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G'Day from the Land Downunder,

Can anyone point me in the direction of a resource that has a list of Privateers ship names.

I am looking for a historical list rather than "suggested name for a boat" list.

Many Thanks


Topman - Barque James Craig


Privateers visiting Port Royal, 1659-60


Aime (with the accent on the e)

Hopewell Adventure


Sea Horse


There were others, of course, but these were the only documented ones that year.

French Privateers (1744)

* Marie Joseph 1744

* Signe 1744

* Cantabre 1744

* St. Charles 1744

* Cesar 1744

* St. Joseph 1744

* Succes 1744

English ships during the Seven Years War

# Diane 1758

# Earl of London 1756

# Earl of Macclesfield 1758

# Falmouth 1760

# Foudroyant 1758

# Haldane 1760

# Hartford 1756-58

# Jane 1759

# Lawrence 1756

# Miriam and Ann 1759

# Monckton 1756

# Montague 1759

# Musketo 1756-58

# Providence 1756

# Wasp 1756

# York 1756

American Privateers during the Revolution

# Adventure 1780-1781 Halifax

# Alexander 1779 London

# Annapolis Rover 1780 Annapolis Royal

# Argyle 1778 London

# Aurora 1782 Glasgow

# Belcour 1778 Liverpool, UK

# Bell 1780 Quebec

# Betay 1778 Quebec

# Betsey 1778 Halifax

# Betsy 1781

# Blaze Castle 1778 Halifax

# Brittania 1781 Halifax

# Buckram 1781 Halifax

# Campbell 1781

# Campbelton 1781 Penobscot

# Commerce 1778 Yarmouth, UK

# David 1781

# Delight 1778 Liverpool, NS

# Diamond 1782 Penobscot

# Diana 1780 Glasgow

# Dispatch 1778 Liverpool, NS

# Dreadnought 1782 Liverpool, NS

# Duchess of Gordon 1778

# Europa 1778 Halifax

# Fox 1781

# Friendship 1782 Antiqua & Halifax

# Halifax Bob 1779 Gr. Britain

# Halifax Hero 1779 Halifax/London

# Halifax Packet 1780 Halifax

# Halifax Rover 1780 Halifax

# Hammond 1782 Halifax

# Hero 1781 Chester

# Hibernia 1782 Halifax

# Hope 1779 Halifax

# Howe 1781 Halifax

# Hurly Burly 1779 Quebec

# Jack 1781 Quebec

# Jean 1781 Halifax

# John & Rachael 1778 Halifax

# John & Rebecca 1782 London

# Lively 1782 Halifax

# Liverpool 1778 Liverpool, UK

# Liverpool 1780 Halifax

# Lord Cornwallis 1781 Halifax

# Loyalist 1778 Antiqua

# Loyalty 1782 Halifax

# Lucy 1779 Liverpool, NS

# Lyon 1779 London

# Mayflower 1778

# Minerva 1779 Halifax

# Nancy 1778 Liverpool, UK

# Nancy 1782 Halifax

# Partners 1778 Isle of Jersey

# Peggy 1781 Halifax

# Penobscot 1781

# Polly 1778 Gt. Britain

# Providence 1781 Halifax

# Rachel 1778 Halifax

# Ranger 1781

# Resolution 1778 Halifax

# Retaliate 1778 Nova Scotia

# Revenge 1779 Halifax

# Rover 1778

# Sangplice 1781 Bermuda

# Shark 1782 Halifax

# Sir Andrew Hammond 1781

# Sir Geo. Collier 1779

# Sisters 1779 Halifax

# St. Andrew 1782 Halifax & Antiqua

# Success 1781 Halifax

# Surprise 1781 Liverpool, NS

# Thornton 1778 Gr. Britain

# Venus 1781 Halifax

Canadian Privateers - all years

# Adamant 1797 Shelburne

# Adventure 1780-1781 Halifax

# Ann 1814 Saint John, NB

# Annapolis Rover 1780 Annapolis Royal

# Asia 1800 Halifax

# Belcour 1778 Liverpool, UK

# Britania 1793

# Broke 1813 Annapolis Royal, NS

# Buckram 1781 Halifax

# Bunker Hill 1813 Halifax

# Caledonian 1812 Halifax

# Cantabre 1744 Louisbourg

# Caroline 1799

# Cesar 1744 Louisbourg

# Charles Mary 1796 Halifax

# Charles Mary Wentworth 1798-1800

# Comet 1812 Saint John, NB

# Commerce 1799

# Crown 1813 Halifax

# Dart Saint John, NB 1813

# Dart 1813 Liverpool, NS

# Delight 1778 Liverpool, NS

# Diane 1758 Halifax

# Dispatch 1778 Liverpool, NS

# Dolphin 1814-1815 Liverpool, NS

# Dove 1815 Liverpool, NS

# Dreadnought 1782 Liverpool, NS

# Duchess of Argyle 1793 St. John's NFL

# Duke of Kent 1799-1805

# Eagle 1800 Halifax

# Earl of Dublin 1800 Halifax

# Earl of London 1756 Halifax

# Earl of Macclesfield 1758 Halifax

# Edward 1813-1814 Halifax

# Eleanor 1813 Halifax

# Eliza 1800 Halifax

# Enterprise 1778 Liverpool, NS

# Falmouth 1760 Halifax

# Flora 1799

# Fly 1799 Liverpool

# Fly 1813 Halifax

# Flying Fish 1797 Shelburne

# Foster Barham 1800

# Foudroyant 1758

# Fox 1781

# Frances Mary 1800

# General Bowyer 1800-1803 Halifax

# General Smyth 1812 Saint John, NB

# George 1813 Halifax

# Governor Carleton 1803 Saint John, NB

# Haldane 1760 Halifax

# Halifax Rover 1780 Halifax

# Hare 1813 St. John, NB

# Hartford 1756-58 Halifax

# sloop L'Heureux Milly de la Croix Louisbourg 1756

# Herald 1813 Saint John, NB

# Intrepid 1813 Guernsey, UK

# Jack 1781 Quebec

# Jane 1759 Halifax

# Jane 1798 Halifax

# Jane 1801 Halifax

# Jason 1800 Halifax

# John 1800

# Lawrence 1756 Halifax

# Lively 1814 Liverpool

# Liverpool Packet Liverpool 1812-1814

# Lord Cornwallis 1781 Halifax

# Lord Nelson 1799 Halifax

# Lord Spencer Liverpool 1799

# Loyalty 1782 Halifax

# Lucy 1779 Liverpool, NS

# Lucy 1795 Halifax

# Lunenburg 1814-1815 Lunenburg

# Marie Joseph 1744 Louisbourg

# Mary 1805 London

# Matilda 1813 Annapolis Royal, NS

# Mayflower 1778

# Minerva 1814 Liverpool

# Miriam and Ann 1759 Halifax

# Monckton 1756 Halifax

# Montague 1759 Halifax

# Musketo 1756-58 Halifax

# Nelson 1799-1801

# Nymph 1798-1799 Halifax

# Nymph 1800 Liverpool

# Penobscot 1781

# Phoenix 1799

# Providence 1756 Halifax

# Providence 1781

# Rasheigh 1793

# Rattler 1813 Liverpool

# Retaliation 1813 Liverpool

# Retrieve Windsor, NS 1813-1814

# la Revanche 1756 Louisbourg

# Revenge 1779 Halifax

# Rolla Liverpool 1814-1815

# Rover 1800-1803 Liverpool

# Rover 1804 Halifax

# Rover 1814 Liverpool

# Royal Edward 1796

# Royal Fusiliers 1795

# Saucy 16 Liverpool

# Saucy Jack 1814 Liverpool

# Shannon 1813-1814 Liverpool

# Sherbrooke 1814 Barbados

# Signe 1744 Louisbourg

# Sir Andrew Hammond 1781 Gr. Britain

# Sir Geo. Collier 1779 London

# Sir John Sherbrooke Halifax 1813-1814

# Sir John Sherbrooke 1812 Saint John, NB

# Sir William Parker 1800 Halifax

# Sisters 1798 Quebec

# St. Charles 1744 Louisbourg

# St. Joseph 1744 Louisbourg

# Snapdragon Saint John, NB 1814

# Star 1813 Saint John, NB

# Succes 1744 Louisbourg

# Success 1781 Halifax

# Surprise 1781 Liverpool, NS

# Swallow 1797

# Telegraph 1814 Halifax

# Thinks I To Myself 1814 Castine

# la Tourterelle 1756 Louisbourg

# Triton 1795

# Union 1812 Saint John, NB

# la Victoire 1756 Louisbourg

# la Vigilente 1756 Louisbourg

# Wasp 1756 Halifax

# Weazle 1813 Halifax

# Wolverine 1812-1813 Liverpool

# York 1756 Halifax

# Young Phoenix 1805 Jersey, Channel Is.

-- Sir Henry

"Land only holds promise if men at sea have the courage to fight for it."

- Sir Henry


William Red Wake & Sir Henry Morgan

I am much indebted to you.

Your Most Obediant Servant


Topman - Barque James Craig

  • 2 weeks later...
Can anyone point me in the direction of a resource that has a list of Privateers ship names.

I am looking for a historical list rather than "suggested name for a boat" list.

Captain Every's man-of-war was named "Fancy", being originally "Charles", the privateer of the Spanish Expedition. It's sometimes said that it was "Charles II", but I never managed to understand if it was true. Every's pirate squadron (1695) consisted of: W.Want's "Dolphin", J.Farrell's "Portsmouth Adventure", W.May's "Pearl" ans T.Tew's "Amity", and one which name I don't know (do anybody?).

Can anyone point me in the direction of a resource that has a list of Privateers ship names.

I am looking for a historical list rather than "suggested name for a boat" list.

Captain Every's man-of-war was named "Fancy", being originally "Charles", the privateer of the Spanish Expedition. It's sometimes said that it was "Charles II", but I never managed to understand if it was true. Every's pirate squadron (1695) consisted of: W.Want's "Dolphin", J.Farrell's "Portsmouth Adventure", W.May's "Pearl" ans T.Tew's "Amity", and one which name I don't know (do anybody?).


The Lady Washington was also a privateer during the American Revolution, although at the time I believe she was just called "Washington". This name was probably a reference to a family as many Washingtons were wealthy and influential and ol' George was still daydreaming about a commission in the British Army when she was built...


Nathanael Logsdon

Militia Captain, Merchant Sailor, Tailor, Brewer, Gunrunner and Occassional Pirate...




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