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I have it from a good source that Pirate weekend is going to be the first weekend in February. That would make it Feb. 10 & 11. So who's going to come and play with the me?

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Alas, I shall have tae pass again this year on gettin' out tae this faire B) ... Sr. semester in college an' all that business. Perhaps I can finally make that trip the followin' year.

Cap'n Emerald

Captain Emerald Shaunassey O' The Salty Kiss


  • 2 weeks later...

Estrella War is the following week starting from Feb. 13-19th. I say, Come Early, Pyrates. Start with AZ Ren Fest and then move onto the Estrella War. This year, it will be just down the road from AZ Ren Fest. So who will join me for some raiding and pillaging on Saturday, Feb. 10th? I shall buy you a round.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


The strawboss says one weekend or t'other but nae ta both. Will either venue have an open stage fer performin' music? Or a local pub wheres we can all get together an jam?

Glad ta see the War movin' from Avondale. The parks water was frightfully evil tastin'. 'Course that was a step up from th old site in Bouse wheres we had no water :lol:

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.


If yer lookin for some open pub singing, I say Estrella War is your place. Az Ren Fest is a pretty tightly organized society. Estrella War encampements always welcome traveling bards and such. I'd say this is where your time will be better spent.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


After visitin' th official web site I'll not be droppin' anchor at Estrella. The $200+ admission fee for ta see a 1/2 day cleanup be better spent at Escondito or Ojai.

M.D. vet'rn 'o the Great Desert War an Estrellas 1, 11, & 111.

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.


hmmmm, a hunting of the site shows a daily adult fee to be $30. Of course, if you want to be camping, that would be more.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all.... 1st post here, been reading off and on for several months tho.

allow meself to introduce.... I'm Capt Porthos McClaine the Shameless, Head of the SCA house Pirate Thunder, part of the family of Rolling Thunder, and Capt. of the StarGazer based in Arizona, we are primarily involved in the SCA and smaller live steel groups. (wherever we get paid to hurt people)

Indeed, the site fee for war is only $60 for the full week.

I'll be there, again as usual.... this is my 17th Estrella war (damn, I'm getten old...) if ya happen to be out there, check the map at the Troll Booth for Thunder Camp.... thats where we'll be... once there, just ask for Capt. Porthos.... everybody knows me... stop by The Lost Souls Tavern for a drink and a visit, always something going on around there. it's hard to miss.... it's the big tent w/ the smoke stack and people comming and going. Doors close when I pass out.



Draggin' me baggage along runs the squarin' up to $240. Tis not in the books to swing it :lol:

Capn' Porthos, Be there any musically inclined piracy goin' on in Phoenix/Chandler/Casa Grande? Tucson seems a might dry.

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.


well, am sure there will be at the war... the usual drumming singing and belly dancers... specificly pirate... I cant really say, I live way up in kingman, and dont get to travel to alot of events much due to work and such. Am sure at war we'll be doing the usual off key drunken singing and falling over tho.

  • 2 weeks later...

Clang, Clang.

10 days to Arizona Renaissance Festival, a bit more than that for Estrella War. After reading Capt. Porthos post and running into a crew from Corsairs, I must be making a run to Estrella War to have some fun. Make all of yourselves known, me mates.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


well, me and ym crew wont be getten to Estrella untill the evening of the 14th. Sadly due to scheduals and such, thats as early as we can make it. But, we WILL be there



The list is long for a raid on the 10th. It includes cast and crew from RenaissanceFestival.com, the Corsairs, crew from Brethern of the Coast and the Scorpion Pirates. So add you name to the list.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


(Scratches out a big narsty X on the dotted line). when ya be seein' a white whiskerd old goat wi a big walkin' stick, that be ald Morgan. :blink:

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.

  Morgan Dreadlocke said:
(Scratches out a big narsty X on the dotted line). when ya be seein' a white whiskerd old goat wi a big walkin' stick, that be ald Morgan. B)

Not to be sayin yer old white whiskers be mundane, but lad, there be many a fine ole goats with white whiskers. You'll have to be more specifics. Perhaps you can wear an 'P' about ye. Kinda of "Where's the pyracy pub pirate" adventure. I will do the same.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Well t'was an interestin' day. Checked out the vendors in the mornin', then lost me glasses somewheres. Spent the afternoon listnin' ta music an explainin' ta little old ladies that I don't be workin' here, an I can't tell ye how ta get from here ta there. Sawr not a single Pyracy Pub black spot anywheres. :o Place has gotten one 'ellofalot bigger since me last visit @15 years ago. Was nice not gettin' rained on too.

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.


(Befuddled by technology as he attempts to hook the camcorder to the tv and sets the tv on top of the scanner). :o I be writin' a few lines 'o visual impressions tonight. (Also contemplates the oddball sunburn line runnin' diagonally across his forhead).

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.


Pictures? Did I take pictures? A few, but not as many as I wanted to. If you spotted a pyrate walking around with her hand shoved a pyrate puppet's ar$e, that was me. :(

Sorry we didn't connect up.

By the way, the puppet's name is Louie Lambe. :(

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Arizona Renn Faire 2007 visual impressions of an old fart-

Arrived late in port around 1030. Many in the parkin' lot is gettin' garbed up so I blends right in. The tiny ramshackle 3 acre tent n pole village is now 30 acres 'o 2 story structures an a couple 'o small castles. The flyer says about 200 merchants an seemed ta be accurate. Merchants wi' demonstrations goin' on included a blacksmythe shop an a couple 'o glassblowers. Typical rennfair mass produced junk did not overpower the sales scene. There be lots one of a kind arts n craft work. One shop looked ta be specializn in monster heads as seen throu the eyes of Drs Suess an Leary B) . Prolly spent as much time lookin' at building construction an architecture as I did lookin' at the contents. There be 12 different stages scattered around the site. Constant entertainment if ye could navigate the area . The site map be printed not accordin' ta standard practises (top of a map be north not east!). Most of the staged shows was a'pointed toward the mundane hoards. The best music ta be had was provided by two young lasses in the grassy glens under shady trees. One was a playin' the harp an a lovely sound it be. The other was demonstratin' her skills on a harpsichord/spinet type instrument. Cast in Bronze was drawing in the largest musical crowd an Ded Bob was a'grabbin the standup comedy groupies. Sawr Tia Dalma and Captain Jack, the Pope an many others I could not identify. Ran inta one pirate skit bein put on by ? A lass tyd ta the bridge, two kegs 'o powder an the pirate attemptin' ta light the powder trail. Asked several piraty types iffins they knew of any afterhours get togethers (pirate raid at Long John Silvers or ARRRbys?) but no luck. Costumin' seemed pretty good fer the most part. Sawr a few mx type boots an satin/spandex trousers B) Wandered around fer a few more hours, petted the greyhounds, bought a Cast in Bronze cd, an took my leave till next year. B)

Notes fer next year- Take not I-10 ta Phoenix, the back road thru Florence be faster. Larger bag ta throw goodies in. Disposable still camera in addition to camcorder.

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.

  • 2 weeks later...

Part 2

Spent Pressydents Day Kibbitizin' wi' Captain Killigrew an her crew 'o miscreants. Did a couple 'o hours 'o piraty shenannegans then the skyies open up around 3 pm. Thousands of mundanes was a'bailin' out the front gate. Rained fer about 15-20 minutes then got windy an cold. When the thunderclouds rolled away a few minutes later the sky be awash wi' news helicopters (big plural). The Faire be mostly a ghost town by then. We found outs later that someone had been struck by/or close enough ta a lightnin' strike ta be needin' an ambulance.

Overheard several 'o the royalty mentionin' Mar 3-4 as bein' "Pirate weekend." Pearl, ya got cher ears on Lass? Wot be the skinny on this?

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.


Aye, the website be confirming that March 3 & 4 now officially be pirates' weekend. Bloody royals could nay not make up their minds until after the faire had already begun.

Alas, the ship's surgeon with be giving me a hook the week before, so I shall not know if I can attend until that day. I might be on a wee few bit of painkillers (not the pusser's rum type either).

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

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