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In the forward to Jimmy Buffets novel Where is Joe Merchant he talks about how his years bouncing around the isles of the spanish main saved him from haveing to make up most of the stuff in the book. Quite frankley a few years in truckstops might just do the same thing. Take pity on the bartender someday you might lose your mind too lol


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Damnation you guys have awesome jobs! One day I hope to be that cool. Right now I am a lowly preschool teacher, a single mom, and a full time college student. THree semsters and I move up in rank to a Jr. high/high school teacher....YEAH! Eventually I want to teach at a university...history in general but I'm looking for something more specific for my Ph.D. B)


"I know indeed what evil I intend to do, but stronger than all my afterthoughts is my fury, fury that brings upon mortals the greatest evils. -Euripides

"Well behaved women rarely make history."


I get paid to run into burning buildings. I'm a LT with a career Fire Dept.

I'm also a Nationally certified Fire and Explosion Investigator.

Doc Wiseman - Ship's Physician, Stur.. er... Surgeon Extrodinaire and general scoundrel.

Reluctant Temporary Commander of Finnegan's Wake

Piracy- Hostile Takeover without the Messy Paperwork

We're not Pirates; we're independent maritime property redistribution specialists.

Member in good standing Persian Gulf Yacht Club, Gulf of Sidra Yacht Club and the Greater Beruit Rod & Gun Club.

I'm a Rockstar/Mortician/Retail outletter of Caskets and full time smoker....I smoke like ten packs a day! I just wish I could get cigarettes with like three times the nicotine and have a multiple vitamin in it.

Tell me do you have your own casket ready? With what you're smoking you won't be around very long....

  • 2 months later...

Just updating my job now that I have time too :) Sadly Knott's was unable to keep me on as a Scenic painter but I was able to turn around a month and a half later and land a Job as a Billing and account services rep for a local computer game maker.

I was stoked as it's a very good foot in the door and they're willing to help out with my schooling since I'm majoring in their field. :blink:


I have a law degree and I am a biologist at the federal level for an agency that works with others, to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.


Yersinia you should say Hi to Harbormaster, ;)

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


welcome to the pub Yersinia and cheers. ;)

I am more of an observer of the ocean., A PADI certified rescue diver and am going for dive Master for my next trick., i need to be able to teach., Its a must for me. Anyway Project Aware thru PADI helps us to teach others to protect our ocean enviroment so that others may also enjoy the many species. ITS AWESOME ........, Then of course we like to fire Cannon blanks when back aboard ship because WE ARE PIRATES ;)

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"



Very cool. I have wanted to learn how to dive, but I do not like the idea in diving in a dark, murky, flooded quarry to be certified. My boss is a marine biologist. He told me that at one time he was diving under the artic ice and during the same week he was diving in the Gulf of Mexico. What a contrast.

Thanks for encouraging exposure to the wildlife. It is important if people are going to continue to save wildlife and just as important their habitats.

Please be sure to reach out to children. There is a concern that children suffer from nature deficiency. If you have a chance read “Last Child in the Woods.” There is also a concern that environmentalist are “Old, white males.” So there is a push now to include minorities.


I'm a photogrammetrist, something most people have never heard of and can't figure out from the name. I make topographical maps from aerial photography. It sounds much more exciting than it is, and it may not sound all that exciting. For the most part, I map very dull terrain. Mostly in the midwest, mostly for things like highway construction or new housing developments. But I've been doing it for 5 years now, and it's still interesting.


I think it's fascinating..but then I have always been a geography/history lover

Amazing that there are several cartographers here..hmmm

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

Very cool. I have wanted to learn how to dive, but I do not like the idea in diving in a dark, murky, flooded quarry to be certified.

Ah, it's not so dark and it doesn't have to be murky. When you get down there, you sometimes forget where you are entirely. You should really try diving; with your interests it would probably be doubly interesting.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

"Am I not?"



As weird as it might sound, my day job is being Capt. Silas Talbot. I started playing him for the Freedom Trail Foundation is Boston a couple of years ago. Occasionally I play other characters because of a special request (most often Paul Revere), but 95 percent of the time it's Capt. Talbot. In addtion to leading tours of the Freedom Trail I get to sail on the Liberty Clipper and...best of all...lead the Historic Pub Crawl.

Yes, that's right. I get paid to drink beer. My job ROCKS.

Other than that, my time is spent acting either onstage or on camera (just auditioned to play Edmund the Bastard in "King Lear" today), doing theatrical fight choreography, film stunt work, or teaching acting/scene study/ stage combat.


I be a makeup artist and a cashier at jc penneys

But why is the rum gone?

Save a horse ride a cowboy!

Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy

My toes are getting pruney

Also my head is round that window is square....

My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies!

Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff

I have a law degree and I am a biologist at the federal level for an agency that works with others, to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.

Do tell, that sounds a lot like NOAA.

Got a new job as an online banker yarrr

Oh... at first I read "online baker" lol that would be interesting.... :(

Congrats on th job btw. B)

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


I waste a law degree doing labor and employee relations work and administrative hearings for the Department of the Navy.

Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"


Well, I'm back at sea....

Not really a day job, more 24hr when you're on board ship.

I'm on our fleet's Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel (MCDV) HMCS NANAIMO as her Operations Officer.

I got out here to our west coast base just in time to be part of the crew taking the ship out of drydock and making her operational again. It's been a long process (got out here beginning Nov) and we have only been in sea trials since the 8th of Jan.

It's amazing what didn't get fixed, or wasn't identified as needing work.

At least we have been ashore the last couple of weekends.

We go into our Work Up trials in two weeks. That's where directing staff come on board and make our lives miserable for 3 weeks. Like our own personal war for 3 weeks.

Last week we completed our Sea Readiness trials. They are like a mini work ups to certify us to at least drive around. They lasted 3 days. I got around 8hrs sleep overall. OpsO is the 3rd Officer of the ship, so I and my department are very busy.

I was hopeful that after our Work Ups and our full certification we would be going somewhere interesting like down south, perhaps San Diego. Maybe have a chance of meeting some of you guys. I know a couple I wanted to meet up with. But alas, nothing is scheduled :P

Here is a pic of a couple of the ships cruising along


This is the reason I've been replying little of late.

William Blydes

I don't get lost, I EXPLORE!


Adventures on the High Seas

(refitted and back on station!)


Thought I'd replied to this one, but I guess this is a new thread. Anyhow, I work for a company whose primary customer is the government. I'm in HR, and do alot of programming along with staffing needs for the organizations I cover. I sit in my office (with temps low enough to qualify it for meat locker status) and do alot of typing all day. I do physical work too as I handle alot of literal records, guides and such and often have to work with those at a moments notice.

I also work for fun as an administrator on a few Disney related sites, and a few movie related sites. I hope that my combination of skills with work and fun (and artistic abilities) afford me a job within Disney in the future (Disney Artist...or Imagineer). That, and I'm hoping to finish project management certification. Tacking on Certified Consultant to my resume would be nice. We'll see what happens.

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...

  • 3 weeks later...

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