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Friday was really nice, but by late Saturday the wind had changed and

the smoke from the fires was drowning the event and made me very sick.

Sadly, we had to pack everything up and come home.

We could clearly see the flames from the fires heading straight for

Santa Paula and Ojai from the 126.

There was a HUGE caravan of firetrucks along 126.

We got home around 11:30 PM and finally in bed an hour later. Sadly I was

horribly ill, and the Porcline God became my friend for a short time.

Then around three something in the morning, I had a horrible leg cramp

in my left calf that woke me up screaming in pain. Something I haven't

had happen to me for many years.

Basically, I'm a wreck.

I feel a little better this morning (Sunday)had some mint tea to calm

my stomach, food is still hard for me to want to eat. I lost 12 pounds

in two days (nice to loose the weight, but too fast)and now weight

what I did when I met Bill 13 years ago.

So for those who chose not to go due to smoke you made a wise choice

to stay home.

I took a ton of pictures, and a whole lot of Pub people showed up at Ace's Voodoo Shack at noon for a grand picture. As soon as I'm feeling better I'll post them here.

Rumba the sick


Rumba, it were most sorrowfull for me own heart to see ye not feelin so well and be off..... not to be contradictory to ye most respected self but me n mates had a rollickin good time, the smoke was too far away and high up to be botherin the likes o us, though maybe we be used to it on account o all our cannon fire we be swallowin down....anyways, no problems for us n we be goin back up again today (sunday) as long as the guinness holds out... cheers n hopin ye does feel better soon...ye are one o mine favorite pirates n I be looking forwards to seein yer own self, n Boats too, agin.... :lol:


these are the pics we got at Ojai.... Including The group picz and the Battle. The Battle was really cool and the folks in it are great at their re-enacting roles. The CANNON FIRE was rockola!

Ojai pics

Sorry to to here about the experience ye had there Rumba... Was the Camp evacuted?....We watched the news last night and thought it might have been the case.

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

these are the pics we got at Ojai.... Including The group picz and the Battle. The Battle was really cool and the folks in it are great at their re-enacting roles. The CANNON FIRE was rockola!

Ojai pics

Sorry to  to here about the experience ye had there Rumba... Was the Camp evacuted?....We watched the news last night and thought it might have been the case.

We had a heck of a lot of fun making things go bang and boom! (I was with the crew on the dock shooting cannons back at ya on shore.) And I'm sorry I couldn't stop by for the Pyracy pub photo - I couldn't get away right then.

And no, they didn't evacuate the camp - there was a possiblity of a bug-out on Saturday, but that wasn't necessary. I'm so sorry that the smoke made you sick Rumba - I saw you walk by the camp when I was in Iron Jack's House of Bang and Boom but you moved away before I could say hello. I had to stay put at the time or I would have followed you to give you your personal flogger. I was making floggers for the ladies all weekend - I'll be doing that again so if you didn't get one from me this weekend, come see me in Ojai next year (or in Fresno if you're planning on going to the Kearny Faire.)

By the way, I talked with some of the powers that be at Ojai and they said they had the biggest turnout ever - they ran out of room in the parking lot and folks were buying tickets at 5:00.



Here's my pictures.


The child marked as the Best Capt. Jack Sparrow ever, truly was! He had the swagger down and a perfect replica costume!

Also, as the afternoon wore on the color of the day changed due to the smoke of the "Day Fire" which you can see in the background of several pictures.

Pub member pictures: I didn't know everybody there, but the ones I do know are :

Front row:

Durty Lillie, Casabel, Red Maria, Leatherneck, Dread Pirate Gregory, Ace of Harbor Bay, Rumba Rue

Back row:

Arthur from Kent, Patrick Hand, Oderlesseye, Pirate Petee...

There are quite a few I have no idea who you are! Speak up please!

Ojai Pirate Festival Sept.2006


Wheee - I get to post again since we're pretty much done with build crew for Knott's Scary Farm.

I drove up with my friend Katy on Friday and we stayed with Rogues Cove which was down close to the docks. If you saw a girl wandering around with red, black, and blonde dreads on Saturday, well, I was the girl in the reddish skirt following in her shadow.

Didn't have as much fun as I expected but that was mostly because I was really really out of it from work. My body is still on night schedule, so I spent most of the day sleeping at the encampment.

I did get dragged to see Out of Kontrol a couple of times by Katy which proved to be interesting. As the day went on the more they drank, and the more they drank the more interesting the acts got. They broke me a few times.

Drove out around 1 on Sunday so we could get home with time to rest and clean up before work.

I'm really sorry the smoke made you sick Rumba. I hope you feel better soon.


I wanted to post this for all to read. It's from Dakini in PoTC (Pirates of Treasure Cove) who is Condit and Dick Wixon's right hand gal. I have edited out some stuff that doesn't apply to anyone here.


Just a recap from my point of view as the guild mistress for PoTC and the top gal for the event.

Saturday was wonderful, at meet and greet we had a solid parade of

patrons! The meeters and greeters forced those that entered to walk

the plank upon arrival.. the kids loved the cards we issued at the

gate with our 'colours'.. they had the quest to find our encampment

to pick some real pirate treasure.

Lyam and I did meet and greet for a bit, Kent was there most of the

day lighting up the kids eyes with his treasures of dragon's' tears.

Rumba I loved your garb!

Durty Mick Moon donated a wonderful treaure box filled to the brim with

booty for the children. They loved to dig through looking for the

perfect treasure to take home.... it was very entertaining!

The promoters were extremely pleased with our hard work. Dick thanked

us at the morning notes on Sunday for making it such a success. He

reported that on Saturday they were all but sold out and were going

to have to turn away patrons if many more arrived and they did run

out of parking for patrons. They had over 1000 participants that

checked in before Saturday morning. Dick said that they had patrons

on site past 7:00 as they were still buying! He asked us all to

linger a bit if there were still patrons before tearing down.

All guilds but two showed up, one was a no show and one was a work

issue. All vendors did very well with sales. The fires were not at

all visible until Saturday when the winds shifted. There was no need to panic - that the fires were no closer than they had been all week. I had security check with the fire rangers in the area and we were given the all clear.

Sunday was a very busy day for the faire... the crowd arrived much

earlier than ususal for a Sunday. They just kept coming in!





I take offense at your picture of me! First, you evidently didn't recognize me, and secondly, you wrote the caption "What an interesting fellow". I'm certainly not interesting in the least! I'm terribly sorry I couldn't get to the PUB picture in time. Drove from Oregon that morning and was turned away by the fire dept. on 150. Had to go around the other way, and didn't get there 'til 1! Oh well, I got to meet some old friends and new ones.

Capt. William Bones

Then he rapped on the door with a bit of stick like a handspike that he carried, and when my father appeared, called roughly for a glass of rum. This, when it was brought to him, he drank slowly, like a connoisseur, lingering on the taste, and still looking about him at the cliffs and up at our signboard.

"This is a handy cove," says he, at length; " and a pleasant sittyated grog-shop. Much company, mate?"

My father told him no, very little company, the more was the pity.

"Well, then," said he, "this is the berth for me."

Proprietor of Flags of Fortune.


I take offense at your picture of me! First, you evidently didn't recognize me, and secondly, you wrote the caption "What an interesting fellow". I'm certainly not interesting in the least! I'm terribly sorry I couldn't get to the PUB picture in time. Drove from Oregon that morning and was turned away by the fire dept. on 150. Had to go around the other way, and didn't get there 'til 1! Oh well, I got to meet some old friends and new ones.

"Can we call ye Billy or Mr. Bones? I met ye briefly and I'd say ye look very interestin'. I too missed the group picture. I wish I hadn't been so intranced wit' the bag pipes, fer when I turned back ye was gone. Most of us would be proud t' pose wit' ye fer a picture. Rumba's (Yes spelled wit' out the 'h') caption should have been, 'Billy Bones a real pirate, arrr!'."


I thought that was you Billy. You definitely stand out in a crowd.

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com


I thought that was you Billy Bones, but I wasn't sure, so I didn't want to write a caption that might have been wrong. My apologies dear man.


I wasn't really offended. You could have captioned it "total looser" or something. Sorry about the h in Rumba. Probably thinking of a dance lesson I had once or something. Mr. Tarr, you can call me anything you'd like. Billy, Capt. Bones, Mr. Bones, William, Ed, whatever I was dismayed that I missed Claire and the Seven Seas bunch, or at least I didn't realize who they were. Being that I haven't gone to these soirees much, I'm surprised I knew anybody. I was pretty lost on Saturday, but thankfully, I knew Petee, Iron Bess, Cascabel, and Ace (at least by sight). Sunday was a much more satisfying day for me personally, and it was a pleasure to meet you all.

Capt. William Bones

Then he rapped on the door with a bit of stick like a handspike that he carried, and when my father appeared, called roughly for a glass of rum. This, when it was brought to him, he drank slowly, like a connoisseur, lingering on the taste, and still looking about him at the cliffs and up at our signboard.

"This is a handy cove," says he, at length; " and a pleasant sittyated grog-shop. Much company, mate?"

My father told him no, very little company, the more was the pity.

"Well, then," said he, "this is the berth for me."

Proprietor of Flags of Fortune.



Okay, this faire I was WAY too busy to meet everyone. I missed meeting Billy Bones and Dread Pyrate Gregory. It seemed like I was passing through everytime someone was coming in the gate.

Next faire, I'm just playing. I plan on bringing a big cask of rum and putting up a sign "Have a seat and enjoy a round with BHP!"


~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

Next faire, I'm just playing. I plan on bringing a big cask of rum and putting up a sign "Have a seat and enjoy a round with BHP!"


"Add a keg of ale and I'll be there. I saw ye walkin' the dog and my family had just left to go shopping in Ojai; so, neither of us was actin' much like pirates. Are ye comin' back for LORE or any other events?"


Well, obviously, I didn't know who you were either ! It was grand to almost meet you both.

Capt. William Bones

Then he rapped on the door with a bit of stick like a handspike that he carried, and when my father appeared, called roughly for a glass of rum. This, when it was brought to him, he drank slowly, like a connoisseur, lingering on the taste, and still looking about him at the cliffs and up at our signboard.

"This is a handy cove," says he, at length; " and a pleasant sittyated grog-shop. Much company, mate?"

My father told him no, very little company, the more was the pity.

"Well, then," said he, "this is the berth for me."

Proprietor of Flags of Fortune.


I was so busy trying to meet everyone and run the booth that I kept forgetting to get pictures WITH folks.

At least most have pictures out there but i would have loved to pose with the likes of many of you.

Rumba did get a nice on of the two of us though and I got a good one of me with the notorious Cascabel!! And might I add that I absolutely LOVED your performance Cascabel! B)


I dont know who took this picture, but he captured my true inner pirate.


nay matey! you be a much nicer than that there picture poses! Man what a nice party again Ojai was! Thank you again to everyone for making the this faire better than any ten of the renfaires all year. You see even though we all be scurvy dogs the reason egos get left at home is becuse none of us are bigger then the whole of us together and thats why its so great! Huzzah!

Touch somebody you don't know today with a smile.

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