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No stink (a compleatly differently word ...but it also started with an S)

There I was.....

Saw this on a Coke can, and pulled out my knife... cut it out.... wanted to save it.......

"Give Live Love"

dang... thought I it was cool....(and it is here as I type..... I still like the concept....

Well the bartendress gave me some poo=poo (once again I have a beter adjitive for that) because I left a 'cut' can that she might have cut her finger on.... never do this again.....

She asked me to promis that I would never do that again.......

Welll heck...... how can I ever promise something like that..... maybe another can may come out that I like the words on it......

It sounds easy to say... I will never do that again....

But what happens it I see something "fun" again onna can.....

If I make a promis.......hey... I do it...... how the stink can I make a convienent promes.... and be expected to keep it....

If I promiss something...... I do it..... if you ask me to make a promis....


OK.... I am ramblin.... I am pived that someone asked me to make a promis..... that I can't do.....Rats... anyway... If I give my word...... I do it..... If someone asks me to (do or not do) something..... well heck.... nother arguement.........................

Awh.....Crap... shoulda said that at the very begining..............................

How the stink can I be expected to make a promis that I can never keep..... and who the heck would ever ask that...........

OK... I understand that I messed up on some (OK a lot of this) of this...... but as Pyrates .... how honist are you................


I agree with ya though...when you say you'll do something, it's only right that you DO it. I have a hard time with people who don't keep their word.

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear, and life stands explained." --Mark Twain


Fall back on your piratness and give a false oath. Or given a promise under duress is expected to be broken. It is up to you define duress.

Git up of your asses, set up those glasses I'm drinking this place dry.


Ye can offer to take care of the problem in yer own way.

(Like smushin' up said coke can so there are no sharp edges stickin' out before handin' it back. "So what you want is no sharp edges, aye?" Crunch, smash... "Problem solved, luv." )



And you promised her you wouldn't cut up that particular can again, so it's an easy promise to keep. :)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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