Silkie McDonough Posted February 5, 2007 Posted February 5, 2007 Silkie looked up into those blue eyes and nearly melted. "I'm afeared d'otters nil wont mae along. I have made a deal with Jacky n'I won't b'ridin out on d'Jolly boat. I'd like t' ask a favor uv ya?" Roberts said nothing as he looked into the bright eyes the lass and wondered what shodow of fear was there. She looked back at the jolly boat. "Ken ya make sure det the jolly boat is nil raised frum d'water until I sterp foot on d'Relentless?"
Roberts Posted February 5, 2007 Posted February 5, 2007 Roberts was glad they were speakin in almost sounded like mutiny, or a stowaway. He stared at her. The lass was complicated, interesting. "Ye mind tellin me why?" he asked. He wanted no part of any misdeed to the Relentless or it's Captain. "No harm t' be done" she said blushing slightly as he continued to hold her gaze, searching her eyes for hidden avarice. "Ye'll know when th' time comes. I mean no harm t the ship nor her crew" He tried hard to concentrate only on what she was saying, but the breeze blew tendrils of her chestnut locks about and he noticed the freckles which set off her eyes. Deciding she were innocent of any scurrilous plans, Roberts smiled. "Well 'tis an unusual request, but how could I turn ye down lass?" He lingered in her eyes a moment..shouts came down the beach from the Jollyboat. "I must go Miss. Silkie, I'll be watchin fer ye" He turned and headed for Tar n the orthers who were waiting impatiently a t the shoreline. Wine, women, coin n song. Equal shares of each says I!
Jacky Tar Posted February 5, 2007 Posted February 5, 2007 Roberts returned t' the boat, an his expression said, she hadn't told him she were a selkie. I wondered wot she had told him, in light of wot she hadn't. The lads put the boat in the water an we boarded. The last oars man got in the boat, an we were headed back t' the Relentless. With Silkie's belongings aboard, it begged the question, were we t' hav a woman aboard after all. I saw Dillard glance at her things, but he didn't say a word. The crew would hav t' deal wit another distraction, a female guest. I looked accross the water, an spied the Relentless. I reflected on the last few days events wit these newly added crew mates, an our tenuous alliance wit' the Rakehell. I thought I knew wot lie ahead, an that our lots had been cast, fer the best I hoped.
Silkie McDonough Posted February 6, 2007 Posted February 6, 2007 "So, yer goin on board up from d'woter, ...yer hair wet, extra boat, ...n'ya tink ell ave nary a question bout det?" Silkie waited to respond. "I have no choice. Not if I want to gain Captain Tars trust and respect." Sábháil shook her head and said nothing more. Ships bells rang, water lapped at the shore, merchandise being loaded and unloaded, calls from guls and men alike floated over the water an uneasy silence fell between the two women. Silkie spoke slowly and thoughtfully, "Rent a boat t'take mae out der." "Wot?" She nodded her head, "Yes, I could rent a boat, by the time the empty boat is back to shore I will be dressed and can climb the ladder!" She paused only a moment and continued. "NO! I will change NOW ...swim out and play with the jolly boat! Bump it splash them, make it clear to Tar that it is me! He will see that I am no longer on the shore and by the time they are on the boat I can be in this very spot! Then I could rent a boat and go out like any otter lass!" Sábháil sighed. She knew when not to argue, the lass had made up her mind. "Come, you will need to keep my clothing while I am at sea! You will also come back here let Tar see you here alone! Hurry!" She laughed out loud and took the older woman's hand pulling her along as she went. Sábháil simply went along.
Ransom Posted February 6, 2007 Posted February 6, 2007 Red Cat Jenny said: She hums as she walks a little lopsided from th heavy sack and in no time heads up th gangplank t' the Rakehell. A large dark face in color n expression peeks over th rail "Africa luv!" she shouts "I've missed ye!" The big surly man she loves t tease rolls his eyes an dissapears behind th rail. Cat just giggles an calls out f' Ransom Africa rolled his eyes as the Red Cat came on board. She always teasing him, and tryin' ta wheedle information out o' him, when he didn't wan ta give any. Liked ta make boiled Cat out o her, he would, but daren't, since she be one of the Captain's friends. Then a thought made him grin and blocked the Red Cat's way. "You don have any papers on ya, do ya? I got Captain's permission ta trow ya off dis ship if ya's got papers." ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Red Cat Jenny Posted February 6, 2007 Posted February 6, 2007 Red Cat stepped up so close t' th big native she almost stood on his toes. She barely came up to his shirtlace. Glaring up at him she said "rrgh!!..wait jest a minute" The Cat fetched a bucket from nearby and now came up even with the big mans nose. "Listen ya big eel! Captain Ransom invited me here.... an here I be! She poked him in the chest wit a finger..If ye value wot ye got unner that sorry hat, ye best not belay our meetin!" Africa stood there a moment considering the humor o ths wee thing makin so much noise an threats in front of him.. Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
Ransom Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 Red Cat Jenny said: Red Cat stepped up so close t' th big native she almost stood on his toes. She barely came up to his shirtlace. Glaring up at him she said "rrgh!!..wait jest a minute" The Cat fetched a bucket from nearby and now came up even with the big mans nose. "Listen ya big eel! Captain Ransom invited me here.... an here I be! She poked him in the chest wit a finger..If ye value wot ye got unner that sorry hat, ye best not belay our meetin!" Africa stood there a moment considering the humor o ths wee thing makin so much noise an threats in front of him.. Africa pushed her hand away. " Careful who you go pokin' in da chest, little Cat, or I be tempted ta trow you overboard anyways." He stepped to the side and let her pass, glaring the whole time. "An don't speck any favors, if you be part of da crew on dis trip. I work you hard as anybody else. You pester me, den I work you harder." ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Red Cat Jenny Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 Red Cat had hopped off the bucket, and with a smarmy grin handed it to th big man..she liked sparring wit Ransoms senior crew member an knew he was more bark n bite. "Here stow this like a good lad aye?" She gave him a wink an swaggered off down the deck in search of her friend, bag flopping and coat swishing looking forward to the upcoming adventure.... Along the way Red Cat glanced acrost th' bay an spied Jacky, Roberts, an the men just climbing back o'er th rail o the Relentless. Standing on th bobbing deck, she bit her bottom lip and smiled thinkin if the roles be reversed how Roberts would proclaim th view a fortunate one.. Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
Jacky Tar Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 Back aboard the Relentless, I turned t' Dillard an asked that he leave the jolly in the water. Spoons would be servin' the mid-day dinner soon. I said t' Dillard, "Mister Dillard after ye secure the boat, please come t' me quarters." I wanted t' know more 'bout his visit t' the Rakehell. Roberts, went below deck t' store his belongings, an I retired t' me cabin.
Roberts Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 Roberts headed down into the cabins and set about stowing his simple gear. He traveled light. Not much needed, extra slops, stockings and shirts, a few odd articles, his journal in a leather binding and a good quill, which he treasured. Red Cat had given it to him on her return from the orient some year or so ago. It was ornate and balanced well even in his larger hands. He tucked away his pipe for the moment. Having set his things to order in the smalll sea chest, Roberts took up the basin and washed his face. As he washed away the sand and perspiration, he decided not to mention what Silkie had asked of him. He was still unsure of her motives. Laying his weapons in the hammock, the guest of Captain Tar pulled on a fresh shirt and stockings, pulled back on his baldric and tucked his pistol away. Making note to inspect and clean it later. Roberts tapped the last of the sand from his hat and headed up to speak with the crewe before supper. Wine, women, coin n song. Equal shares of each says I!
Silkie McDonough Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 Silkie made it to the jolly boat as the last of the crew climbed over the rail. She slapped the water with her tail splashing the Relentless. She dove down deep and propelled herself out of the water landing with a splash. Bobbing again on the water she found that no one had seen or heard her. There was nothing she could do. She looked back at the shore where Sábháil stood, the smirk on the woman's face was clear to her sharp eyes. Leaning to her side she raised her flipper in the air, the closest she could get to waving in this form, Sábháil threw a kiss, waved and then, lifting the hem of her skirt, turned to go. Silkie sighed, well as close to a sigh as she could get in this form no sense in changing now, she would go out further and have a bit of a swim before dark.
Ransom Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 Most of the supplies had been loaded and stowed below. Between what I had and what Jane donated from her purse, we had more than enough to pay for everything. I was glad to see Red Cat finally on board, although I could tell Africa did not share that feeling. With those two trapped on the Rakehell for God knew how long, this voyage would certainly not be boring. I glanced over at the Relentless, still riding at anchor in the bay. I thought I could see a seal playing alongside her, but wasn't sure. With a shake of my head, I went back to preparing the ship for this treasure hunt of Jacky's, wondering just what he'd gotten us all in to, and if we'd all still be friends by the time it was over. Gold did strange things to people, even to people you thought you could trust. ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Red Cat Jenny Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Red Cat, seein Ransom were busy wit' the preparations, headed aft an below t' her berth. She found her cabin nicely t' her likin and set her sack an sundries down. There were a smal chest a drawers which could also be used as a writin desk, and an ornate trunk in th corner. The Cat placed everything in order an sat down t' write in her journal. After a time, she headed out t' look fer Captain Ransom an mayhaps Chloe. They had much t' discuss over dinner. Red Cat stepped just inside th doorway o' the Wardroom where Rasom was goin over charts on the table. She leant on the door frame with one shoulder inspectin an apple she'd nicked from th galley when Africa were turned th other way. Shining it's dull spots on her coat. She'd wait fer Ransom t' look up. Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
Ransom Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Without looking away from the charts, I remarked to Red Cat, "Made yourself at home, I see. Already got Africa mumbling pagan curses under his breath." Then I looked up and grinned. "It's good for him, but if you see him poking pins in a doll that looks suspiciously like you, ya may want to get back in his good graces." I poured us both a glass of Port, then handed one to the Cat. "By the way, I've had the locks changed on my liquor cabinet, so there'll be no helping yourself to my best brandy again." Red Cat just gave me that cat-whot-ate-the-canary look, and said nothing. Ignoring it, I asked, "So, what do you think of Jacky's grand adventure to the Dry Tortugas?" ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Red Cat Jenny Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Deftly avoiding the liquor cabinet remark, Red Cat gave a broad smile and walked over to stand at Ransom's shoulder to view th charts as well. "Bah, deep down Africa luves me needs some excitement t' git his blood goin" She made note to look for a voodoo doll jest in case.. The Cat pointed to the spot on th chart Ransom had marked. "Ye believe this be the best way t' approach then? she considered a moment.."Aye" Cat nodded in agreement "not a bad idea at that, ye always did have a hand fer navigatin" Placing th' apple in her mouth, she picked up another smaller chart in one hand an the Port in th other and found a seat at th large polished table. Munching on the fruit between sips she held up the parchment. "What do I think o Captain Tar's plan.....well I heard tales o such treasure a few times. I figger even if we don't find his mysterious Atocha cache, thar be quite a few ..opportunities in Th' Dry Tortugas. We got two ships, good crew atween 'em, plenty o rum.." Cat raised her eyes from the chart at Ransom to hopefully confirm that fact.."Wot's yer thinkin..there are th Legartos an th strange occurences he mentioned . We may have a time with ol Roberts over that..right superstitious man he be" Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
Jacky Tar Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Dillard came t' me cabin, an inquired 'bout the ladies belongings we'd left in the boat. "Mister Dillard, she'll need them there when she arrives." He looked puzzled, changed the subject, an asked 'bout our next voyage. I pulled out my charts o' the Dry Tortugas. His eyes lit up, an he said, "Aye, Mister Tar then we are goin' in search of the lost treasure fleet!" I nodded, an more lad. "Mister Dillard please hav a forward berth readied, fer our lady guest." He knuckled his forehead, an left me cabin. I needed t' send word t' the Rakehell, an coordinate our departure, an the route t' be taken.
Roberts Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Roberts made his plan to be on deck as night fell to assist the green eyed lass with her request. Until then he needed to busy himself. Bottle of brandy in hand he headed to Mr. Tar's cabin to offer a good drink to start their journey. He intended to leave Tar with the bottle so they could toast their good fortune when and if it came. Truth be told this whole thing with Miss. McDonough was makin him edgy an he could use a drink.. Roberts knocked lightly on Captain Tar's door. Wine, women, coin n song. Equal shares of each says I!
Jacky Tar Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Roberts knocked at me door, an I bid him t' enter. He had a bottle o' brandy, in his hands. "It's a bit early fer brandy, mayhaps after supper." I didn't want t' insult the man, but I required a clear head fer a bit o' plannin'. I looked 'em straight in the eyes, an said, "I need someone t' be liaison tween the Rakehell an the Relentless, an I think yer our man. Wot say ye?" I hoped he would, fer Dillard didn't seem too keen, t' the task.
Roberts Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Anytime was a good time fer Brandy as far as Roberts was concerned.. but the big man respected Tar fer puttin his office of Captain first. He was surprised at the request to be liasion beween ships, but glad for it as well. Action was always better. "Aye Mr. Tar, " he said, being a man of habit aboard ship he felt he should salute, but held his hand at his side. The Captain had made it clear earlier that he was but a guest who might lend a hand. "Wot would ye have me do then sah?" Wine, women, coin n song. Equal shares of each says I!
Silkie McDonough Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Silkie enjoyed the afternoon in the water. She could not recall the length of time that had passed since she last she allowed herself such freedom. The hours always passed with little notice in this form. It was not even time for supper on the Rakehell and Silkie was about to have her fill! She started to fish but before she nicked her first catch she sadly reminded herself that it would not do to have fish breath. Well, that would be a few hours off. She bobbed in the water looking at the bright orb in the sky. Yes a few hours she would eat for no longer than two and then perhaps find a nice warm rock to sun herself on. Perhaps she would meet up with a few of her own, well as much her own as those on dry land. Her friends in the water were easier to read, to socialize with, communicate with, and provided much needed fun and relaxation to her but she much preferred the company of those on two feet.
Ransom Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Red Cat Jenny said: Deftly avoiding the liquor cabinet remark, Red Cat gave a broad smile and walked over to stand at Ransom's shoulder to view th charts as well."Bah, deep down Africa luves me needs some excitement t' git his blood goin" She made note to look for a voodoo doll jest in case.. The Cat pointed to the spot on th chart Ransom had marked. "Ye believe this be the best way t' approach then? she considered a moment.."Aye" Cat nodded in agreement "not a bad idea at that, ye always did have a hand fer navigatin" Placing th' apple in her mouth, she picked up another smaller chart in one hand an the Port in th other and found a seat at th large polished table. Munching on the fruit between sips she held up the parchment. "What do I think o Captain Tar's plan.....well I heard tales o such treasure a few times. I figger even if we don't find his mysterious Atocha cache, thar be quite a few ..opportunities in Th' Dry Tortugas. We got two ships, good crew atween 'em, plenty o rum.." Cat raised her eyes from the chart at Ransom to hopefully confirm that fact.."Wot's yer thinkin..there are th Legartos an th strange occurences he mentioned . We may have a time with ol Roberts over that..right superstitious man he be" I don't know about superstitious, but a lot of caution wouldn't go amiss. I'm sure the gold it out there, but something tells me that's not all Jacky is after. I think that magic healing water is what has him sailing off to the Tortugas." I poured a bit more Port, then relaxed into my chair. "At some point Jacky and I are going to have to compare charts and decide how best to get there. We also need contingent plans in case the two ships get seperated - either by weather or enemy ships. Maybe a rondevous point on some other island." Leaning in, I hoisted the bottle and poured more Port into the Cat's glass, then gave her an innocent smile. "So, tell me about this Roberts friend of yours." ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Red Cat Jenny Posted February 9, 2007 Posted February 9, 2007 Red CAt slowly twirled the heavy ruby glass by the stem..Aye Ransom were plyin her wit drink, smart she were ...and considered Roberts.. "Well Ransom me dear, I agree that this healin water is most fascinatin. I heard tell o it afore but might not have believed if I didna see fer meself.." The Cat conciously felt her side which had healed nicely cept fer bein a bit sore now n then. "Thar's no tellin its value.." Cat leaned in closer, her face turning unusually serious.."But Roberts, the rum n legend soaked man tha he be, has taught me a thing r two about that which is mysterious n powerful.." Red Cat took a deep draught from the crystal goblet ..sat back a moment and then stood facing out the aft windows. Glass in hand the other behind her back . "There can be as much danger as goode in such a treasure.." "As fer Johnathan Roberts.." Cat smiled a secret smile unseen by Ransom .."Tis a long story lass, and mayhaps one I'll tell ye along the way" Choosing with guile to change the subject she turned back to the Captain, her charts and the bottle of plum colored liquor. "Wot's yer plan fer th rendezvous wi Mr. Tar?" Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
Ransom Posted February 9, 2007 Posted February 9, 2007 I laughed. "I'm sure Mr. Tar will arrange something. After all, he is the Commodor of this trip, so the organization falls to him. I'm just to follow along and politely take orders." Cat could play coy about Roberts for now. Eventually, with this kind of voyage, secrets had a way of leaking out, so I figured I'd hear the trueth sooner or later. "The supplies should be all loaded by late this evening. If Jacky wants to leave in the morning, that's fine with me. Did Silkie decide to sail on the Relentless, or did she elect to stay behind?" I remembered the seal I thought I'd seen earlier, and figured I probably already knew the answer. ...schooners, islands, and maroons and buccaneers and buried gold... You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott. "Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog
Red Cat Jenny Posted February 9, 2007 Posted February 9, 2007 Resettling in her chair Red Cat held the ornate goblet out to Ransom and said "She be sailin wi th men on the Relentless" When Ransom leaned to pour, the Cat pulled her glass back and sat a little straighter as a though occurred, causing The Captain to almost pour on the tabletop. "Come t' thnk o it, I didna see Silkie climb o'er the rail with the otters." Cat paused holding her glass out again as she remembered the sight she'd enjoyed earlier. Just as Ransom began to tilt the bottle, she gestured once again with her cup "You'd think she be wit em..Hope everything is right with th lass" Red Cat smirked at Captain Ransom.."Oi gerlie.. ye gonna pour tha? " Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
Jacky Tar Posted February 12, 2007 Posted February 12, 2007 Aye, Roberts seem t' be eager t' help, an liason would allow him time wit' Red Cat. I wondered how Ransom would deal wit' me usin' a messenger? Only one way t' find out. "Roberts, I need t' know how soon the Rakehell will be ready t' sail. I'll clear it wit' Dillard, but ye can take Smithe t' help sail the jolly boat. He can keep watch, while ye meet wit' the captain o' the Rakehell. Wot say ye?"
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