Ransom Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 Jacky Tar said: I shouted in the direction o' the Rakehell, "Ahoy, captain o' the Rakehell, state yer business." Smiling, I turned to Africa. "See, I told you the sock would work." Africa groaned. "He don look too pleased, if you ask me. I bet he think that sock an insult." I looked back at Jacky. It was true. He was glaring at me...and the sock. I couldn't believe he didn't get the joke. Quickly, I crawled up the rat line, untied the sock and threw it overboard. It undulated across the surface of the water like a white snake, and the current carried it unerringly to the Relentless, where it slapped against her hull. A few of his crew chuckled, then quickly stopped. From my higher position I yelled back at Jacky, "I'll state my business, alright. But I'm not going to shout myself hoarse doing it. There's the little matter of a BIG HOLE in my ship, blast you. So, either I come to you, or you come to me, but talk we will. You decide." ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Jacky Tar Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 I glared back at Ransom, as she hung from that rat line, an shouted "Unless ye want a few more holes, ye best get Nate away from those cannons. That sailor, an holes in ships seem t' go hand in hand!" All eyes on both ships turned towards Nate, who was resting a foot on one deck gun, while nervously twistin' a swivel gun.
Black Nate Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 Nate pushed off the swivel and put his foot down on the deck off the carriage of the deck gun. Standing tall he saluted across the water. "Beggin yer pardon sah, ma'am, ol' Nate's only put holes in mine enemies ships!" And in a much smaller voice, Nate said almost to hisself, "Sides, that were an accident firin pon that spaniard." Nate looked at all those staring at him with a look of 'what?' Nate shrugged and turned to look between capin Ransom and commodore Tar. ~Black Nate~ A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling. It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint. The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere. Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.
Ransom Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 "Nate, damn your eyes, keep away from the guns, you're making the Commodore nervous." The ships drifted a little closer together. I looked back over the water at Jacky, and gave him my biggest smile. "Oh, come on, Jacky. You know bloody well I'd never fire on you. Only reason I threatened to do so before, was 'cause you were aiming your guns at me. What the hell was that all about, anyway? And you can't be mad over that business in Havana and me leaving, because I sent you a note to tell you why I did." Jacky was listening, but he wasn't smiling. I jumped down to the deck, then threw up my hand in exasperation. "Oh, all right. I'm sorry about the sock. Does that satisfy you? Never thought I'd see the day when you lost your sense of humor." Jacky still wasn't smiling. Leaning with my arms resting on the rail, I gave him a real smile. "So, my ship or yours? You might want to decide before that Spanish bathtub of a galleon finally catches up with us." ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Colard Dysart Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 Colard shook his head, and grabbing Nate's coat sleeve, pulled him further away from the guns. "There be enough sparks flyin' tae blow both ships to the deevil. And yon Captain Tar nae looks too pleased tae see the lassy. It be best for us tae stand well away from the crossfire." Then they to the tavern house with meikle oly prance One spoke with wordis wonder crouse A done with mischance! ******************* I would die where I would dine In tavern to recline Then would angels pray the glibber God have mercy for this bibber.
Silkie McDonough Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 Timing never being her strong suit Silkies voice was heard as she sauntered out of the galley area, "I dunno" She lifted the lapels of the Spanish captains gilded coat to set it square on her shoulders, "I'm likin wot I was gifted at m'last visit t'd'galleon." She strutted like a peacock in the dress clothing they had pinched for her. The gilded satin sheen of the bright blue silk frock coat and breeches was offset nicely by the natural tones of the fine laced linen shirt and neck scarf. The waistcoat was a brocade of the same off white and a light blue with gold tone buttons running the length of the front. Off white stockings and matched shoes were adorned with garters and ribbons of the same blue satin. Upon her head sat a cream felt hat, trimmed in gold with several large blue plumes of bright and light blue bouncing above her auburn curls. "D'men dress nicely!" She dabbed at the corner of her eye with a lace trimmed handkerchief that she pulled from the pocket. She stood in a regal pose for a moment then let loose a laugh. "Glad det e were small n'I m nil so!" She kicked up her pretty heels and danced a bit as she headed towards Jacky. Hooking her laced cuff through the opening of his arm that was formed as hid fist sat upon his hip she looked directly at Roberts on the other ships deck. "Luvly ain't it?" She smiled innocently at back at Jacky.
Black Nate Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 Nate turned to Colard and shrugged. "Aye, Col, I suppose ye be right. They gots naught ta worry bout ol' Nate holing the commodore's ship. Well, unless capin Ransom gives th order ta do so." Nate stopped and scratched his jaw and furrowed his brow. "Commodore Tar don't seem ta like ol' Nate much, do he? I ain't dun him wrong has I?" Nate ran a hand through his wet hair and shook his head slowly as he bent down and took up a line that was in a mess and began to coil it nicely. ~Black Nate~ A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling. It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint. The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere. Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.
Roberts Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 Roberts dropped th' pin for th' second time while settin fast a line. He cussed, closed his eyes and slowly wiped th rain from his face with one meaty hand. The numbness in his arm gave a hint of havin' worked past his own considerable strength. Roberts shook his head grabbed up th pin, set it, an headed fore t' see th' Cap'n before changin wit th' watch. As he crossed th deck he met eyes wit several sailors all lookin about as rough as he felt. But it was good t' be in open waters agin so he warn't complainin. He expected t' see Red Cat along th way, glancin up into th sheets and along th deck. So intent had he been on his duty during th' storm, he couldn't recall when he'd seen 'er last. His pace picked up as face after face accounted for all but her. He came upon Nate an Mr. Dysart as they were puttin distance between them an Cap'n Ransom who was once again trading volleys with Captain Tar. He'd expected such an exchange as th' Relentless came into view and alongsides. Nate stopped him wit a short salute. "Mr. Roberts, sah" Wine, women, coin n song. Equal shares of each says I!
Black Nate Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 Nate saluted Roberts and gave a side long look to the capin and back at Roberts. "Might want ta steer clear o th capin n commodore fer a spell, sah." Roberts gave Nate a look and rolled his eyes at the man. ~Black Nate~ A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling. It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint. The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere. Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.
Roberts Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 They all stared toward's the two for a moment...the Roberts again shook his head, droplets of rain flying forth from his beard. He seemed confused, or perhaps just weary. He put a hand t' Nates shoulder an leaned in a bit, though not exculdin ol' Collard. He didn't want to appear worried fer no reason. "Son, have ye seen Red Cat? " Nate stared for a moment, took off his hat and scratched the back of his head as he glanced 'round th ship. He thought carefully...mumblin softly to himself as he backtracked th' last several hours. He opened his mouth twice t' speak...then paused an shook his head. Finally he drew in a long breath and replaced th hat he'd wrung out a bit. "Well sah, th last a reckon seein her was 'fore th storm broke. I believe she dove b'low" He'd assumed she'd gone for new oilskins. But he'd assumed she'd come back up with th' others "But I ain't see 'er since" He huffed out his breath. Now he was a bit worried as a second scan of th men about yeilded no Cat. Wine, women, coin n song. Equal shares of each says I!
Colard Dysart Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 Colard backed away from the two men, seeing as how it was obvious the man Roberts didn't want anyone listening to what he whispered into Nate's ear. Colard was a bit wary of Roberts, as he didn't know the man at all, and he'd been powerful quiet ever since he, Nate, and the other woman had come aboard after the Captain had sunk their jolly boat. So far as ol' Colard could tell, they didn't seem to be the most social pair, but he was in no position to judge, being new on this ship himself. He just hoped that whatever the bone of contention between the two captains was, they'd get it chewed over and spat out before the Spanish showed up. Then they to the tavern house with meikle oly prance One spoke with wordis wonder crouse A done with mischance! ******************* I would die where I would dine In tavern to recline Then would angels pray the glibber God have mercy for this bibber.
Jacky Tar Posted July 18, 2008 Posted July 18, 2008 Silkie surprised me, when she took me arm, an I remarked, "Ye look fetchin' lass. But ye best go below an change, 'fore the Spanish catch up t' us." I turned back t' Ransom, an shouted, "We'll arrange a parley, when we've reached a favorable anchorage in the Dry Tortugas. That is, if ye plan on doggin' us that far?" I saw the look of disgust on her face, or perhaps it was disbelief, 'fore I turned t' Stones an shouted t' veer away from the Rakehell.
Silkie McDonough Posted July 18, 2008 Posted July 18, 2008 "Aye. sides ...no sense in lettin d'rain ruin dees perty silks." She winked at the man and turned to go. It was clear that Roberts hadn't even seen her. He seemed to be preoccupied with something, worried. She honed in on him and his emotions as she headed below ...he was alarmed about something. Silkie quickened her pace and changed rapidly wanting to return topside promptly.
Black Nate Posted July 18, 2008 Posted July 18, 2008 Nate thought he had seen Red Cat on deck before he had his two shipmates dove below to mend the leak, but now he wasn't sure. He most certainly wasn't sure if he had seen her afterwards. Nate made ta head to a hatch below but hesitated as the two capin's continued their hollerin across the water. Nate was perplexed when the brig hauled around and veered off. Seems the commodore were in a foul mood more than usual Nate suspected. Not waiting for encouragement or belay, Nate dove down the nearest hatchway and began a search of the ship, all the while talking in a low tone. "Father, don't ye do this. Don't ye be takin a sacrificial lamb from us. None o that save th many by sacrificin th one or two." In among his talkin as he went from space to space he would interject a 'No' when he didn't find Red Cat there. ~Black Nate~ A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling. It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint. The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere. Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.
Roberts Posted July 18, 2008 Posted July 18, 2008 In the dim of his fatigue Roberts traced back the last few hours..the sea had been rough and as always there was a chance of being claimed by a wave as it broke o'er th' rail or bein hit by storm tossed deck flotsam. He shook his head at th thought mumblin to hisself "Nay Cat ain't one ta be so careless." But the thoughts of a long ago storm when they first met, kept driftin fore in his thought as he'd tried t' push 'em back. He questioned a few crew in between lending a hand here an there as he crossed th' deck towards th' Cap'n. A shout came up from their neighbor ship and it began to veer away. Roberts hoped this didn't mean another round of fire n' threats would be forthcomin and the thought mixed with his fatigue made him even more cross. He reached Ransom but kept his peace and waited for her attention t' see what their course of action would be 'fore he'd head b'low t' see if Nate turned up th' Cat. Wine, women, coin n song. Equal shares of each says I!
Ransom Posted July 18, 2008 Posted July 18, 2008 Jacky Tar said: I turned back t' Ransom, an shouted, "We'll arrange a parley, when we've reached a favorable anchorage in the Dry Tortugas. That is, if ye plan on doggin' us that far?" I saw the look of disgust on her face, or perhaps it was disbelief, 'fore I turned t' Stones an shouted t' veer away from the Rakehell. "DOG YOU! Is that what you..." Before I could finish, I heard him give orders to veer the Relentless away. "Umph, I told you he still mad," Africa said. "Of all the stupid, pig-headed, stubborn... I'll suppose he won't be happy 'till the Rakehell is half sunk and floundering. Blast him, how does he know I can even make it to this favorable anchorage? I'M not sure we can make it much further. In point of fact, due to the storm, I'm not even sure where we are. " Africa ignored my rantings. "Den you best take some bearings." I glared him. "Oh, I'll take some bearings all right. I want to know exactly where that....that, infuriating man is heading. I've no choice, damaged as we are, but to follow him, but blast, I'll NOT have him thinking I'm dogging him. DOGGING HIM!" With my eyes on the retreating Relentless, I growled, "Oh, you're going to regret that little remark, Jacky-boy. Count on it." Really wishing I had a forty-pounder I could fire through the Relentless's stern window, I whirled around to face Roberts, who had been standing quietly waiting. "What the devil do you want?" ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Roberts Posted July 18, 2008 Posted July 18, 2008 Even in his state, Roberts held back a smirk as steam from what had now become a light shower nearly rose from the th heat of th' Captain's ire. Which he wanted no part of. "Change of watch Cap'n..." the big man said plainly. Roberts paused running a hand through his rough beard, raised a brow and let his eyes drift to the Relentless as it turned it's stern on them. ..."Anything ye require for I head b'low ?" Wine, women, coin n song. Equal shares of each says I!
Jacky Tar Posted July 19, 2008 Posted July 19, 2008 I caught Stones lookin' back over his shoulder, in the direction o' the Rakehell, so I asked, "Anyone back there burst in t' flames?" He shook his head. "There must be a lot o' smoke, or a least a little steam, trailin' that ship?" I continued. Stones smiled, an set his gaze towards our bow. I'm sure she is furious, but t' lag now would only let that galleon close on us.
Ransom Posted July 23, 2008 Posted July 23, 2008 Roberts said: ..."Anything ye require for I head b'low ?" "No, man, you're free to do as you like," I said. I let my gaze return to the ship in front of us, studied her a moment, then spoke to Africa. "Luff us up, fall back a bit, then put us far out on the Relentless's port side. I want some distance between us. Not too much, but some breathing room. Just don't lose her in the dark." He nodded and shouted out the order. "Keep Nate and Colard minding the pump and keeping watch on the mended hull. I'm going below to get some rest." Once in my cabin, with the door bolted, I went to the secret cupboard and removed the large, uncut emerald Jacky had given to me in Havana. I had half a mind to throw it out the transom window, for it was obvious Jacky had severed whatever thread held our relationship together. I didn't need a reminder of what was lost. A grim determination came over me, and I returned the emerald to it's secret place. If Jacky's reaction on seeing me was to think I was dogging him, then he could damned well watch his own back from now on. Let the Spanish dog him for awhile, I thought, and see if he likes that any better, since it appears he's willing to fire on either of us. I went over my charts again, made plans, and forced all thoughts of Jacky out of my mind—temporarily. ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Silkie McDonough Posted July 24, 2008 Posted July 24, 2008 Silkie emerged from below to see the Relentless out distancing the Rakehell. "Oi! Jacky!", she approached the captain. "She's damaged n'dwoter, tain't ya gunna lend assistance?" Silkie looked back on the Rakehell behind them. " Wot uv er crew? Sumtin ain't right ...you seen Cat ondeck or'dere? Roberts were a bit distracted. ....Don' know det ya otta leave dat ship as she is ...no madder wot yer feelins fer er capin ere ...good er ill." Silkie continued to look back on the other ship feeling uneasy about leaving her "limping" in the water.
Dillard Posted July 24, 2008 Posted July 24, 2008 It was apparent that Mister Tar was less than glad to see Captain Ransom, and while I wasn't fond of her myself, I suspected that the she would try to follow us to the Dry Tortugas. "Mister Tar, may I have a word with you sir?" He nodded, so I said, "Sir, we all saw that you didn't roll out the red carpet for the captain, of the Rakehell. And I'm the last one to defend her actions, but I believe her ship may not be as sea worthy, as it appears."
Jacky Tar Posted July 24, 2008 Posted July 24, 2008 "Mister Dillard, I'm not sure wot concern the sea worthiness o' the Rakehell is t' ye. If yer volunteering t' help wit' repairs aboard the Rakehell, arrangements can be made." Dillard's concern fer the Rakehell, an willingness t' be transfered t' the other ship, seemed t' pass quickly. "Silkie, if yer more inclined than Mister Dillard, t' join the crew o' the Rakehell, I'll extend t' ye the same offer!" "I believe the captain o' the Rakehell, has worn out her welcome aboard this ship, for the time being. She left us in Havana wit' the excuse o' leading the Spanish away. She then left us alone again, t' face that galleon; no doubt she thought t' lead them away, too." "Where we are goin' there maybe more Spanish galleons, an I doubt any will follow her, should she decide t' lead them away, once more." "So, while I too wish the captain an crew o' the Rakehell no ill will; I can't wait fer them t' lead away the galleon, which now follows us in earnest. Nor can I tow them, all the way t' the Dry Tortugas."
Black Nate Posted July 24, 2008 Posted July 24, 2008 Nate had passed from stem to stern, searching out the Red Cat. As he climbed onto deck and did not see whom he was lookin for, Nate dove back below to renew the search. He took his time and scrutinized each area he looked in before passing on to the next. By the time Nate reached amidships, he were clutchin his charm openly and mumbling to the Father. ~Black Nate~ A ship in a puddle is better than no ship at all Dear Saint Brendan, to mention your name is to recall much travelling. It was in relation to voyages that you emerged as a popular Saint. The Irish became great travelers thus spreading their faith everywhere. Protect not only mariners but also all those who go down to the sea in ships. Amen.
Ransom Posted July 24, 2008 Posted July 24, 2008 Despite my fatigue, I slept badly, and only for a few hours. It was as if, in my dreams, I could hear the water seeping into the hold. It was a vision of the repair bursting and the Rakehell sinking that had me sitting bolt upright and wide awake. I went up on deck to check with Africa, who informed me that all was the same. The repair and pumps were holding, and the Relentless was still four points off our starboard bow. Yet the uneasy feeling remained. It was when I saw Nate, his brows puckered with worry, his hand clutching the medal he wore around his neck, that I figured I was about to discover what our next piece of bad luck was going to be. "Mr. Durant, is there a problem?" ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Roberts Posted July 26, 2008 Posted July 26, 2008 Roberts tipped his hat t' th Captain and again crossed th deck keepin an eye out fer Red Cat. He stood a moment aft, starin out at th water. T'all looked clear an was calmin. He shudderd in th' breeze an headed b'low hollerin fer Nate. But th lad was not nearby. Assumin he'd found her sommere, Roberts in the fog of his fatigue decided t' lay in his hammock fer just a moment an then seek em out along wit some coffee. He knowed Red Cat musta been abouts. She was a strong sailor an had been in her share o' storms. However, once his eyes closed, sleep won over an the big man snoreed on like a gale. Wine, women, coin n song. Equal shares of each says I!
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