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Red Maria

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Sunday 1/7 One of the Herb Garden gardeners, Judy, was patrolling the fruit groves when she came a cross a group of about 10 Japanese tourists. They were gorging themselves on the loquat trees, yanking off fruit and stuffing themselves like gluttons. Judy was so shocked that she was rendered speechless. Screwing up her courage (since she knew she would need back up from security to stop the voracious spree) she took up her walkie-talkie (finding her voice again) and yelled PIRATES IN THE FRUIT GROVE!! PIRATES IN THE FRUIT GROVE!

There was dead silence on the other end. Finally someone said what?!!! Judy blurted out what was going on and security sent some guards over to break-up the gorging tourists. When I heard about this I just broke out laughing I just had to share it with you all. :lol:

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