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Red CAt had split her time wanderin between Fore an aft...chattin easily wi th crew o the Rakehell..lendin a hand here an there as needed..yet careful not to divulge their destination just yet..the few requests were met wit a wan smile an a stern reminder "Now ye know tha be up t' Captain Ransom ..."

The CAt headed below decks to make an entry in her journal...musing over th days ahead..made a few plans...and strode back up the ladder to look fer Ransom..

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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The dinner had ended an me guests had left wit' out us discussin' wot I expected of 'em in Havana. We hadn't even discussed bringin' any crew from the Rakehell wit' us ashore.

Roberts seemed t' be up fer wot may come, but Silkie had gone unexpectedly quiet. She seemed unable or unwillin' t' share much 'bout herself around Roberts. Maybe she was rethinkin' her joinin' this adventure; I hoped not, her special talents would be put t' use, soon enough.

I wondered wot mischief the CAt was up too, aboard the Rakehell; nothin' Ransom couldn't handle.

I walked up on deck, an saw the Rakehell off our starboard side. Ransom could hav left us in her wake, but ever faithful she once again had our back.


Jane sat quietly at the galley table, for once not bothering the cook as he fussed with his pots. Instead her attention was focused on the worn broadsheet in her hand, a bawdy ballad entitled "Be Valiant Still" that she'd carried around with her for nearly a year. Occasionally Jane would laugh out loud, the sound startling the already flustered cook as he tried to prepare another meal. Her thin fingers snapped off pieces of ships biscuit, the hard lumps dunked unceremoniously into a clay tankard of beer as she read. The same fingers dug around carelessly in the drink, fishing out softened chunks only to be wiped dry again on the worn hem of the slops she had begun wearing again. It only seemed fitting that on a ship she dress like the sailor she once was.

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog


After the fine repast courtesy of Captain Tar, Roberts had headed or rather staggered back to his bunk..a bit too much brandy, but he was used to that. He lay in his hammock, arms behind his head and reminisced back over some of his more harrowing adventures..chuckling now and then at a partiularly vivid memory of plunder gotten from poor unsuspecting nobility. He eyed the officers coat ..now his own personal rank..hanging on a peg across the cabin and chuckled again at the memory of the indiganant man who parted company with it ..along with his weapons and coin..

Roberts fell alseep lulled by the drink and a full stomach..as he slipped from the conciousness of day..a woman's eyes..changing from green to blue and back again drifted in and out of his dreams..

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!


I heard Red Cat come up behind me, but kept my eyes on the Relentless. For a brief moment, I had toyed with the idea of sailing rings around her to prove how quick my little schooner was, but decided the time for games was past. Besides, Jacky knew I could leave his ship on the horizon at our stern if I chose.

The Cat stood at the rail with me. I took another bite of apple, then said, "You haven't said much since our little meeting down in the ward room. Any thoughts?"

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Red CAt stood next t' Ransom..

She had a foot perched on the base of one o the deck guns at her side, an leaned elbows agin the heavy polished rail.

Ransom spoke...which was noted..but Th Cat was lost at sea. She stared for a long time at th moon reflectin off the swells.. lighting the tiny facets of each wave like sunshine off a precious gem. The breeze occasionally whipped both womens hair and her eyes held a far away look.

Ransom spoke again and the sound o the ships bell mingled with her voice.. bringin th Cat back from her reverie. She turned t' th Captain an studied her face a moment..then answered th woman's query

"Wall..Habana..I dunna think I like so much..however I know Jacky wouldn't risk his first love if he warn't sure..as fer some o the plunder ahead? I'll take all th coin we kin carry " Red Cat flashed a wide grin showin a recently aquired gold tooth set way near th back.

Her face grew serious again..an she turned back to the swells she'd been studyin, as if they were givin her some private information all her own. "But th healin water? the curse?" The Cat gave pause, " Me n ol Roberts has seen our shar o tha off Jamaica.. s'how I met th scurvy dog years ago.." She plucked a bit o dried mint from her coat an chewed th sprig thotfully.."Aye that was a tale.."

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


I pitched the apple core over the side. "Yes, well, Jamaica, and the entire Caribbean, are full of superstitions and stories. I've run into my fair share. But you've got to admit, the healing waters worked pretty well on you, and they had to come from somewhere."

Wiping my hands on my breeches, I turned away from the rail. "As for you and Roberts, I'm sure there's many tales for the telling. Maybe, by the time this adventure is over, we'll get to hear a few of them." I grinned. "On the other hand, it could just as easily add another to your list."

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


The Cat flashed a sudden grin at Captain Ransoms frank manner o speakin. She threw an arm about the shoulder o her friend "Aye lass" she winked still smilin, sprig held in her teeth"Ye jus never know do ye?" They shared a brief laugh.."Ow abou we grab th glass an see wots about on ol Jacky's decks aye?" Ransom returned the mischievious grin an the two women strode down the deck side by side towards th binnacle where the Rakehell's best glass was kept.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Silkie silently approached Jacky and stood adjecent to him, perhaps unnoticed, for a time. Finally she spoke:

"Ya ave ta understan lad, m'comins and goins frum dis island we are eadin fer ave not been aboard ship, I ave no papers but I'ave got friends dear. Most tink notin uv mae jus showin up ...sort uv a ledgend to sum o'd locals I m. I wern't so sure wot t'say roud Roberts."


I turned t' face Silkie, "So yer sweet on the big fella, Roberts? Aye, he has his doubts 'bout ye, but it's better he hear the truth from yer lips."

She looked out at the ocean, an I said, "Does it call t' ye? Must be hard t' walk in both worlds." She smiled an nodded, an I wondered could she ever be happy in either?


"Aye, it calls. Tis perhaps far too easily answered. Many uv m'kind ken ferget doze dey leave on d'land. I ken nil ferget." She paused, "I tink it's diferrent fer d'females. We are left t'd land, t' d'motters wot bore us ...ifin de'ill ave us. Mae maw would nil ave me. M'fawter ad no wish fer a cow t'bae fawlerin im." again she paused "Sábháil saved mae frum certun deatt."

She left a long silence, her head bowed her eyes on the water below.

"Tis hard t'bae locked n'eader world. Tis why dis life o'a privateer suits mae so well. I do long fer a mate. Tis near impossable. I ken nil find one oo boat loves mae and accepts m'true nature and d'life I choose t'live." She chuckeled at that and gave Jacky a knowing glance. "I suppose eh'tis d'same fer many uv ya on deeze ships."


Aye, I thought, the sea calls t' each o' us in different ways. Once hearin' the call, who can resist?

I turned t' Silkie, "Our natures are not so different. We are both called by the sea, an we came. But yer callin' is stronger than mine." I looked 'bout the ship, fer wit' out her, I would not heed the seas' callin'.

"Best get some rest, will make landfall soon." I turned t' walk back t' me cabin.


Silkie stood a while longer looking overt the sea. "Aye", she thought "I m sweet on d' big guy, baut I know men," a smirk came to her face "dey ken nil get beyond d'fact I eat raw fish ...bone n'all." She laughed out loud as she turned and headed for the berth deck. "Nor d'fact det ma'snorin' sounds like a walrus call!"

Climbing into her hammock she still wore that smile, accepting life as it came. Sleep should come easily, she would sleep soundly. She hoped the same would hold true for those around her.


Still humming the tune, the worn broadsheet was tucked into one of Jane's pockets. The last dregs of beer from her mug were swallowed, stray crumbs and all. The girl stood, leaning over the cooks shoulder, sniffing at his current concoction.

"Ugh. Wouldn't use so much cabbage if I were you." she muttered.

The man shot her a frown, gesturing with his large wooden ladle as if to knock her on the side of the head for the comment. Jane laughed at the man's weak threat.She left the galley with a shake of her blond head and wandered towards the open deck. Secretly she hoped to run into Red Cat. The quick fingered Cat always managed to pilfer some Ransom's special liquor stash. Jane could use a strong drink, maybe that would spice up what had been an otherwise uneventful trip.

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog


Red CAt an Ransom spent a time talkin an spyin on the Relentless..until they spied Jacky Tar lookin back with his own glass..

This caused hysterical laughter..the two ducking below the rail and giggling in a heap like schoolgirls..

One of the crewe stood by with a bemused smirk and waited for the women to cease laughing..he summoned the Captain on a matter and Red Cat wipin th tears from her cheeks, bade Ransom a good evenin and headed below. As she passed the galley stairs, she came upon none other than Miss Melchert emerging from the galleyway..

"Jane..*giggle* wot news lass?" Red Cat gave the slight woman a hand up and chuckling said "Aye th funniest thing just came about..come set a spell. I'v nothin t' do till th morning watch, come t' think of it..I'm a bit parched" She threw the woman a wry smile.."But I do have some good, aged libation in me sea chest.."

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


I had trained me spy glass on the deck o' the Rakehell, only t' see someone drop t' the deck. I swung the glass back further a stern, an saw an unsettlin' site. A storm was comin'.


Still shaking my head at how Red Cat could get me to do things I'd never do on my own - like giggle and duck — I took the spyglass and turned it toward the horizon. The smile vanished from my face as I saw the storm clouds lying low and ominous.

"Africa!" I shouted.

My first mate approached, and nodded toward where I was looking. "Dat a storm brewing. I smell it on da air."

"Yes. Better make ready to run before it, if it catches up to us. For now, put me within shouting distance of the Relentless. I need to speak with Mr. Tar."

"Aye." He nodded again, and called to the rest of the crew.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Red CAt followed the gaze of Ransom and her surly first mate. In their merriment she had forgotten to pay attention to the change in the smell of the sea air..the faint tingle she always felt whan weather approached. Ransom began to bark orders. Africa set into motion.. and Red CAt excusin herself from Jane with a suggestion she head below, turned to help relay to the crew what the Captain had requested.

As she hurried down the deck hopping over crates, stopping to right a barrel, she silently wished for Roberts.. whenever it was stormy..that feeling returned. Her throat tightened, she nearly tripped over a crate and taking a second look at the growing black on the horizon, the Cat ducked into a passageway off the waist. She leant back against the planked wall a moment, closed her eyes and breathed deep. "Roberts" she said sofltly, almost under her breath as if to conjure the man who knew more n most about wot frightened th Cat..

Regaining composure, she pulled her hat down tight and grabbed the doorframe propelling herself back into the melee on deck..she grabbed a line to help with the sail.. tried to push the thoughts from the forefront of her mind, concentrating on the fight with the canvas instead.."Aye lad's pull! put yer backs into it!"

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Silkie woke from her rest. Stretched as well as she could in the confounded hammock and thought to herself. "Storms comin." She yawned and again fell into a comfortable sleep.


Roberts woke to th distant rumble which reached him as he lay in his hammock. He waited a moment gauging the sound and decided it was thunder and not cannon. This was no less disturbing to the big pirate and he lurched from his bunk, grabbin his coat from the peg it hung on as he headed out the door and to the decks. "Cat...damn" ..was all he said t' himself quietly as he made the ladder.

On decks he found Captain Tar, spyglass in hand looking towards the Rakehell. Roberts threw his coat on and walked up to Mr. Tar.

The wind had picked up and he raised his voice to be heard.

"Mr Tar..a word..." The Captain nodded for him to continue "Ahm we'll be makin way ahead o the weather I assume" again Tar nodded. "Sir, this may seem agin th normal way o things, but I b'lieve we need ta make contact with th Rakehell afore we sail" He squinted towards the darkening horizon "An afore tha weather gets worse..

Wine, women, coin n song.

Equal shares of each says I!


With quick skill, the crew had the Rakehell alongside the Relentless. With thunder grumbling behind us, and the moon already obscured behind dark clouds, I leaned over the rail, cupped my hands and yelled at Jacky.

"We can't beat this! Where do you want to run?"

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


As they came alongside the relentless the rain began to sheet in the distance and a bolt of lightning cut the horizon..though still a ways off..

Red CAt headed briefly below to her cabin an threw open her sea chest..rumagin about in it's contents she removed a small wooden box, placed it in her hammock and made to put the rest back. She removed an unfamiliar item..held it up an scratched her head..unable to place it's origin, she shruged, tossed it back in and stood kicking the chest shut with her heel as she turned. Cat retrieved the small box, and sat on the chest as she opened it, staring into it's contents.. A wave tossed the ship and she quickly retrieved the item she'd sought, stuffed it in her pocket and tossed th box into the hammock. Turning again she headed back to the decks and the impending storm.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


The sea is gettin' a bit rough, when the Rakehell pulls within' shoutin' range.

"Mister Dillard, take the helm!" No time t' go over t' the Rakehell, I yell from the starboard side, "We won't make it through the Westward Passage, but we should make land fall in Hispaniola in a few hours! If we can make it around the west tip o' Hispaniola, we'll find safe anchorage."


"Bloody waves!" Silkie knew she should have risen sooner. Felt the storm brewing, smelled it in the air. She had forgotten that she could not swim below the waves and be safe in her human form. Now getting out of her hammock was a problem in it's self! Bam! She rolled when she should have pitched and her tail end met with the boards of the berth deck. "Why woouldn't someone have roused mae b'fore dis?!" Cursing her own lack of wisdom that allowed her to remain abed she picked herself. Threw on her clothes grabbed the haversack that held her seal hide and draped it around herself, put on her coat and headed above board.

Silkie came into the wind from below looking for the bosun. "Silkie McDonough reportin suh." She knuckeled her for lock.

"Mister Dillard, take the helm!" No time t' go over t' the Rakehell, I yell from the starboard side, "We won't make it through the Westward Passage, but we should make land fall in Hispaniola in a few hours! If we can make it around the west tip o' Hispaniola, we'll find safe anchorage."

I glansed quickly back to the horizon, trying to judge how much time we had. With misgivings, I shouted back to the Relentless, "Right! Hispaniola it is. I'll stay as close to you as I dare."

Then I turned to Africa. "Keep the Rakehell on the Relentless's starboard side, but lay back a bit, and further out. When things get rough, I don't want to be too close to her."

Africa seemed suddenly nervouse, a trait he rarely displayed. "I not too happy 'bout Hispaniola. Dat a slave port."

"I'm sorry, my friend, but it's the closest safe haven. If I have to, I'll hide you below until we can leave."

He gestured toward the other ship. "Why we stay with her? We could outrun dis storm easy. Let them hide in Hispaniola."

"No, we stay with the Relentless. Those are my friends on board, and I don't abandon my friends. You should know that. Now, do as I ordered."

He gave me a curt nod, then proceeded to give my commands to the crew.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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