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I've read descriptions of pirates boarding a prize loaded with as many weapons as they could possibly carry. Multiple swords, pistols and knives. So I decided to try replicating the idea in reality (okay, I don't have any real pistols, but the replicas are near the size and weight of the real thing) and see if it was feasable to carry.


From the front, a dagger and two pistols.


A sabre at the side.


A cutlass and kukhri knife on the back.

The dagger has a snap on the frog and I don't know how old the kukhri is so it may not be appropriate to the GAoP. The thing weighs around fifty pounds, and really hurts after about fifteen minutes. If I try it again, I'm going to use a three inch wide strap.

I am Julius Aurelius, future ruler of the universe. Kneel quickly, for I have many feeble minds to overcome.


I like it! It looks very fun and useful for carrying about your arsenal!


Right- now try climbing the rigging or climbing over the rail and not getting caught on the standing rigging. Swing on a boarding line and don't get hung up. Oh, and if you drop into the water, that 50 lbs will not help you swim or float.

The pistols do not weigh the same as the real thing, they are considerably lighter and a completely different balance. Kukri? yes very period, but how did you get contact with Nepal? And as was noted on the other forum, the snap strap on the fantasy dagger is a bit much.

It's a nice fantasy rig, and if that's what you are going for, fine. But i see no basis in reality. I've worked on board ships and there just is not the room or rigging free space to do something like this, especially on a small schooner or sloop, where much of the rail is taken up with standing rigging.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



As far as drowning, its easy ta slip outta a baldric. In the actual accounts I was refferin' to, it didn't seem a fight actually took place. It appears the intention o' carryin' so much gear was so as not ta need it. I mentioned the snap because I know its outta place in timeline. Since many sailors came from further inland themselves (pressed into the navy from farms an' the like), I don't see how it would be a far stretch ta come accross a kukri. There are any number o' reasons the original owner might'a needed ta be in the Indian Ocean. I'm not really tryin' ta be overly criticle o' the critique, mate. I really do appreciate all comments, both positive an' negative. I did intend it as a fantasy piece and ta project the atmosphere o' a bloodthirsty cutthroat, so I'm glad ta hear ye think it does that job.

I am Julius Aurelius, future ruler of the universe. Kneel quickly, for I have many feeble minds to overcome.


Matey, you are either clearly overarmed (as in "carrying too many weapons") or under- armed (as in "lacking additional limbs") <_<


"The floggings will continue until morale improves!"


Intimidation knows no bounds ta the first. The congregation says "Amen" ta the second.

I am Julius Aurelius, future ruler of the universe. Kneel quickly, for I have many feeble minds to overcome.


OK, so your persona has managed to obtain a kukri . From Nepal. In the 17th century.

And, obviously, it has also made first contact with the Klingons? At least that is the Klingon seal on the sheath of your cutlass.


- nuqneH tera'ngan?

- 'etlh vIneHbej.

- What do you want, earthling?

- I definitely want the sword.


"The floggings will continue until morale improves!"


The emblem looks more Celtic in design then Klingon! :ph34r:

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...


Ahoy Julius!

Yep, it's a fantasy-type rig, but I've got to tell you, you do very nice leatherwork. Being a cordwainer myself, I know good leatherwork when I see it, and yours is VERY nicely done indeed, particularly the tooling. And seeing as how you intended it to be a fantasy piece to begin with, there's nothing at all wrong with that! My hat's off to ye, mate! :ph34r:

"Now then, me bullies! Would you rather do the gallows dance, and hang in chains 'til the crows pluck your eyes from your rotten skulls? Or would you feel the roll of a stout ship beneath your feet again?"

---Captain William Kidd---



Thank ye all fer yer input an' compliments on me work. Yes, the emblem be Klingon, an' also celtic. On the back o' the kidney belt be a more elaborate version o' the same. The usual depiction o' the celtic knot has a isosoles (?) triangle, but the lovely thing about celtic knots is the endless variations that were done, may have been done, an' can be done.

I am Julius Aurelius, future ruler of the universe. Kneel quickly, for I have many feeble minds to overcome.


Aye, it looks like a stylized emblem that is used on "Charmed"...

A Wiccan symbol.

Anyway, very nice work.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...


Oh, aye. Dangerous, that. That be one o' them Celtic Klingons, then? Tough ta rid yerself o' milad, and alwa's after yer Blood Mead.

But, th' Triquetra, as it be called, ye be referrin' ta there be a symbol o' th' Trinity, as it were adopted by th' earlier Christians from th' older faiths, but were adopted back again more recent-like by th' Wiccans, for th' Three of tha' faith as weell.

But, aye. It be a right pretty bit of work, an' sure it be ta net ye plenty o' walkin' space in a crowded area, an' many a conversation aboout all yer pointy bits aboout ye. But, if ye be so unfortunate as ta lose yer cutlass in battle (and, aye, the rest o' yer lot as weell), there may always be a spare layin' aboout for th' takin', doin' nae but restin' easy buried in some lad's belly. And ye shouldna ferget aboout the fine smackin' qualities o' a good belayin' pin aside th' pate, free fer th' takin'.

Best ta ye, thoo, milad.


Aye, ye bring up a point I been thinkin' 'bout off 'n on fer a long spell, Kidd. I been lookin' fer a belayin' pin ta add ta the ever increasin' arsenal (which I think is goin' on a wider baldric ta distribute th' weight better). I'd especially like one made o' foam rubber, so's I c'n smack folk with it an' not cause undue fuss in doin' so. I wonder if'n anybody'd know hows I'd come accross such a thing?

I am Julius Aurelius, future ruler of the universe. Kneel quickly, for I have many feeble minds to overcome.



This thread that you have posted your picture on is the "Authentic List" ,

I am not sure what you are looking to accomplish here, but you are carrying far too much and most of which is not period in the least. Now you are talking about adding a boffer piece to the mix.

Considering the normal crew that is on this list you have been lucky. This does not belong here it belongs in one of the other threads that does not focus on the authenticity of the time period.

But as I have said you have been lucky for the ones that are normally posting have not been around for a bit...

In conclusion, my kit is not 100% but I am working on it, when I am in camp I strive to make it look as though it is the year I portray. My kit is researched to the period and the only things that I have to work on is my glasses but i have small wire framed ones that will suffice, and my footwear due to the expence and finding a pair that will go with the periods I do portray.

So yes what you have is a fantasy piece... And that is great if that is the desire. But keep it to the threads that focus on that not on a thread that has a main focus of Authenticity...

Now with that being said, I am off to Pennsic.

Kathryn Ramsey

:ph34r: Foam rubber is like ta stick oout a bit amidst yer other bits there.... But I only knows o' where ta get them what be th' real ones, milad. Or at least, th' wooden ones. Still, often as not, they be ripped from where they be in the heat o' battle, as most other times, they're like ta be in use.

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