(http://www.frappr.com/pyracypub) - I had heard/seen Frappr before, but was unaware of this specialized form! Thank you also for your GoF website - it remains one of my favorite reference links as I continue to learn.

And thank you to all who kept us so well informed of the sad plight of the Royaliste - I am new here, but happily made my contribution to this beautiful ship and hope to meet her tenacious captain and crew one day!

:rolleyes: May she have many more years of full sails. :lol:


Oooh, shiny!


I had just sent a donation their way, received this back from Kathy by way of reply:

Thank you so much for your help, Donna! We are touched, overwhelmed and amazed at the generosity of the online piratical community!

Most everything belowdecks was completely drenched in diesel-tainted water, so the past 3 days were spent hauling heavy trash bags of wet "stuff" off the ship and into storage if salvageable or the local dump (all six mattresses had to be tossed). The laundry we face is a daunting task, but necessary as we can't imagine replacing ALL our clothing,costumes linens, etc. If you know of any trick to eliminate the smell of diesel, we'd love to hear it. (Recommendation provided: vinegar added to the laundry.)

Royaliste suffered some damage during the recovery/uprighting process, plus some caulking was pulled from seams in the hull while she lay on er side, so a haulout with a thorough inspection is due. Gary revived the motor and tranny miraculously, so we were able to motor 10 miles to a marina with power and water and a gated ramp, this morning. We plan to keep her there a month as we do cleanup and repairs, then head north to Holden Beach and a boat yard for a haul out and thorough inspection of her hull.

Trust that we will use the money you sent wisely. Royaliste will sail again soon, we promise.


Oooh, shiny!


Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:10 pm Post subject:


Here's the latest update from Captain Gary, he's in the bay area for a couple of days and we met up for dinner aboard Orca last night.

They are going to wait for about a month before attempting to haul out. There is a great deal of clean up to do and it will give them a chance to recoup a bit physically before trying to do a haul out with only two people. If there is anyone that could assist in the North Carolina area, I would be happy to help put them in touch. I think help would be most welcome.

They are still trying to clean clothing, this means taking everything to the car wash first before it can go to the laundrymat. They've worked from the stern (back of the boat) forward, so the aft captain's cabin and galley are done. There is still the engine room, head, forward cabin and foc'sle to go. The engine room and head have a large amount of silt and muck in them and he pretty much just shook his head sadly and laughed at the horrific state of the forward cabin.

As expected, the wiring is all starting to corrode from exposure to the water and they are fixing things as fast as they can to keep her bilge pumps and other essentials working.

Also expected is that she is taking on a lot of water, with the bilge pumps coming on about every 3 to 5 minutes. Again, not unexpected for having taken such a beating as she did.

There is a huge amount of work to be done and a lot of things were destroyed that have to be replaced. The devastation below decks was just huge. :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Ahoy, shipmates....I've been swamped as of late ( couldn't help the pun, eh?), but figured it'd be time for a short update. We are having to hand clean every nut, bolt, screw, and fork, but we are still sloggin' away at it. One cabin down, three to go..(ugh!)...Basic 12 volt service is working, but things like the inverter that we use to 'live' underway, radios,etc. are shot...Better than half the 120 volt dockside power outlets are working. The 12 volt water pump is done in, so there is no running water yet. Makes cleaning quite a b*tch...It looks like I'll salvage the generator, altho 'up and running' is months off; it's just saved from the ravages of the water and fuel damage. Don't know about the new 4 stroke dingy motor that was in the engine room yet, there are just too many things all needin' attention. Looks like we'll survive this all, but it'll be a long row to hoe ahead....Looks like we'll try to haul her out and check the structural side of things in a few weeks..Thanks all, and we'll keep you posted!


I was glad to see this post today! My thoughts have been with you all. When all is said and done you can feel satisfied and tell the tales..till then be careful and we all are pulling for the Royaliste!

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Was nice to hear from the Royaliste, and that things are progressing, even if slowly. Just goes to show, you can't keep a good ship - nor her crew - down. Godspeed to all of them.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Has anyone thought to contact the Discovery Channel?

Seems like this would make an excellent documentary and perhaps some "high roller" doners would be willing to contribute to the salvage operation. Being a non-profit organization would make the donations tax deductible.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


Ahoy Royaliste,

Hope you can get this, but members of the Archangel crew would love to come spend a long weekend helping you out if you want us! Is there some way we can contact you offlist to arrange some time?


"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



What happened the CONCERT?

We were working out lagistics with Skip Henderson for a joint concent when we were hit with a death in PRP... knocked the wind from our sails to say the least.

We are are re grouping and have worked out having a fund raiser at *Deva's* Pirate store in North Hollywood however I may offer to send the Royaliste Model up to Skip so they may auction it off at Their concert up North as no douibt it will be sooner.

Soon as we know more I will post it. :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Ahoy Royaliste,

Hope you can get this, but members of the Archangel crew would love to come spend a long weekend helping you out if you want us! Is there some way we can contact you offlist to arrange some time?


Aye,matey!...Email is quickest, but both email and phone # are on this link OVERLAND Best would be after we are out of this marina, which should be in a few weeks. They frown on most any activity, as their interest is primarily wealthy powerboats and their owners. Thanks a heap for the offer.....


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