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Pierat Hayter

Blind Pew

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Avast! :D

There be a Pyrat Hayter amoungst all ye!

The blackart's Own wortds:

Pirates- Gods I hate the pirates. Tricornes, long weskits and all the rest of the Johnny Depp wanna-be $ hit does not belong here. I really wanted to grab the hats and stomp them.

Who might the Scalawag be, ye ask?

Click Here to read the dogg's own words!

7th paragraph down.

If the backstabbin blackart hates the Brotherhood so, then why drop anchor here? Watts afoot?

Maroon the bugerer! Say I, watt say ye!


Blind Pew

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First off, Blind Pew, the man I believe you are quoting is a man of strong convictions and deep opinions and in the context in which he made those remarks, he isn't entirely wrong. I don't always agree with his comments, but I respect his passion in his convictions.

Secondly, who are you? I respect that you may have a beef with the person you have quoted, but why hide behind a name that no one knows? You have two whole posts. There is no personal information in your profile. It is one thing to broadside a pirate. It is quite another to ask us to do it for you when we don't know who or what you are about.

Step forward and be recognized. You're standing in a shadow.





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Blind Pew,

I must agree with William, as I often do. The man you have quoted has convictions that differ from mine. I will go so far to say that I find them exasperating at times but I would NEVER quote him out of context nor use that misquote to try to turn others against him.

Additionally, why would I take the word of someone that I have NEVER heard from in the pub? Aside from the fact that you have made an excellent choice for your avitar I know NOTHING about you.

Shadows hide FAR too much.

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In the words of Jack Sparrow, "Pirate." I ask ye to do naught but see with your own eyes, his own words. Wat ye do with that is of your own accord. I have merely shone the light.

It is one thing to broadside a pirate.  It is quite another to ask us to do it for you when we don't know who or what you are about

One learns more on the docks in the shadows than on a fair sea with ones colours flapping in the wind and guns run out.

Step forward and be recognized.  You're standing in a shadow.


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I would NEVER quote him out of context nor use that misquote to try to turn others against him.

Without evidence, a tru pyrat wod nver take the werd of n-e-one, naught even it be hes own deer sweet muther.

Out of contects say ye, if twere my intent, ten why give passage to the port of source? Sir, you wound me.

My own agend is merly to expose a twice face bilge rat.

Bah, weak as tea, be ye. Naught a Baratarian to be spied!


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Last time I checked, this country still touted a certain "Bill of Rights".

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.

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Blind Pew, I stand corrected.

Please let me amend my argument if you will. It is obvious in said referenced diary entry that he hates Hollywood's view of pirates an has no respect for those who follow suite. He himself strives to be authentic to the chosen time and character. He states clearly in the same paragraph "...a certain Baroness of my acquaintance saw me in the market place and commented that my Elizabethan slops and jerkin made me look far more like a pirate than those who were desparately trying to do so." Sounds to me like he is proud of the fact that he looks the part of a pirate.

I do not subscribe to his choices yet I give him leave to make those he wishes. I do not appreciate his negative attitude towards those of us who choose to be less authentic, those of us who do not have the time or financial ware withal to achieve his required level of authenticity, or finally to those who are new to the scene and have not had the needed education or time. In fact, I can not say that I hope ever to cross his path because my garb and kit will not meet his approval, he will disdain me for my choices, and I will not care. So much negative energy from the man, tis indeed a shame, considering karma and all, but that is his choice. He is only denying himself the pleasure of some very good company.

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Last time I checked, this country still touted a certain "Bill of Rights".

Bill of Rights? Shirley, u jest, do ye not? A Pyrat only has da code and the bucking deck beneath his feet. U spek lubber's talk.

But what make ye of a dog that sits, jests and drinks with ye, all the whilst sneering down his nose at ye? Answer me dat!

Vive' La Baratarians!


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Avast! :huh:

If the backstabbin blackart hates the Brotherhood so, then why drop anchor here? Watts afoot?

Maroon the bugerer! Say I, watt say ye!


Blind Pew

In what berth 'o this pub hath this villian made said claims? Seems ta 'ol Morgan ye be on a quest fer insurrection er mutiny. I holds not ta that notion. There be no profit in it. Iffen ye makes wi' some lucre 'ave a chair an spin a tale. If not then I musts hold thee in contempt an drinks me ale alone. :huh:

A score a years ago a rift atwixt SCA Darkies an Rennmen befouled the air. Tis no different now. Friction between an in the classes keeps the dream from a stalein'.

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.

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"...a certain Baroness of my acquaintance saw me in the market place and commented that my Elizabethan slops and jerkin made me look far more like a pirate than those who were desparately trying to do so."

What weight daz a pyrat giv ta a baroness' opinion? Remember the three r's. Ravish, ransom and ravish! Hey, I like to ravish!


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Bill of Rights? Shirley, u jest, do ye not? A Pyrat only has da code and the bucking deck beneath his feet. U spek lubber's talk.

But what make ye of a dog that sits, jests and drinks with ye, all the whilst sneering down his nose at ye? Answer me dat!

Vive' La Baratarians!



Nice effort, though I must confess, your retort lacks a certain...shall we say...finesse? It shall take more than that to taunt uproar from me, monsieur. I refuse to cross verbal blades with those of lower skill level. Far too much like shooting fish in a barrel...There is no honour in it, nor effort required.

By the bye, just who is this "Shirley" that you speak of, mon chien mal?

O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb

Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron

Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.

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Bill of Rights? Shirley, u jest, do ye not? A Pyrat only has da code and the bucking deck beneath his feet. U spek lubber's talk.

But what make ye of a dog that sits, jests and drinks with ye, all the whilst sneering down his nose at ye? Answer me dat!

Vive' La Baratarians!



Nice effort, though I must confess, your retort lacks a certain...shall we say...finesse? It shall take more than that to taunt retort from me, monsieur. I refuse to cross verbal blades with those of lower skill level. Far too much like shooting fish in a barrel...There is no honour in it, nor effort required.

By the bye, just who is this "Shirley" that you speak of, mon chien mal?



Wat taunt?

U want a taunt?

Try this fer size ya French fop!

In cher case, ifn brains were powder, the ball would smack the breech.

Only you wod seek fish in barrels, whilst da rest uv da whorld looks fer rum. Wut, u get seesik whilst da ship is tyd to dock?

Cant even get the qote rite, eh? In a battle of da wits, its unsportn to do so with n unarmed man, such ass cher self. But, im a pyrate!

Ya in need of "finesse"? Jest look to dat wig hat you wer, girly locks.

N dose wernt even my best, done on da fly, day was. :huh:

Ungard? More like rite gard! How meny a bot-el of stink juice did it take to end up smellen lik uh Paris brothel?

Have at it, and make it gud! I'l suffer not sum t sipping rrply.

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Bill of Rights? Shirley, u jest, do ye not? A Pyrat only has da code and the bucking deck beneath his feet. U spek lubber's talk.

But what make ye of a dog that sits, jests and drinks with ye, all the whilst sneering down his nose at ye? Answer me dat!

Vive' La Baratarians!



Nice effort, though I must confess, your retort lacks a certain...shall we say...finesse? It shall take more than that to taunt uproar from me, monsieur. I refuse to cross verbal blades with those of lower skill level. Far too much like shooting fish in a barrel...There is no honour in it, nor effort required.

By the bye, just who is this "Shirley" that you speak of, mon chien mal?

By da by, id flash my aft side hat cha, but insted of angrrin u, ud probly fall n luv! smooch! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Wut cha got lass? Come set upond me knee wht dont che? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

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It shall take more than that to taunt uproar from me, monsieur. I refuse to cross verbal blades with those of lower skill level. Far too much like shooting fish in a barrel...There is no honour in it, nor effort required.

Well put. If you need another blade Aurore, I have plenty.

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I am not fond of pier rats meself!

Rats r yer peers? Pore cumpany u keep!

I knew a lad fram Kent,

he cod naught walk strait,

seems hez blade twere bent,

b akomon trait

of those from Kent.

Iz thez da best u got? Naught even worthy of a ladle, let alone a blade!

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