Hester Posted October 1, 2006 Posted October 1, 2006 I watched Yellowbeard on DVD on "Talk Like a Pirate Day". I was pleasently surprised by the high production values -- especially the ships. And the cameo by David Bowie was a nice touch: (Especially as his real name be "Davey Jones", and he's got a bit of pirate in his style:) What do others here at the pub think of Yellowbeard? Cheers, Hester
Maggie Pricklebottom Posted October 1, 2006 Posted October 1, 2006 Idle only did this movie as a favor, he thought the script was horrid. I was surprised by all the big names in it, it was campy, and I thought it was pretty funny. At some point I will probably add it to my collection, as I Netflixed it first.
Capt Grey Posted October 1, 2006 Posted October 1, 2006 I remember this movie with sadness as it was the last film for both Graham Chapman and Marty Feldman. Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie. Rumors of my death are entirely premature.
Rumba Rue Posted October 1, 2006 Posted October 1, 2006 I thought the movie was a total hoot! Thanks for reminding me I should add it to my collection.
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted October 2, 2006 Posted October 2, 2006 I picked up a DVD copy several months ago. I love this movie. John Cleese is superb. "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
Captain Midnight Posted October 2, 2006 Posted October 2, 2006 A great comedy classic! I proudly own it in me own collection! "Now then, me bullies! Would you rather do the gallows dance, and hang in chains 'til the crows pluck your eyes from your rotten skulls? Or would you feel the roll of a stout ship beneath your feet again?" ---Captain William Kidd--- (1945)
julius27 Posted October 3, 2006 Posted October 3, 2006 Love it! Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong are really funny anyway. Add actors from both Python and Mel Brooks canons, and I don't see how you could go wrong. I am Julius Aurelius, future ruler of the universe. Kneel quickly, for I have many feeble minds to overcome.
JohnnyTarr Posted October 3, 2006 Posted October 3, 2006 I will have to add this to my must see list. Git up of your asses, set up those glasses I'm drinking this place dry.
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 I watched Yellowbeard again on my birthday (just after my earlier post). As it was my birthday, the Missus did not once ask if something else was on TV, but sat and actually watched part of it. "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
"hellfire" Marie Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 I love this movie! It has such a great collection of actors in it. Someday I would like to get a tee shirt that says "Where's my pirating outfit?" :) I start to wonder with me pockets full of plunder, is there more to life at sea than piracy? NO!
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted October 7, 2006 Posted October 7, 2006 Favorite character name: Mister Prostitute "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
julius27 Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 Speekin' o' Mister Prostitute, why the 'ell 'd they send 'im away with the rest o' the loyal crew? Me cousin an' I asked that question out loud at the same time while watchin' it. I am Julius Aurelius, future ruler of the universe. Kneel quickly, for I have many feeble minds to overcome.
Caraccioli Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 Hester said: Whoa! Ragetti and The Shark - seperated at birth? "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
"Bloody" Bill Marley Posted October 16, 2006 Posted October 16, 2006 Yellowbeard has got ta be one o the greatest pirates in movie history. He's got tha skills an tha drive, an he's gruffer than hell. "I'm in disguise ya stupid tart!" "They'd have ta kill me before I die"
Cpt. Alva Posted October 16, 2006 Posted October 16, 2006 here's one for ya: Mackenzie's character has a wooden eye..... David Bowie has two differently colored eyes (he's got no pigment in his right eye, because as a child he was stabbed in the eye with a compass) "Disobediant Monkeys will be shot, Disobediant Undead Monkeys will be shot repeatedly until morale improves" "They Says Cap'n Alva went funny in the head and turned to Cannibalism while marooned on a peninsula."- Overheard in a nearby camp
PirateKing Posted December 4, 2006 Posted December 4, 2006 This has always been one of my all-time favorite Pirate films! My favorite line was when Yellowbeard told Dan that "She couldn't be your mother - No woman ever slept with me and lived!" Awesome, The Pirate King www.ThePirateKing.com http://www.ThePirateKing.com Over 180 online biographies of Pirates, Privateers, Explorers, & Buccaneers, along with loads of historical information on Sailing, Shipwrecks & Nautical Archaeology
Tall Paul Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 A Very underraited film. Sadly not available on DVD Here in the UK (I had to search high and low to get a copy at aresonable price on VHS as the tape version was discontinued too.) When we wrote the "Artcles" for C.H.E.S. there was a strong movement to have "One pet per pirate parrots preferred" included. And we are still looking for a stuffed crocodile with buttons down one side. Cpt "Tall Paul" Adams Colchester Historical Enactment Society (C.H.E.S.)
Skavenger Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 One I've yet to have the pleasure of seeing...... Tall Paul, how can we get the ol VHS going in the camp???? YOU CAN'T BE OLD AND WISE IF YOU'VE NEVER BEEN YOUNG AND CRAZY...
Tall Paul Posted December 11, 2006 Posted December 11, 2006 Skavenger said: One I've yet to have the pleasure of seeing...... Tall Paul, how can we get the ol VHS going in the camp???? If I had a copy om DVD it would be no problem, I have one of those portable DVD players, but VHS is another problem. I have often thought that It would be a great Idea to get hold of one of those Television Projectors, and have a midnight screening of classic pirate movies at a Pirate Festival, Projecting the film onto a fortress wall, or better still, onto a convenient sail. Cpt "Tall Paul" Adams Colchester Historical Enactment Society (C.H.E.S.)
Quartermaster James Posted December 11, 2006 Posted December 11, 2006 Okay, now you've convinced me to get a copy of this movie...it's only about $11.00 anyway... Tall Paul - have ye considered an extra DVD drive for yer computer for playing US DVDs? I'm toying with doing something similar for discs I can only find in UK versions!
Tall Paul Posted December 12, 2006 Posted December 12, 2006 Captain Jigme said: Okay, now you've convinced me to get a copy of this movie...it's only about $11.00 anyway...Tall Paul - have ye considered an extra DVD drive for yer computer for playing US DVDs? I'm toying with doing something similar for discs I can only find in UK versions! You Will Not Regret it Jigme. It is worth getting for John Clease's performance as blind Pew alone "Sounded more like a tiff" I have considered the computer drive option, but to be honest, I like sitting in a comfortable armchair to watch my movies, not sitting at my desk, squinting at a computer screen. By the way, has anyone pointed out, that , although it has many of the Monty Python team in the cast, Yellowbeard is not in fact, a Python film. (Although I do own a German poster for this film, and the title can be loosly translated into English as "Monty Python on the High Seas"! Cpt "Tall Paul" Adams Colchester Historical Enactment Society (C.H.E.S.)
Mission Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 This finally came up on my Netflix list. It was ok, I guess. I found the script to be wildly uneven. Some of the characterizations (not to mention characters) were painfully sacrificed in attempts at comedy. Plus there were several characters that they took great pains to get onto the ship and then failed to use much - like the doctor. Cheech and Chong were also sort of lost in the shuffle, which is unfortunate. (And what's with the lisp?) The Pythons came off the best, with Cleese leading the way, as noted. Cleese wisely decided to die before they left England - things in the plot sort of unwound after that point IMO. I actually thought that Idle's effete "Head of Her Majesty's Secret Service ( )" was the funniest character until he left land. Then it was sort of touch and go. Graham Chapman was pretty good when he was playing a berserk pirate, but it clashed with his more sedate character so much that I found him slightly annoying. And how did he come back to life after being stabbed? (Yeah, yeah, pirates are the most dangerous when they're dead or something. But that's a piss-poor explanation.) There were several funny lines. "That wasn't strictly true, was it sir?" "No, Mansell, it was what we in the British Navy call... a lie." (Ok, it may not sound that funny here, but the way Idle said it, I thought it was a hoot.) Three stars of five on Netflix - mostly for the beginning. There are worse ways to waste your time. (Like The Crimson Pirate. *shudder*) Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?" John: "I don't know." Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."
Littleneckhalfshell Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 Mission said "There are worse ways to waste your time. (Like The Crimson Pirate. *shudder*)" Hey! Crimson Pirate was a major way for me to waste my time when I was a youth, it seemed it was the only movie that was playing for weeks on Independent Channel 11 WPIX NYC when they were scrambling for content to fill their program day. Many a Million Dollar Movie presentation was "The Crimson Pirate" I particularly liked Mr. Bellows. I still enjoy it, yes it was 'campy' but I really don't watch pirate movies expecting to see a lot of historical accuracy anyway. No Fear Have Ye of Evil Curses says you... Aye,... Properly Warned Ye Be says I
MadL Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 Hey, it be Monty Python naught National Geo! I had it many many years ago on VHS (so glad I didn't go Beta!) but wore that tape out back in th' 80's and went looking for it...somewhere around 1990...and could not find it ANYWHERE. I found out on some forum it went into limbo when DVDs came out over some kind of 'rights' issues as it was not actually a "Monty Python" production, it was a joint effort (don't remember who the other party(s) where), so kinda like th' Addams Family films it had to go through a bunch of legal stages before they could finally give it back to us, the fans, and I was so HAPPY when they did I went instantly onto the waiting list at Cheech & Chong's site! ~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock! So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!
Poopdeck Pappy Posted February 20, 2009 Posted February 20, 2009 Hester said: I watched Yellowbeard on DVD on "Talk Like a Pirate Day".I was pleasently surprised by the high production values -- especially the ships. The HMS Bounty was used in the movie, and she also appears in: Treasure Island (1990) Sponge Bob Square Pants, the Movie Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest And the Bounty was built in 1960 for MGM studios' Mutiny on the Bounty with Marlon Brando. She has had a longer career in film than most actors. BATTLESAIL
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