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As most everyone here knows, I am an unabashed Star Wars fan (e.g., "nut"). Since Blackjohn was kind enough to start a thread for the Star Trek 40th Anniversary, I thought I would start one for Star Wars's 30th Birthday.

Here are a couple of things I can share:

- The Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena (Jan 1, 2007) will feature marching Stormtroopers and two Star Wars-themed floats

- A big convention will be held in Los Angeles, CA (LA Convention Center) over Memorial Day Weekend.

The original movie has become such a cultural icon. I see it parodied on countless cartoons that I watch with my kids, I hear tons of "I am your father" references, and more. It's kind of amazing how a little space fantasy that was supposed to fail at the box office made such a huge impact on us.

So what are your Star Wars memories?


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


Star Wars 30? That makes me ...?

Starts counting on her toes ...then her fingers again then ...oh heck! That makes me FEEL old!

My best friend at the time dubbed my first car "The Millennium Falcon. My brother-in-law, who usually did the repairs on it called it "The Millennium Turkey".



Being absolutely amazed and transfixed during the whole movie. I was in awe of the special effects of that time which broke ground for even better.

I remember driving home on the freeway afterwards and pretending all the cars were landspeeders. (Nowadays I'm correct ;) )

A year after the movie came out I went to the DMV expecting the license plate to be taken, but it wasn't. So it's ALL MINE I TELL YOU, ALL MINE!

I have the most recognized plate in the whole state of Calif. and then some!

STARWRS! :lol:



Anyone talking abut Star Wars in here?

So, here is some dialogue pulled from another thread, where it did not belong:

I want to scan and post the picture I have of me in the Stormtrooper costume I made -- entirely from scratch -- in 1977. I sold it for $50, and then made another (which I wore to the opening of Empire Strikes Back) then sold that one, too.  This was when everyone was trying to make Jedi cloaks -- I was making Stormtooper outfits. (insert "smug" emoticon here)

...and then Capt Gray responded:

That be a right bargin fer 'trooper armor, Capt'n Straw. An untrimmed set will set you back $500-$600 these days (although I can get a set for arund $460 - if I could afford it  ).

Yes, but that was 1977 dollars.

And, mind you, I made these from scratch. The Internet and one's subsequent ability to "Google" images from movies was then a long time from now in a galaxy far far into the future. So my reference images were hastily sketched in the dark from off the screen during my multiple viewings of the movie... with some sweet shots that appeared in magazines, although these were really all the same dozen pictures reprinted again and again and again.

This was aggravated by the fact that the other thing I had to make from the movie was the Millennium Falcon, so I was sketching everything possible about that ship on alternate pages from the Stormtroopers. Man, I must have looked like a geek carrying a sketchpad in to see Star Wars. Every time.

On this general topic, however, I probably have many memories... But these are unsorted, so I will throw one in here every time something surfaces.

Okay... here's one...

My one and only ever blind date was to see Star Wars at a drive-in movie; we were set up by mutual friends. No, I was not a total geek: I left the sketchpad at home. Instead, I was a TOTAL geek and wore a Luke Skywalker shirt I had made... She gave me a real strange look when I explained that I had made it myself (I was unaware that teenage guys were not supposed to know how to sew in the 70s). She was a real nice girl and all, but she had a broken arm in a real large (full-arm) cast. In hindsight, it might have been wise to sit on the OTHER side of her (in the backseat of the car and all!) but it was really so very totally awkward... and I'd rather not talk about it any more. Plus, if that wasn't bad enough, the poor girl had to sit in the backseat of a car next to a geek wearing a Luke Skywalker shirt. Ick.

Another story (yes, these are all true):

Some time later, I was dating this blond super-hottie. She had a fixation on Luke Skywalker / Mark Hamill. The fact that I bore some vague resemblance to him (I have been told... but not anymore) probably helped, but in the end, I guess she realized that I was not Mark Hamill. One day she broke it off with me because, she explained, she was afraid she was falling in love with me. HEY! Can anybody please explain the illogic of that to me??? Anyway, I harbored a small amount of bitterness toward Mister Hamill over this for a few years... and actually told him to his face on the one ocassion I met him in person. Poor guy.


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"



Star Wars (back when it was just "Star Wars" and not "Episode 4: A New Hope") came out the year I graduated from high school. I saw it for the first time with some friends on Aug 16, 1977 (in those days it took a while for first run movies to make it to small town theatres). It changed my life. Seriously. I was never so taken with a movie like that before. Not only did I fall in love with this whole new galaxy of characters and places -- I fell in love with movies. I went on to college to study filmmaking and graduate with a BS in Film and Television production. So I feel I have George Lucas to thank for that.


Wow Red Bess, I did the same thing. Except for completing my film degree. I went "laterally" and wound up making training videos. Close enough I guess. ;)

I was a "geek" before Star Wars because I loved Star Trek. SW only added to my "geekiness". I managed to see the movie 40 times in the theater and that was pretty good considering the theater it was playing in was 52 miles from where I lived (very, very, very small town) and I didn't drive.

Since joining the San Diego Star Wars Society in 2002 I have had more fun that I ever did as a kid. I've met many of the LucasFilm staff, lots of the actors (including Mark Hamill - who also doesn't look like Mark Hamill anymore if it's any consolation Cap't. Pete ;) ).

I've visited kids in the hospital in full Jedi garb, marched in parades with my Stormtrooper friends, participated in midnight events to celebrate certain DVD releases, and have been more involved than I ever imagined I would be. When I saw the first movie ("Star Wars") in 1977 I had one friend with me; when I saw the last movie in 2005 my club had rented out a 300-seat digital theater and I was surrounded by friends.

Pretty good way to end the series. ;)

The best thing I ever did was organize a "fanfilm" for a Make-A-Wish child. This little boy wanted to be Anakin Skywalker and when I started asking people to help the response was overwhelming. The director of one of the most popular fan films ("Pink Five", "Pink Five Strikes Back", and hopefully the completed "Return of Pink Five") let me piggy back this project onto his and the result was amazing. One of the guys working with me went to college with Mark Hamill and Mark came down and had lunch with all of us. I was very impressed at the amount of time he spent with our "star" and his family. Mark is a really nice guy and even signed stuff for anyone who wanted his signature. A very memorable day.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


I admit, I was never really interested in Star Wars until Episode II came out. (Not the chronological one)

Yes, shocking. :o

But I've became an avid fan ever since. I was stubborn before I saw Episode II, and thought SW to be for nerds. :o

(Now I absolutely hate E. II and have memorized many of the lines from the originals, can name obscure characters, and sing along to the Weird Al Yankovic songs!)

My friend, (who tried to get me to watch SW for ages) her brother, and myself dressed up as characters from the originals to the premire of Episode III.

Everyone pointed to us and whispered as we passed through the aisles. :o

We also like to insult each other, (Bantha poodoo!) by calling one another by the names of...unlikeable characters. :)

We even had her brother film each of us dressed up as Luke and Han Solo.

I own a kayak whose company is called 'Obi' so of I nicknamed it 'Obi-Wan'!

I listen to the music, (all CDs) and watch all the videos, (yes, including E. II) numerous times.

I'm not even going to try and count how many SW games I own!

I saw a licence plate 'PADAWAN' once.

So, that's pretty much the run of things over here. :o


"Life's good, and why wouldn't it be? I'm a pirate after all."

  • 3 weeks later...
  Capt Grey said:
As most everyone here knows, I am an unabashed Star Wars fan (e.g., "nut"). Since Blackjohn was kind enough to start a thread for the Star Trek 40th Anniversary, I thought I would start one for Star Wars's 30th Birthday.

Ye gads, that means I was 9 when it came out.

  Capt Grey said:
So what are your Star Wars memories?

Being blown away by such a visionary science fiction film was mine when I saw the first film in the cinema. Such a step up in quality from what you'd been getting most of the time until then. Been hooked on Star Wars ever since. I do have to confess, though, that my favourite science fiction film ever was Bladerunner.


I wasn't even a twinkle in parent's eyes when Star Wars first came out, and didn't actually sit through and WATCH an entire episode until I was in 8th grade. My dad rented them and made us watch them, and I was hooked. Forever. Watching Star Wars with my bizzare roommate always brings up fun conversations, the comment I remember most being, upon watching the Death Star explode "It's just like Christmas...blowing up!"

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear, and life stands explained." --Mark Twain

  • 1 month later...
  Christine said:
Star Wars isn't the only thing that turned 30....... B)     B)

Christine, not you? Dear heavens, yer but a young lass.

Must remember to scold myself fer all my impure thoughts 'bout such a youngin.

Hi, My name is Doc and I'm a Star Wars Geek....

I was working at a Summer Camp in the middle of nowhere when Star Wars came out. I had just finished my a Junior year High School. We took the camp bus into town for "Staff Night Out" and went to the Theater in town. There were two movies playing but I was the only one to go to see Star Wars. I was blown away. I must admit that I was (and still am) a Sci Fi nut but the Star Wars universe became my favorite.

When Empire came out, I went to see it at the drive in with my GF. She wanted to get into the back seat, but my attention was glued to the screen. (What a Geek!!!) She left me and found another back seat and another guy.

I took my GF (ver 2.0) to see Jedi three times. (Shoulda married that one...)

Now, my kid sister tells me that my Nephew (and Godson) is a huge Star Wars nut... the next generation of geek. Now I can break out all my figures, games and toys from storage. Except for my original Luke who still rides "shot gun" in my Jeep. (oh, I am such a geek)

Doc Wiseman - Ship's Physician, Stur.. er... Surgeon Extrodinaire and general scoundrel.

Reluctant Temporary Commander of Finnegan's Wake

Piracy- Hostile Takeover without the Messy Paperwork

We're not Pirates; we're independent maritime property redistribution specialists.

Member in good standing Persian Gulf Yacht Club, Gulf of Sidra Yacht Club and the Greater Beruit Rod & Gun Club.

  DocF225 said:
  Christine said:
Star Wars isn't the only thing that turned 30....... B)     B)

Christine, not you? Dear heavens, yer but a young lass.

Must remember to scold myself fer all my impure thoughts 'bout such a youngin.

Yup, turned the big 3 0 last Monday, the 6th. Not my idea of a fun time, but it helps no one believes my real age. Today the new co-worker I was training thought I was 23! B) I told her keep going. She was like, "okay, then tops, 25." I told her to keep going, she was like, "no way, 28 then?" When I finally told her she didn't believe it-lol! I get that a lot tho. Being pale and Irish has it's advantages. :)

Anyway, I was only a year old when Star Wars first came out. First time I saw it was on tv in the early 80s. Became a fan of it ever since. B)

  Christine said:
Star Wars isn't the only thing that turned 30....... B)B)

I was thinking the same thing Christine. For once I'm glad my birthday is at the *end* of the year.

As a teen I was famous for my Star Wars Marathon Parties. I would get everyone together and we'd watch all 3 back to back with tons of pizza, soda, popcorn & chocolate. I have yet to try it with all 6. Don't know if I have the stamina for that honestly.

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog


My local club did a marathon with all 5 before the last one came out. B)

Christine, congrats on the milestone birthday but don't fret about the number. I found all my current Star Wars friends when I was 40 and my life has been absolutely great! I might even get chosen to march in the Rose Parade in my Jedi costume.

The upcoming anniversary is why I've been absent so long from here. I'm so busy organizing events (just finished "wrangling" 33 volunteers for Cinemax to promote their showing all 6 movies in high-def), working with my costuming groups, plus all my other tasks (kids, school, Scouts).

I'll be ready for some pyracy after all the Star Wars hoopla is over. In fact, I think PotC III opens on the Friday during the convention in Los Angeles. Some people are bringing their pirate garb along with their SW costumes so they can catch the opening. B)


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


After reading through all these posts, I just decided I think I will try to force (Use the Force...) my kids to sit down and watch some Star Wars over the Thanksgiving weekend.


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"


  • 3 weeks later...

So did you "convert" them to Star Wars, Cap'n Pete?

My kids watch it when I have it on. I have the Star Wars Trivial Pursuit DVD game and my older son likes to play it with me.

There are several video clips of fans describing scenes that the players have to guess the movie they are from. There are five people I know personally who made it onto the disk. Pretty fun to see them in the game. :lol:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

  • 4 weeks later...
  Cap said:
After reading through all these posts, I just decided I think I will try to force (Use the Force...) my kids to sit down and watch some Star Wars over the Thanksgiving weekend.

I haven't let my kids watch it yet. This year son #1 turns 6 and I think he'll be ready. Of course he *knows* about it. He even got his own R2 for Christmas. And I've been collecting action figures for him :lol: so when the time comes he'll have some stuff to play with.

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

  Capt Grey said:
Anybody watch the Rose Parade on New Year's Day? :lol:

Yes, I did. On 60" hi def tv. Freakin' amazing clarity. Like I said to Jim Hawk(in)s, it was like looking out at window watching the parade, except when you are looking out of a window, there's glass in the way, so it was like looking out a window without any glass in it!

I wish I had known you were in it, because I turned it off after a few minutes and watched Toy Story 2 instead.

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


Im perfectly okay with Star Wars turning 30. What Im having trouble with is "Star Trek: Next Generation" turning 20 this year! That cant have been 20 years ago can it?! ....yeah I guess it can. :huh:


Ya know reading this thread helped save me a very big "Ooooops!"

My girlfriend has been insisting that we attend the Star Wars Celebration IV (we are bothe big fans, perhaps her a bit more than me though)... So the first post in this thread mentions that the event is in Las Angeles.... Both my girlfriend and I have been under the impression that the event was going to be in Las Vegas.... I'm glad we haven't booked flights or anything like that yet.

I'm hoping the fact that the event will be in LA rather than Vegas will quell her constant jokes about a Star Wars themed wedding... I hope she was joking, specially about the part where she wanted me to play the role of Amidala for the ceremony. :huh:

So as I will now be in LA over Memorial Day weekend rather than Vegas, does anyone know of any piratical events happenning in the vacinity at that time, just in case I get a bit Star Warsed out...

  Capt Grey said:
Anybody watch the Rose Parade on New Year's Day? :huh:

I watched the whole thing. It was great. If you watched the pre parade show on the Travel Channel they interviewed all the reenactors that were there.... lot's of chicks in men's clothes... (oops did I say that out loud?) *ducks quickly*

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


I actually have considered contacting the Guiness World Book of Records and offer myself up as the only person in the whole USA with the most recognized license plate: STAR WRS.

Boats said I shouldn't , because then someone might steal it (it's already been done once). My reply is, first they have to get past the special bolts holding it on to my truck...course then my truck might be stolen... :huh:


Not to throw a wrench at your monkey Rumba.... But couldn't there conceivably be a "STAR WRS" liscence plate in each state?

I just moved to the USA, so I don't know if liscence plates are unique within the whole country, or if each state has it's own run, and hence there could be 50 "STAR WRS" liscence plates...

I do hope that no steals your plates again, and certainly hope that no one tries to steal your whole truck to get the plates... :huh:


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