Cheeky Actress Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 Okay people, what is happening to Ren Faires when rules are set in place in order to spoil fun for happy go-lucky playtrons like us, all in the name of the all mighty dollar? As I mentioned on the Raid site (Bristol Ren Faire) a group of us decided to visit Bristol Ren Faire on Saturday. In stead of having a leisure day enjoying ourselves, we were confronted with stupid rule after stupid rule. First, Cap’n Pete Straw had entered the event prior to our group, had been in the faire for about ½ hour then exited the faire (got stamped for return access) to see if he could meet up with us outside. Upon trying to reenter, Pete was told that he could not bring his hook with him. He explained to the guards he had been in the Faire with it no more than 15 mins. ago. They denied him access unless he got rid of the hook. He had to put it back in the car (not a very happy Pyrate)! The funny thing is that Cap’n Pete had been to the Bristol Faire at least two times prior to this day’s event and had no trouble with wearing the hook. I understand that the Faire does have a rule that all costume weapons can be worn, provided they are peace-tied at all times. Now really, how can you piece-tie a hook?! Second, Rateye arrived in good spirits and entered the gate with us. With in seconds of entering the front gate, he was told by security that ‘bare feet’ were not permitted upon site! I’ve been to several different Faires and this is the first time I’ve ever heard of this rule?! I know that there are several actors that perform barefooted to boot (sorry about the pun)! Unless this is a health violation, please explain this to me?! Third, our group decided to step out of the ‘village of the Faire’ to the parking lot to grab a bit of lunch. We all decided to pack food to save on the cost of eating a $6 gyro. No sooner were we sitting down to eat, we were addressed once again by the ‘White Polo Shirt Guards’. We were told there was no ‘tailgating’. Granted, management had posted upon the wall of the Faire that you cannot bring outside food or drink into the Faire and that there was to be no consumption of alcohol on Faire property other than inside the gate. But there was no mention of no eating in parking lot! The Guard stated that the parking lot was part of the Faire grounds. So, we packed up and headed down the road to eat. Lastly, if Fairs has gone to the extent of making these places a place of fantasy and fun, they should at least ‘dress’ their security too. I’ve have been to several Faires where the security has been dressed as the Queen’s guards, “Blue guards”, and even dryads (sp?). I probably will think twice about going back to Bristol. Perhaps I am going off on a rant, but I see no point to some of these stupid rules. But on that day...we were Pyrates, as Andrew March stated. We pushed the limits, we broke the rules, and still had some fun. Thank you for letting me vent! Member of "The Forsaken"
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 You missed two more... as if that were not bad enough already... When I walked out of the park with my hook, I was also carrying a mostly-full tankard of stout (purchased, I may shamelessly plug, at the Pig & Whistle Tavern -- whose beertender recognized me from previous weekends, and never once forgot with what to fill my tankard!). Anyway, when I went to re-enter the park, in addition to bitching about my "unsheathed exposed metal blade" (which is what they termed my un-sharp hook) security also stated that I could not carry beer into the park. I asked: "You mean back into the park?" They insisted that I could not have carried it out of the park, since that was not allowed, either. I explained where I had purchased the beer, and demonstrated how it would have been impossible to not set down the tankard in full obvious view of the Exit Guard to get my RIGHT hand stamped (left hand = hook = spilled tankard); and so if they have a problem enforcing their own policies, they need to deal with their disobedient staff, not their naive patrons. (BTW - there is no sign stating you cannot carry food and drink out of the park but -- I kid you not -- there is a drink kiosk literally next to the single exit gate). I argued about the hook, but after Insecurity Guard #2 (who had seen me wearing the hook earlier that morning and had said nothing about it) backed up Insecurity Guard #1 ("Some kid could walk right into this hook!" Yes, he actually said this to me), I realized that no one would countermand this nit-picking policy, and I needed to lose the hook. A few of us later lost count in how many more "unsheathed" and dangerous items were inside the park. Some of these included a Lord of the Rings First Age elven helmet (with a sharpened metal crest at least 12" long), a full-size wooden pitchfork (you know, the kind carried by otherwised unarmed villagers into virtually every battle ever known to mankind), and countless (countless!) red-hot burning embers absent-mindedly held precisely at the eye-level of small children by smokers throughout the park. Additional incident #2.... After our lunch, as we walked back in through the gate, an Entirely New Guard was waiting for us (in hindsight, I truly believe they were watching for us... "Racial Profiling of Pirates" ought to tbe the title of this topic thread!). Was it me, Rateye and Andrew? Anyway, we got rather thoroughly searched. They wanted to see inside our bags (which is interesting, as Mister No-Shoes-No-Service Guard had specifically suggested that Rateye go to his car and bring a leather-punching awl into the park, as long as it stayed inside his bag until he had the chance to use it to punch requisite buckle holes in his shoes). I asked Mister Body Cavity Search what they were looking for (as I felt this would simplify the search process), and he said that we could not bring outside liquor into the park. I remember laughing about their rather single-mindedness, and I think I mentioned that there was no need to carry liquor into the park when the Pig and Whistle already serves such fine, cold stout. (At least I think I said this. If I didn't, I really wish I had.) I opened my bag and pulled out my checkbook, camera, etc. -- then he pointed at my other belt pouch (I honestly forgot I was carrying it) and asked "what do you have inside your flask?" I pulled out my cloth pouch of Sacajawea dollar coins -- which the guy had never heard of (he thought they were Euro coins... don't start me). I believe the others had their possessions scrutinized, but this was a bit of a blur to me -- I most clearly recall the roaring sound of blood rushing through my ears. The Enntry Gates of the park were more like The Gates of Hell. We should never have crossed them.. twice... Um, Five times. When I left at the end of the day (passage #6 through Gates o' Hell), I had a thing or two or seventeen to write on the Exit Survey. Sounds like the day sucked? You bet. They went out of their way to make things unpleasant for us, and I really believe that we were labeled early as "troublemakers" and targeted us the remainder of the day. So... does it speak volumes how utterly fantastic it was hanging out with the crew of the Archangel when I state that, despite this treatment from the Park Nazis, yesterday was one of the most fun days I remember spending in like, almost forever? You guys were great fun to be with -- I had a great time, and being subjected to this oppression while in your company made it all actually tolerable -- and we were, after all, able to have a good laugh about it all. Felt almost like pirates slipping one over on the local constabulary. You guys were great. I, too, will think twice before returning to Bristol... but if the crew of the Archangel plans another trip there, I needn't think but once. Good times. Good times. "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
Duchess Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 Wow. this is way over the top. Some bodies are out to destroy the fine reputation Bristol has thus far had for wonderful hospitality. Hope they get fired soon. Per the bare feet- as far as I know this is standard for all fests, patrons must wear shoes. As must cast, unless they have an exception. I think its a hygene and safety issue.
Rateye Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 Maybe if we would have pranced around in little pixie wings and sprinkle dust and crap we wouldn't have been jumped by the polo thugs of "Renfaire Vice"! Just cuz they don't have real badges, they have to compensate! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I got one and you don't! Bite me you mamby pamby magistrate!! You'll never take me alive!!! Attica! Attica! Search this ya bastard! Is that my outside voice again! Actually they probably didn't like my "new shoes walk"! I wonder if I'm like that on the job??? What a Jerk! I couldn't agree with you more Pete! The best time I've had at the faire yet! You folks should think about the 4th! It also goes to show that regardless of the situation, we WILL have fun inspite of obsticals! Damn good time! Rats
Cheeky Actress Posted August 21, 2006 Author Posted August 21, 2006 Cap said: You missed two more... as if that were not bad enough already... 'Ello Pete! Yes, I completely forgot the tankard of stout you were carrying...and as for the reentry that day with you and Rateye in tow... When the Polo Nazi asked to see what was in all our pouches; (due to Pyrate profiling), he was only paying attention to you two! He completely ignored me. He made no effort to talk nor examine my pouch for any items that would do damage, hide a bottle of wine or something. Ladies! Have a ball! It's a free-for-all! The security at Bristol is only looking to deal with MALE pyrates of questionable appearance (sorry guys), so you will have no problem carrying what ever you like! Idiots! Member of "The Forsaken"
Cheeky Actress Posted August 21, 2006 Author Posted August 21, 2006 Hmm...another visit to the Faire? Okay...but this time I'm wearing my Pakistani belly-dancer outfit. can't get in trouble there for wearing close to nothing at Bristol as I saw this past weekend while walking about. No dress code here...especially when you have families with children walking about! Member of "The Forsaken"
Cheeky Actress Posted August 21, 2006 Author Posted August 21, 2006 Duchess said: Per the bare feet- as far as I know this is standard for all fests, patrons must wear shoes. As must cast, unless they have an exception. I think its a hygene and safety issue. Thank you Duchess.... This must be a new ruling. Years ago, actors, playtrons and paying folk were able to go bare foot if they liked because the ground could be free of glass and sharp items. I think it more to be a liability issue now. No Faire wishes someone to come back and sue them because they were not watching where they were going, step on a bee, a cigarette, or stub their toe. It takes all kinds! P.S. I must remember not to type anger! I re-read some of my earlier text... That and making such an late night entry to boot! Member of "The Forsaken"
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 Let's see... thoroughly rinse out liquor containers and fill them with glitter, claiming it to be Pirate Pixie Dust, then wave the bottles about most demonstratively. Hey! It ain't an unsheathed metal blade! There's no food or liquor in here! Don't you go oppressing me! Sorry, still a bit bitter. My advice: get into the park and stay away from the gates until it's time to leave. While the Non-costumed ("Farb") Shire Shirriffs patrol the entire park, they only seem to act like jerks at the front gate. "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
Jib Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 If I was you folks I would complain to the management. Seriously, write up a polite but detailed and professional letter. I bet that the security group that Bristol uses isn't part of the cast. Rather a "rent a Nazi" group that the faire contracts. You may have your insults addressed. Then again maybe not... Honestly guys, in Minnesota we don't allow bare feat either. Way too much crap on the ground that can open up a bare foot. Our Hobbits cover the bottoms of thier feet with mole skin for protection. I know you guys would never sue if you were injured at a faire while bare footed but today so many stupid people will sue for just about anything (tobacco causes cancer/ hot coffee is HOT/ power tools used in the shower/ etc). Sorry it was such a hassle.
Bully MacGraw Posted August 21, 2006 Posted August 21, 2006 It does seem like all the fairs have been taken over by lawyer fearing corportation folk! Now were you folks dressed in GOlden Age Pyracy clothing? I have seen alot of tricorns on ren fair pyrates. Bully MacGraw Those destined to hang, shall not fear drowning
Rateye Posted August 22, 2006 Posted August 22, 2006 All crap aside, I still had a blast! Maybe next time I'll come dressed as a faire nazi and try to blend in. Then I'll bust people for having fun, smiling, small or big feet, too red hair, too little hair, too much education (gotta go!). Then there's the too much or not enough cleavage issues which will have to be addressed or... ah never mind! GREAT TIME Rats
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted August 22, 2006 Posted August 22, 2006 You look like ye had a great time, Rats! (anyone tracking my posts will notice I just now got an awful lot of mileage posting and re-posting the same three photos... I'd better upload some different ones...) "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
Cheeky Actress Posted August 22, 2006 Author Posted August 22, 2006 Lookie there Rateye! You're character swaping...and you didn't even know it! Looks like you can go from 'Middlin sort' to Flop is seconds flat! Member of "The Forsaken"
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted August 22, 2006 Posted August 22, 2006 Technically, I think a "Fop" would actually wear buckles on his shoes.... Quote can't get in trouble there for wearing close to nothing at Bristol as I saw this past weekend while walking about. No dress code here...especially when you have families with children walking about! Speaking of which, dare I post pictures of Far-Too-Tight-Leather-Shorts-Mom? Perhaps not... they should not be seen by the eyes of Mortal Men, for they shall turn to stone all who gaze upon them... "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
Cheeky Actress Posted August 22, 2006 Author Posted August 22, 2006 Cap said: Dare I post pictures of Far-Too-Tight-Leather-Shorts-Mom? Perhaps not... they should not be seen by the eyes of Mortal Men, for they shall turn to stone all who gaze upon them... (Shuttering) I cannot believe you took a photo of that! It's like a train can't help but stare in horror! Member of "The Forsaken"
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted August 22, 2006 Posted August 22, 2006 People come in all shapes and sizes, and that makes the world a better and richer place. But that still means that certain people should show some restraint in the clothes they choose to wear (There is another thread already established on this topic). Where was park security when this lady was walking around? Someone could have acually lost an eye! I myself was tempted to dig out both of mine! "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
Rateye Posted August 23, 2006 Posted August 23, 2006 Ok it's bad enough. But I really and seriously feel bad for that woman's son... I would be horrified. But then again he probably thinks it's normal??? Yes. I had a great time! I'm thinking wig for a Scoundrel Fop and then a simple rag for a Rat... I love this stuff! You guys are the best! I'm AM the Ratman!
Merrydeath Posted August 23, 2006 Posted August 23, 2006 As a friend of mine likes to say.. spandex is a privelige and NOT a right.. Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES BLAST BREAST CANCER! GET A MAMMOGRAM AND SAVE YOUR TREASURED CHEST: http://www.myspace.c...iratesthinkpink http://www.myspace.c...oolsgoldpirates CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!
Cheeky Actress Posted August 23, 2006 Author Posted August 23, 2006 I must agree with you Cap'n Pete on the attire issue. There should be limits.... Oh, did you ever get that mermaid's name? Member of "The Forsaken"
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted August 24, 2006 Posted August 24, 2006 Rateye said: I'm AM the Ratman! Koo koo ka-choo Quote Oh, did you ever get that mermaid's name? No.... Wasn't thinking straight, I guess. "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted August 29, 2006 Posted August 29, 2006 I am thinking of changing my Pub name from "Cap'n Pete Straw" (and subsequent nickname "Peaches") to "Glutton for Punishment." Show of hands, all who are planning to go to Bristol Renaissance Faire for their closing day (Monday, September 4)! Anyone? Anyone? So, I plan on going, and hope nothing (like, let's say... common sense? past experience? personal integrity?) stops me. I have nothing more to add. "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
Rateye Posted August 29, 2006 Posted August 29, 2006 Aye Pete! Perhaps I made a mistake, I meant to say Sunday would be the day for Bristol. I only have off Saturday and Sunday. If I'm not mistaken, this is also the day for most of the crew?? I hope you can work out being there! It's Lilly's birthday and should be celebrated in style.... So you really should be there! Rats!
Rateye Posted August 29, 2006 Posted August 29, 2006 So I'll be putting out the word, seeing as I've been luckified-twice-fortunate! In addition to being able to partake in Saturday's antics... I've also been planning a raid on the port of Bristol for Sunday! (The 3rd) Now as fate would have it, me darlin' "Lady Luck"(and me lady of scheduling at work) has smiled on ol' Rats and an additional day of pillaging can be planned for Monday the 4th! (Laborday) The way I can see, nothing good can come of this opportunity, which means I wouldn't miss it for the world!! I'm so excited, I feel like shooting an undead monkey! (or at least giving a wedgie to a gate nazi) Here's to ya! Rats!
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted August 29, 2006 Posted August 29, 2006 I can only make ONE day at Bristol -- so is Sunday when all your crewmates are planning on being there? If so, then that is the date for me. I always hated Mondays anyway. "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
Capt. Sterling Posted August 29, 2006 Posted August 29, 2006 I vote for Sunday then... "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel
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