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Greetings to the crew! The names Gunner Moon Pi.

Looking for some help. I'm brand new to this hobby and would like to start off by acquiring me self a proper cutlass, pistol(s), and leather for wearing.

So.....I'm sure you guys have heard this a zillion times but where can I get this stuff?

Thanks for any adivce!

P.S. Are there any pirate festivals in Texas?

  Gunner Moon Pi said:
Greetings to the crew! The names Gunner Moon Pi.

Looking for some help. I'm brand new to this hobby and would like to start off by acquiring me self a proper cutlass, pistol(s), and leather for wearing.

So.....I'm sure you guys have heard this a zillion times but where can I get this stuff?

Thanks for any adivce!

P.S. Are there any pirate festivals in Texas?

I think maybe two zillion times...

The real question is... do you want to follow the authenticity nazi pirate tradition or the poly pirate farb tradition?

(oh my god, did he just say what I think he said?)


Seriously, there are two different schools of thought on how to do this, and the answers are as different as yin and yang. So it's kinda a loaded question.

In the end, it really becomes a matter of how much do you want to spend, and what sorts of events do you think you will want to attend?

I suggest looking back through old messages on this very topic. I believe everything that will ever be said on the subject has been said here at least once, if not a dozen times.

Best of luck, and above all, have fun on whatever path you take!

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


I'm an ex War Between the States re-enactor so I'm familiar with FARB's.

After re-reading me first post it was written by a doofuss.

I'm in the "authentic as possible" crew. I'd like for the weapons to be as correct as possible for the GAoP. Been looking thru the older posts and I'm still somewhat cornfused about the cutlass. The ones I've seen are either cheesy wanna-be junk or pieces that don't look period correct.

Same thing with the pistols. The ones I've seen from Loyalist Arms or Middlesex Village Traders all look like the Indian made repops. IMO the doglock would be the most correct but its huge in size and I don't care for the lines of it. The Sea Service or Dragoon looks good to me but they date too late. Another thing thats perculiar to me is the size of these guns. I'd like to find something a bit smaller in length. I've seen a couple of period wood engravings that show the real pyrats carrying up to eight pistols! I seriously doubt they carried eight Potsdams!

My impression would be of a typical bildge rat so fancy engraved stuff is out. Also don't want to do original stuff because its too $$$$ to mess with.

I'm willing to drop some reales(within reason) on good gear but it needs to be as close to correct as possible.


Being a transplant to the Texas region and having been so for some time, I hate to be the messenger of bad tidings. There are just a couple of festivals in Texas and those are down on the Coast. For the most part, the only game in town, per se, is Civil War....Alamo....Things of such nature. You have to travel to get the good stuff, namely East Coast.

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.


But if I may be so bold....

The pirate authenticity "movement" is kind of in its infancy. Not there there haven't been some groups or some individuals who had been striving for authenticity in the past, but as a cohesive movement, its still pretty young.

So though you are in Texas, I wouldn't let that dissuade you from attempting, or even starting your own authentic group there.

As to weapons.

There is a dearth of authentic pirate stuff, because the market for it is just a budding one.

Right now, if you want to have an authentic period cutlass... about the closest I have seen is one of the German style hunting hangers or the 1742 pattern brass sword repoped in India and being sold by various vendors.

The other route is the custom made sword.... A lot of websites claim to be able to make authentic blades but I haven't see their attempts so I can't say if they are worth the money.

The ones that do good work have looooooong waiting list. I have been on the Old Dominion Forges list for some time now


and I also have a slot with E.B. Erickson http://www.myarmoury.com/review_ebe_hanger.html but he is not slated to start till the summer of 2007.

On the East Coast, there is also a sub movement of folks that are trying to get combat ready swords that look as period as possible. Basically, they want the ability to fence with one another using as swords as close as possible to the GAoP as they can.

Unfortunately, a sword that is good for repeated theatrical bouts with another pirate is inherently going to have some very unauthentic features as safety trumps authenticity in a situation like that.

I have more info on guns and swords at my website, you are welcome to take a look (see link in sig).

Good luck

Greg aka GoF

Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site


Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!

  Gunner Moon Pi said:
I'm an ex War Between the States re-enactor so I'm familiar with FARB's.

After re-reading me first post it was written by a doofuss.

Hey, it's a good thing the first person to reply was a doofus! :ph34r:

Btw, I'm usually not so blunt, but hey, farbs vs nazis sounds just as good as ninjas vs pirates!


Fwiw, to the outsiders and the uninitiated, we are all the same... a bunch of adults playing dress-ups!


With that being said...

I'm in the "authentic as possible" crew. I'd like for the weapons to be as correct as possible for the GAoP.

Ah. Good. Follow Greg's lead. And feel free to join my mail list and/or web forum. Between this place and those you'll have the bases covered.

Been looking thru the older posts and I'm still somewhat cornfused about the cutlass. The ones I've seen are either cheesy wanna-be junk or pieces that don't look period correct.

I'm not. Greg gave a very good answer. This I say based on hour upon hour of research, and lots of banter back and forth on the subject.

The Sea Service or Dragoon looks good to me but they date too late.
Stylistically speaking, I believe we've found similar dating to the 1660s.
Another thing thats perculiar to me is the size of these guns. I'd like to find something a bit smaller in length.
Your best bet is a Pedersoli Queen Anne in that case. It's a mock screw-barrel, which bugs the heck out of me, but it is a nice little pistol.
I'm willing to drop some reales(within reason) on good gear but it needs to be as close to correct as possible.
Spend your money wisely and spend it only once. A sound plan!

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


As Aurore posted, there isn't too much going on in Texas in a purely pyratical line, as far as festivals go. For the most part, it seems that if us Texicans want to do anything local, we have to glom onto some other sort of event, such as a Ren Faire or the like...

With no local reenactor society to speak of (at least, in this particular line) it means very little bargain-hunting in hock shops and local trade days, unfortunately.

Although, if we round up enough local folks, maybe we could start some sort of festivities our ownselves.


I agree with Black John!

If you have a good place to play, set something up!

Check out what we did at the Lockhouse. That could truly have been done anywhere, anytime. Just as long as you have the crew to pull it off!

You're also welcome up this way to test the waters! See what you like and dislike, then direct from there!



No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!

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