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As a peson who in general hates RPG's (sci-fi and fantasy don't cut it for me) I am intrested in seeing how this turns out but then as most who have read my post's here and elsewhere know it be better if I DIDN'T contribute :lol: Well here's to your sucess any way Brit.Privateer :o

ODDBALL is the man I mean really who else is that cool :o



No, it does not take that long in the game world.

This game is historically accurate, sure, but when it would get unfun like that, they don't do it. From what I have read, it would take a full half hour to cross the map, while most average trips would be around 10 minutes. Go check it out yourself guys, its worth it!:



Hi all, just came here to tell you all that the ASP 101 project has released it's first article,

Weaponry of the Age of Sail: The Pike, the Axe, and Tools as Weapons

Here is a quick summary:

In the Age of Sail when one ship’s crew boarded another ship in combat, many weapons come to mind. But not many people instantly think of the pike, the axe, and other tools as weapons. The boarding pike was primarily a defensive weapon that had either a spike or leaf shaped head. The boarding axe was more of a tool on a ship than a weapon, but filled both roles. Knives were more for work but were occasionally a last line weapon, as were handspikes, rammers for the ship’s guns, cutlery of all sorts, marlinspikes, belaying pins, and the numerous tools whalers used in their professions. All these tools and weapons were used by crews in combat, and many lived and died in their use.

For the entire article, go here.

For the main discussion forum go here.

This will be part of a series of articles I will be writing on weaponry. The next topic I am writing on is swords. Hope you enjoy this article and future ones!


I brings more interesting content for all to read with an interview with Cindy Vallar, a historian in Maritime Piracy, and now Editor of the Age of Sail and Piracy ‘101’ project. This interview gives Cindy Vallar’s professional look upon numerous topics, including Pirates of the Burning Sea and the Age of Sail and Piracy ‘101’ project itself. Hope you enjoy:

Click here to read the Cindy Vallar Interview


The term "historian" gets thrown around quite a bit today. According to Merriam-Webster, a historian is-

1 : a student or writer of history; especially : one who produces a scholarly synthesis

2 : a writer or compiler of a chronicle


Yours, Mike

Try these for starters- "A General History of the Pyrates" edited by Manuel Schonhorn, "Captured by Pirates" by John Richard Stephens, and "The Buccaneers of America" by Alexander Exquemelin.


Nice to see another fellow Pirates of the Burning Sea compatriot here. Recently, 10 short videos of gameplay have been released from the GenCon floor. It is very interesting to watch. So if you want to get an idea of what the game looks like, just go there.

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