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What's your best bandana?

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Okay, everybody's got a favorite do-rag, bandana, etc., the one they love above all others....for some, it might be a simple piece of cloth, to keep sweat out of your eyes, while tying off a line, for others, though, it might just be something more........

mine has a story......my dad bought it......it's silk, and pretty light.....it absorbs sweat pretty well, and the print is very nice.......

how I came to posess it, however, is that, I basically ruined it........

I made the mistake of washing it, and the colors weren't colorfast......and they ran.........I also have a rather large head, so I stretched it out........

but I love it anyway, and continue to wear it.........

here's a picture:


Yes, that is the Great Illustrated Classics version of Treasure Island on the floor, it's only there because I don't believe in throwing away books (even bad ones), my LEATHERBOUND copy of the full text is on the shelf behind where this picture was taken........

"Disobediant Monkeys will be shot, Disobediant Undead Monkeys will be shot repeatedly until morale improves"

"They Says Cap'n Alva went funny in the head and turned to Cannibalism while marooned on a peninsula."- Overheard in a nearby camp


Nice bandanna, and book collection too by the way :ph34r:

This might be a good place to ask where everyone gets/makes their bandannas...

I have yet to find a place that sells plain color bananna's with larger polka dots like you would see in one of Don Maitz's works...

Anyone have any leads? :ph34r:

Sea Captain: Yar, that be handsome pete, he dances on the pier for nickels!

Sea Captain: Arrr... you gave him a quarter, he'll be dancin all day.


I have a total obsession with scarves. I've plundered most of mine from e-Bay.

Hard to pick a fave, but I'm partial to a pink sheer cotton Alexander McQueen knock-off with white skulls and silver threads woven through.


I have a brown, pink and turquoise silk one that cartoonishly depicts Paris in the regency of Anne de Beaujeu (1483-1491), and has a mermaid in the corner.


I also have a black and turquoise silk "story" scarf entitled "All's Fair in Love -- a tale without a moral" that shows vignettes of a young couple in Regency dress. They go for a walk, have a quarrel and part, and then he steals the clothes of a scarecrow, dresses as a ruffian and goes back and frightens her into a faint. Then, he sheds the disguise, revives her and claims to be her "hero" for having fought off the ruffian.


And I have an original silk Victorian shawl with a cream background, black border, and floral design, that I fear is probably too fragile to actually wear [or scan].

Cheers, Hester


True ta bein a pyrate, I steal what er I needs from tha little swab. She's got 'er self a bounty o' silk scarves fer playin & don't mind sharing wit the likes o me.

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog


I don't wanna be cliche, but it IS a decent design....


Oh, and Phillip Black: I've got an ENORMOUS Book Collection......that's a small stack that wouldn't fit on the shelves behind me.....

gimme a couple days, and I'll take some pictures......

"Disobediant Monkeys will be shot, Disobediant Undead Monkeys will be shot repeatedly until morale improves"

"They Says Cap'n Alva went funny in the head and turned to Cannibalism while marooned on a peninsula."- Overheard in a nearby camp


I'm exercising my seldom-used moderatorial abilities and moving this topic to Pop. It doesn't seem quite as much about "buying/selling/making" as it is about just jawing on what's cool.

My personal favorite... I've got this read scarfy sashy thingy, the ends of which are tied off into tassles, with tinkly bells on the ends. It's made out of some gauzy farbulon stuff. Looks very cool though. Can't really see it, but I'm wearing it in this pic...


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The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


I love the oversized three-point bandanas my wife makes for me. Very comfy, and not too bulky. :)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


Oh, and then there's this swellegant nautical one. Quite large, all silk, designer's sample, $10 on eBay:


Whenever I wear it, I feel like a member of a yacht club. (Now I just need the boat to go with it!)

Cheers, Hester

P.S. I updated my earlier post with pics

  blackjohn said:
My personal favorite... I've got this read scarfy sashy thingy, the ends of which are tied off into tassles, with tinkly bells on the ends.

Black John:

I love the fact that you're wearing a scarf with "tinkly bells" on it!

You must sound quite charming when you strut across the deck!

And if we ever need to revive you, we'll just clap our hands and say we believe.

Cheers, Hester

  blackjohn said:
It shows up a little better in this pic, where I'm being attacked by some strange servant of Cthulhu...


John, you crack me up.


Thanks. In real life my friends and I try to be as goofy and have as much fun and make light of as many situations as possible. In this particular instance, the hose (and associated quest for the fabled key to turn on the water) had played havoc with us... and... this was the result.

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


I made a gorgeous bandana for a Pub member, all black, but with some special red adornment so that it would look like no one else's. He loved it, unfortunately he's never posted the promised picture of himself in it. :lol:

BTW- I will make a special bandana (all cotton and washable) for anyone here for a very reasonable cost, just PM me.


This is way out of my price range, but on eBay right now, there's an auction for a Hermes Silk Scarf that I covet:


Cheers, Hester


I have about 12 of these in 6 colors., but me favorites red :) I like them long ., you cangettem wet and they will keep ya cool.,you can slobber rhum on 'em an just about anything else and with a simple dive back into the water., there bright all over again.Do-Rag.jpg

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"

  Hester said:
This is way out of my price range, but on eBay right now, there's an auction for a Hermes Silk Scarf that I covet:


Cheers, Hester

that thing is absolutely gorgeous.....less a bandana, more a work of frameable art!

"Disobediant Monkeys will be shot, Disobediant Undead Monkeys will be shot repeatedly until morale improves"

"They Says Cap'n Alva went funny in the head and turned to Cannibalism while marooned on a peninsula."- Overheard in a nearby camp


I've got a beautiful scarf that was sold by Avon many years ago- filled with the signs of the Zodiac. I even bought the matching umbrella which I still use.

The scarf is such a work of art, I'll never wear it. I use to hang it up, until my cats thought was cool toy.... :(


This one's silk, with a Scottish theme: bagpipes, thistles, crests & unicorns:


It's only about 16 in. square, which isn't very big, so I fold it diagonally into a narrow band and use it to tie back my queue.

Cheers, Hester


I found a couple today, for cheap.....should've bought 'em, they were huge......

they weren't silk (they were that synthetic that looks silk), but still nice......

"Disobediant Monkeys will be shot, Disobediant Undead Monkeys will be shot repeatedly until morale improves"

"They Says Cap'n Alva went funny in the head and turned to Cannibalism while marooned on a peninsula."- Overheard in a nearby camp


Dang.... Mine's just a chunka black cloth that I wear all the time.... so it's getting good and aged ;)

Well I do waRsh it occasionally when it gets too grubby........ ;)


This one's silk, a souvenir of Venice, Italy:


... not that I've ever been to Venice. But some nice lady in Winnipeg went, and put this pretty scarf on eBay. I bought it as an incentive for me to visit this historic city one day -- before it sinks.

Any pirate history in the vicinity of Venice?

Cheers, Hester


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