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Pierat Hayter

Blind Pew

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"Pirates- Gods I hate the pirates. Tricornes, long weskits and all the rest of the Johnny Depp wanna-be shit does not belong here. I really wanted to grab the hats and stomp them. And that roving pirate party on Thursday night was ridiculous. On a related note, a certain Baroness of my acquaintance saw me in the market place and commented that my Elizabethan slops and jerkin made me look far more like a pirate than those who were desparately trying to do so."

The above statement is very definately from someone who lives in a very narrow way and will not have the company and friendship that others not only have but enjoy. I actually pitty him, for he will lose out in the end by not being of a broader mind. I personally am not thrilled with having "Depp pirate want-to-bes" at every turn, nor am I even slightly happy with the historian types whose breeches are fastened too tightly for them to relax and actually enjoy things and not be so critical of every show, movie, or event that doesn't meet their historical expectations.

I am a pirate, I live and dress as the pirate within me would have it. I dress in my pirate garb for Rens, a toned down version for my "real world" job, but have been interested in pirates and piracy since I was small. It was both written word (Robert Louis Stevenson), and silly little movies like Peter Pan that made my interests rise. I can apreciate both the attempts at historical pirate programs, and the movies that make it fun and entertaining.

People that make statements like the one above really should keep to themselves, since nothing is going to satisfy them nor make them happy.

You sir just seem to be trying to stir up trouble in an other wise rather calm place. We ALL come here for the joy of friendship, information, piracy, and we do come with an open mind. Diversity is what makes this a grand place to be. If you are here just to make trouble maybe it is you that needs to leave.....

I fear not heaven nor hell....for the sea shall judge me!!

Captain J. Daniels

Better to be hated for who you are.......than loved for who you are not


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Having met the man in person, and having done an event with him and chatted to him briefly, I will come to his defense. He seems a very likable fellow, with a keen sense of... the time and the place. He is more than welcome to attend any event I would ever host!


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As I stated earlier,"You sir[blind Pew] just seem to be trying to stir up trouble in an other wise rather calm place. We ALL come here for the joy of friendship, information, piracy, and we do come with an open mind. Diversity is what makes this a grand place to be. If you are here just to make trouble maybe it is you that needs to leave.....".

I still stand by my statement that people who come here just to stir trouble need to leave. Backjohn, I am glad that you have met the author of the afore mentioned "hatred", and I am very glad that in your view he is a likeable chap. I also still stand by not caring for narrow minded people who can't accept that yes there will be hollywood types, more movies and comedys and that not everything about pirates is strictly historical, and 'to the letter'.

As with anything and all things, this is just my opinion.

I fear not heaven nor hell....for the sea shall judge me!!

Captain J. Daniels

Better to be hated for who you are.......than loved for who you are not


Black Pearl Leather & Finery

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You sir just seem to be trying to stir up trouble in an other wise rather calm place. We ALL come here for the joy of friendship, information, piracy, and we do come with an open mind. Diversity is what makes this a grand place to be. If you are here just to make trouble maybe it is you that needs to leave.....

Me, stir trobol? Naught likely Lad. I x-posed da truth and twere attacked fer it. I did naught but respond in kind. I naught back down from a gud fite.

A backstabbin twice face bilge rat that says that he hates pyrates, and I showed ye his tru colours and in own words by his own hand, and I b de offending party?

Perhaps u welcome ones that make demselvs feel superior by pointing out yor flaws and laffs b-hind a keybord whilst doing so? Me, I likes to kno whom I converse with, n wat day colours be.

I b pokin arond abit more to see what ye hav to offer fer amusement and study. I did mak wan o-ter post here, not in dis pot.


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Pew, you seem to be deliberately ignoring the context. He's writing about Pennsic. Pennsic is an SCA event, meaning medieval-ish recreators. Attending that venue in pirate persona -- especially Hollywood pirate persona -- is about as appropriate as it would be at an Elvis impersonators convention. Simply put, it's not the order of the day, and it interferes with what is the order of the day. Whatever his views on hardcore authenticity, until you acknowledge that he is talking about what amounts to party-crashers, your credibility is shot to hell.

I strongly suggest you get over it and get back to having your own brand of fun.

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By da by, id flash my aft side hat cha, but insted of angrrin u, ud probly fall n luv! smooch! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Wut cha got lass? Come set upond me knee wht dont che? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Now tis my turn to laugh.....

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

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It's amazing how words can be taken so far out of context. If you feel the need to be picking on others Pew then I suggest you head for the schoolyard...There is no place for that here.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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Pew, you seem to be deliberately ignoring the context.  He's writing about Pennsic.  Pennsic is an SCA event, meaning medieval-ish recreators.  Attending that venue in pirate persona -- especially Hollywood pirate persona -- is about as appropriate as it would be at an Elvis impersonators convention.  Simply put, it's not the order of the day, and it interferes with what is the order of the day.  Whatever his views on hardcore authenticity, until you acknowledge that he is talking about what amounts to party-crashers, your credibility is shot to hell. 

I strongly suggest you get over it and get back to having your own brand of fun.

Ahhh, But the profes-she-on uv pyratin be timeless. Hence the reason I witdru frum de ferst "Se-vi-err" show. Me-lay-shun I-lans stel b alive wit cut throats n kitnappers. I did naught relish da thot uv b-ing trussed up in sum tropikal green hell, wait fer sumone to pay me ransom. The SCA time line as I understan it iz frum 600ce till 1600ce. Tak yur pic, Norse, Dane Swede, Muslim and uters.

Graine Ni Maille (1550-1600)was an Irish princess and pirate (also known as Grace O'Malley) . She commanded a large fleet of ships. She petitioned Queen Elizabeth I of England regarding her various territorial claims, and the two met in 1593. Despite her own officers' reports that Grace was attacking English navy, shipping and coastal towns, the Queen accepted Grace's claims.

Corsairs were pirates who operated in the Mediterranean Sea between the 15th, 1400's and 18th, 1700's centuries. Muslim corsairs, such as the daring Barbarossa (red beard) brothers, had bases along the Barbary coast of north Africa. They built many strong fortresses to defend the Barbary ports of Algiers, Tripoli and Tunis. Christian corsairs were based on the island of Malta. Muslim and Christian corsairs alike swooped down on their targets in swift oar-powered boats called galleys to carry off sailors and passengers. Unless these unfortunates were rich enough to pay a ransom, they were sold as slaves or put to work as oarsmen on the corsair galleys.

Portobello was one of the most important cities in the Western Hemisphere. It is also the place where Francis Drake, the great 16th century English pirate died in 1595; his body was thrown into the bay.

Pirate-Explorer, Sir Martin Frobisher, SCABorn 1535 or 1539, died 1594

Py-rattin b da wirld therd er fifth eldest profes-she-on.

Da SCA is not liv-in hiz-tory, tiz mor a-kin liv-in fan-ta-cee. Mur da oftin dan da naught, da costume uv da SCA re-flex da latest cel-u-loyd blok-busta, Brave Heart, Rob Roy, Pirates of the Caribean, Kingdom of Heaven n da like.

Wont ta quiet me? Tis simple, say naught. I await cher reply. ;)

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As I stated, the subject WAS NOT PRINTED HERE AT THE PUB.

People are entitled to their own opinions.

I would appreciate Blind Pew, if you would please stop this and let it drop. Otherwise I will have to put a lock on it.

Thank you.

My apologies gud sir. I made da lazt post as ye made chers. But as I told da one lad erlee-r, say naught n I haf nuthin to parry. I wil try n hold my tongue, on diz matter.

Agan, my apologies.

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OK, so we're calling this overwrought thread dead, yeah?  Please?  So you'll lock it?  No more poopy-headed back and forth?  Please, LOCK IT!  :)

If yur alooking for trouble,

Yur in da rite place,

Don't look at me like that, or i'll hedbutt your face

i'm a meen mother's son,

i was born that way,

and just because i wear a skirt don't think i'm flippin' gay.

Cause i'm an evil Scotsman,

and Pew is my name,

i'm a sheep shagger from Aberdeen,

and causing pain is my game.

i don't care where you come from,

if your big or your small,

i've fought the best,

and i beat them all.

If your English or Irish,

you wont have to die,

but if you are a moron you can kiss your oarse goodbye.

i'm an evil Scotsman,

and Pew is my name,

if you don't like the rules

Then don't play ther flippin games!



knob ends.

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