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Aye, mate, an' good luck may ye hae wi' it! The Gov'nor o' New York a' tha time, one Lord Bellomont, made himself sick - lit'rally - tryin' to find it. Poor cuss wore himself oot an' died a few months before Kidd himself was hanged....

There be a bit o' scuttlebutt amongst those historian lads and lasses, though, that Kidd had a map to the treasure of one Henry Avery (who o' a time or six called himself Henry Every), an' may e'en hae met wi' the lad afore he even left New York on his way to Madagascar. As a' we knoo, it be buried on some godforsaken spit o' sand thereabouts e'en noo. But, I wouldna be trustin' too much a map drawn by his own hand, ta be sure. Cunnin' as serpents he were. :ph34r:

Oh, an' greetin's be ta ye. I'm a new one here meself. A' the best ta ye, milad!



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