Aurore Devareaux Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 Sabastian broke the solace he had held as event unfolded and addressed Sterling with apologetic tone, glancing once to sibling. "I am sorry, Capitaine...But the Doctuer left hours ago with your female aquaintance....He did leave word of returning, but not a specific time." O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.
Rats Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 “Now you see how silly this is!” Demanded Reiley, as he repeated for Davis the typical stance, handling and commencement of a pistol duel. “They say it’s a matter of honor. But who in their right mind wants to stand in the open, for another idiot to shoot him?! I say the hell with it! Turn, get your pistol up and drop the bastard!” Without another word, young Davis had raised the long-barreled dragoon with two hands, as if holding a musket and fired. With a flash of powder and curtain of smoke, the bullet struck one of the glass bottles. “Was that your target?” asked Reiley, surprised at the young man’s accuracy. “Yes sir, it was.” Shrugged Davis, as he looked down at the pistol. “It’s just it’s kind’o big and clumsy for one hand. Me thought I’d steady ‘er with me other. Then I just did the target and the trigger thing like you said…” “And it worked?” grumbled Reiley, as he loaded another weapon. “Here try this one!” offered Reiley, as he handed Davis one of the blunderbusses. “She’s got a bit of a kick, so watch your self.” Again young Mr. Davis faced off at his target and without hesitation, raised the gun and fired, causing several of the glass bottles to shatter. “Well done lad!” cheered Reiley. “I should have let you have at the lot of em. But just remember, it’s not so easy when the bottles decide to shoot back… Right?” “Yes sir..” Nodded Davis, as he wiped some powder from his face. “You’re a natural, boy-o.” nodded Reiley, as he slugged Davis on the shoulder. “Why don’t you try loading all the muskets this time, like I showed you, only quicker. I'll set you some targets…. Ready go!” As Reiley walked over to the old log, Davis methodically took to loading each of the muskets. By the time Reiley had set bottles and returned, young Mr. Davis stood with musket at side. "Mr. Davis?" Grinned Reiley, as he put his fingers in his ears. "Ready? There they are!" The lad never missed a shot.... No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!
Capt. Sterling Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 Aurore Devareaux said: Sabastian broke the solace he had held as event unfolded and addressed Sterling with apologetic tone, glancing once to sibling."I am sorry, Capitaine...But the Doctuer left hours ago with your female aquaintance....He did leave word of returning, but not a specific time." For a instant, a mixture of emotions washed over the captain's features, finally settling for a brief expression of confusion and then resolve. "I suppose Mistress McKinney was in need of his company and mayhaps something to calm her nerves. Ah well, Mr. Merriweather, is there any possible way of yer returning, post haste to Mr. March? Perchance the gentleman that brought ye here can bring ye back as well?" Sterling sighed as he looked toward his host, his eyes nearly pleading for the additional assistance he hated to ask for. "If it can be arranged, tell Mr. March to meet me at my room at The Three Crownes, I fear it will take me a bit of time before I am ready to follow after ye. Say, if all goes well, to be there before midnight." "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel
Aurore Devareaux Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 Aurore's expression darkened with Sterling's announcement. She knew he was in no consition for traveling and though the journey to the Port was not overlong, it was long enough for her to speak out against it. "Non, Sucre'....This choice is far from wise." A swift glance was given to where Sabastian stood that relayed much unheard. Speaking quietly to Merriweather, offer was made of refreshment to be had in kitchen below. The door was closed, and she returned her center to four poster occupant. The expressive pools of deep olive sight emoting pleas that would not be voiced. "What is it that is of such import to risk your mortality over..." her word were soft and low. O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.
Capt. Sterling Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 Aurore Devareaux said: The door was closed, and she returned her center to four poster occupant. The expressive pools of deep olive sight emoting pleas that would not be voiced."What is it that is of such import to risk your mortality over..." her word were soft and low. "There is a gentleman captain by the name of Striker. It appears he has gotten word that Killingsworth is indeed dead, finished off by another threat that is now in Port Royal. It seems this Striker will not speak directly to my first officer, but wishes, instead to speak with me." He looked once toward the brother than fixed his gaze on Aurore. "I am sorry, Chere. I must go and find out what this man knows. If there truly is another or worse, more, that need to be dealt with, I wish to know all the possible information I can. You all ready know the damage Killingsworth could cause, if he is dead...." Sterling fell silent for a moment then shook his head. "I must get to the bottom of this. I cannot lay abed and wait this out." "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel
Aurore Devareaux Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 She considered his words carefully. "If this man does not know your identity, could not another go in your place? Would he be the wiser of such?....I am in fear that something of ill nature will befall you..." Aurore focused intently on far wall to hide what olive pools might betray. O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.
Capt. Sterling Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 He thought about what she suggested. It could very possible work and work well but the thought of such a falsehood irked him. He finally shook his head. "I promise you, Chere. I will be as safe as I could be any where. I will have the most loyal of my crew and officers about me, and, given the time, if I leave as soon as I can dress, and after what has happened, no one will be looking for me. And, if all has gone according to schedule the Archangel's refit should be nearing completion or finished. I will set her at anchor in the harbour as soon as I am able and move myself on board until I can venture once again in the Port on my own." "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel
Aurore Devareaux Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 Aurore glanced to sibling in peripheral view then to the floor below. The realities that were announced troubled her greatly, but composure was regained and she gave slight nod of hesitant accord, "Tres vien." Sabastian spoke up, though in hushed tone as if wishing not to disturb some unknown spirit slumbering in chamber encompassment. "I will see to the carriage, Capitaine..." O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.
Capt. Sterling Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 Sterling nodded a silent thanks to Sabastian as the other man took his leave. He waited for the door to close both he and Aurore in, alone together. "I do not think there is anything to fear from this Striker " he began as he looked at her and knew she was truly troubled by his decision. "But would it make ye feel better if, with yer brother's permission, ye traveled with me? Once onboard the 'Angel, no one can harm ye there." "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel
Aurore Devareaux Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 Aurore's train of thought scattered like disturbed covey of quail. Being on a sea going vessel brought forward memories of five years passed and the crossing. Her people were vegabonds and nomades, but it was always across miles of firm soil...predictable soil. Doubts rose in her eyes briefly, but the anxieties of choosing earth vs. water were soon quelled; for it would be greater torture to be parted without knowing he was safe and well. She gave consent to his offer. O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.
Rats Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 After expending an ample amount of shot and powder, Reiley and Davis returned to the mill. “Just remember what I told you.” Insisted Reiley. “But if you move in quick and get in close, they won’t ‘spect it and they’ll be forced to deal with you. So be ready.” Upon entering the kitchen Reiley poured two mugs of water for himself and Davis. But as he turned to hand the cup to the young sharpshooter, he noticed Mistress Lilly as she entered the room. Suddenly he found it somewhat difficult to drink. “Dr. Reiley.” Smiled Lilly, as she stopped close. “Mistress..” nodded Reiley, as he found himself straightening up. “I trust you shoulder is better?” questioned Lilly, placing a soft hand on the location of his injury. “Ahm, yes. Yes mistress.” Reiley stammered. “I thank you for all you done. And I’m very sorry to have placed you in such a situation. I would have never be able to live with myself if you were to..” “Well now, since we’re all here,” Bellowed Abbi, as she entered the kitchen. “If you could place the dishes, I look to a fine lunch for us all. How would that be?” “That would be wonderful maam!” replied Davis, noticing the awkward moment of which his mentor had found himself surprisingly at a loss for words. “Here, let me help you there.” No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!
Capt. Sterling Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 He gently placed the quizing lense back into the box Aurore had withdrawn from the wardrobe earlier. In time he would ask her to place it about his neck along with the chain bearing the key to his chest and the violin case. He looked down at the instrument and carefully took it up before he returned it safely to the case that served to protect it so well. "Some day I shall play this for ye if ye like," he thought, his mind lost for a moment on future hopes. As he closed the lid slowly, hiding the violin away once more, he looked up at her. "There is something I wish to give to ye Lady, before I make ready and ask yer brother's aide yet again...." he paused a moment. It was all too evident he felt himself a burden, one he was finally glad to remove from the Devareaux lands. It was best he returned to the port, at least for now... It was several long minutes before he finally stirred again and reached beneath his pillow. Pulling out the lovely silk square, Sabastian had turned over to Sterling's care, he placed it beside him where she could see it. "This is not the way I had invisioned doing this... and I am concerned that I may frighten ye away with asking ye so soon, but with the way things have transpired over the past few days... I fear if I wait too long... " he stopped again, all too painfully aware of what a muddle he was making this. "Yer brother gave this to me, along with his permission to make ye mine if ye will have me. Irregardless of whether or not you wish to marry me, I wish ye to keep this as Sabastian was to give this to Mistress Shea. " He took a deep breath, then swallowed hard before he looked up at Aurore where she stood. "I wish ye would marry me Chere. I am not much but all that I have tis yours if ye be willing..." "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel
Aurore Devareaux Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 Aurore's eyes moved away from Sterling's face with hesitant manner to rest on the contrast of bright scarlet against pale linen bed dressings. No motion made to pick it up or move closer for satisfaction gleaned by inspection...The object in question, adorned with ornate floral embroidery had belonged to her mother and before that, it was father's. Though a thing of beauty, its' worth and meaning went far beyond such understated stature. She controlled her breathing, taking in slowly and exhaling in the same measure as counter action to the rapid pace of thoughts that jockeyed for position in cranial boundries. Tradition and Way taunted her conscience, Gadje Gadjensa...Rom Romensa. The words she had used in retaliation not overlong ago against Sabastian, had now come to roost. If this proposition had been made back in Navarre and acceptance was given, she would loose all rights amongst her own. If a Rom chose a Gadje for wife, a time might come with proof of worth, that said bride might be taken into the Tribe. But it was completely different if Roma made same choice, for the purity of lineage flowed through the men, not the women. And so it was, this clash of past and future armed at full charge across field of emotional textures; each vieing for victorious tilt and unseating of opponant. Aurore glanced sidelong to where Sterling waited patiently, his expression a portrait of aprehension. The clash of lance strike against opposit's armorment rang on mental square echoing in the corridors where heart, mind and instinct watched on eagerly. She reached forward, laying soft caress to the plane of his face; deep olive capturing his own of kindred shade. And as the look of uncertainty began to rise in the unobstructed portal to his inner soul; the clamor of one symbolic chevalier relieved from lofty hieght to meet with ground below gave finalization to bout... O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.
Capt. Sterling Posted October 5, 2006 Posted October 5, 2006 Sterling watched her as she contemplated his request. Not so much as a spark of a smile, could he discover in her expression. A jumble of questions instantly bombarded his thoughts when she did not reply, in his mind, quick enough. Was his proposal too soon? Would not his father have married him, sight unseen, to someone he had never met? Was this so very different...or even worse... wrong? He could not help but look away as she touched him... his mind reeling with the belief that she too had already rejected him. "Mayhaps..." he had begun, but she placed a solitary finger upon his lips to silence him. "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel
Rats Posted October 5, 2006 Posted October 5, 2006 "What the hell is wrong wit' you?!" Reiley could hear the ghost of 'ol Grady Lords. "keep yer eye on yer business, less she's for the time-being or for turning a profit!" But as he looked into the Mistress's eyes, he remembered that sudden kiss, to which she had mischieviously ambushed him with. "God, luv her!" Reiley grinned, "Nothing but trouble." But then Reiley noticed her eyes began to drift once more and her quizical smile turn solemn as he realized what and whom she was thinking about. "Damn fools both of them...." No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!
Aurore Devareaux Posted October 5, 2006 Posted October 5, 2006 Capt. Sterling said: Sterling watched her as she contemplated his request. Not so much as a spark of a smile, could he discover in her expression. A jumble of questions instantly bombarded his thoughts when she did not reply, in his mind, quick enough. Was his proposal too soon? Would not his father have married him, sight unseen, to someone he had never met? Was this so very different...or even worse... wrong? He could not help but look away as she touched him... his mind reeling with the belief that she too had already rejected him."Mayhaps..." he had begun, but she placed a solitary finger upon his lips to silence him. As he looked away, a fleet of further panic rose in the pit of Aurore's stomache for she assumed his thoughts were of the worst. Sterling's single word of half-hearted utterance brought caressing fingers to fall back to one of solem duty. Using the one to silence his next statement, she raised other hand to cup his chin gently and waited until disturbed sights re-trained on her own. Her gaze was unwavering as silencing digit and those that kept its' company, dropped away and reverantly procured the crimson silk. Leaning forward, she placed soft brush of lips to his then stood to full heigth, a hint of smile playing her expression and a depth of devotion drowning in olive sights. Floral scoll gracing reddened field was lifted, then secured with the dictates of tradition. Aurore kneeled before him, russet tress bound in scarlet splendor and reached for the hand not affected by ealier injury. Laying his fingers open, kiss was placed on palm surface; one word spoken in soft whisper. "Oui..." O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.
Capt. Sterling Posted October 5, 2006 Posted October 5, 2006 As she lifted his chin, he rememberd his stepmother. How many times had she done the same thing before she scolded him as a child? He knew she wanted him to look at her, but he was uncertain as to whether he wanted to as she rebuked his offer. And yet, as she leaned gently in to gather up the brightly coloured silk and kiss him, he could not help but feel that he had indded, made the proper choice. He watched her, the smile he so desparately needed to see, finally gracing her soft lips...and the look in her eyes captured his heart completely. When she spoke her agreement, he could still hardly grasp his good fortune. "What?" he thought to himself and yet he knew he had heard her clearly. It would take him some time to fully accept this blessing. He looked at her and wrapped his fingers about hers, raising her to her feet then to his side. He shifted toward her, his forehead resting against her own, he closed his eyes. "Thank ye," he whispered. "I shall make ye proud to bear my name and our children. I love ye, Aurore." And then he kissed her. "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel
Cheeky Actress Posted October 6, 2006 Posted October 6, 2006 Lilly soon looked back at the good Doctor as she tried to hide her forlorn thoughts of her beloved Captain. “I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. How long will it be before we can return to Port Royal? I must see to my correspondence and see if I can procure employment at the theater in towne.” Reiley swallowed hard as he took a fairly good gulp of ale. “There will be time, I will wager you that. It’s best that I stay for at least a week before we venture back. Besides, Master Killingsworth is still about and we know that he’s in to do you a bit of harm. Abbi does not seem to mind. She likes the company.” Lilly nodded slowly. “Of course, I wish you well and if you need your rest, then so be it.” With an inquisitive look, the Doctor looked at Lilly as he shifted his weight to relieve the pain in his shoulder. “Here, what’s wrong?” At first, Lilly could not find the words, but with a slow sigh, she then whispered to him. “I fear I will be lost without my Captain. I did not sleep well last night…dreams of the past haunt me in slumber.” With a nod of understanding, Reiley quickly raised his hand. “Fear not, Mistress. I am sure that all you need a small dose of my famous slumber tea and all will be set right. You trouble yourself with woe and are fearsome of the unknown.” “You Sir, were not in the room when my life fell apart!” Her tone quickly turned hostile. Though only slightly shaken by her abrupt tone, Reiley cleared his throat once more. “’Tis true, Mistress I was not, but you are here amongst friends. We are here to help one another and this be my lot in life therefore, I shall help you in whatever way I can. Now, do as I say…please.” His tone became soft as his eyes met hers. “Doctor’s orders…” Member of "The Forsaken"
Capt. Sterling Posted October 6, 2006 Posted October 6, 2006 Sterling could have easily remained cloistered away in Aurore's bedroom. He had never been so happy, but reality has its way of interferring in a person's happiness and soon it was time to return to the matters that had come to his attention with the arrival of Mr. Merriweather the elder. "Ye best put yer traveling clothes on Lady, and perhaps pack a small trunk for the next few days," he said. "And I am afraid I shall be needing yer help with mine own. Could ye also ask yer brother for an armed escort, one should do us well enough, no need to draw any extra attention to ourselves and a spare, fully tacked horse as well?" "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel
Aurore Devareaux Posted October 6, 2006 Posted October 6, 2006 A trace of contented smile played the corners of her mouth as Aurore listened, head tilted slightly to the right in thoughtful manner. She half heard his words of instruction, more focused on what had just transpired and the sudden calm that had washed over her. Furthest from her mind were the possible ramifications of her accord and in truth, she would have risked far more if that had been the case. The worries of the outside world could continue to rage and bellow, such things seem of little meaning or consequence when weighed against the completeness that now lay over her like eloquated ermine mantle. The sound of determined footfall half drew Aurore's awareness to more finite focus, but only briefly. Streaching up on bare toe lift, she kissed him again; deeply with passionate undercurrents begging for full riegn... Soft knock resounded chamber; letting those within know that the outside world still existed and would claim its' due. O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.
Tess St. Claire Posted October 6, 2006 Posted October 6, 2006 False Ransom said: He slowly pushed away the pistol. "If I was a threat to you, you'd already be dead by now. I'd prefer to talk, and I hate talking with someone who's pointing a pistol at my chest. I promise, I mean you no harm. I want your coin, not your person." Tess looked back at this man. "Talk? If you wish to talk with me sir you must state your business quickly or I will have you thrown out of this tavern. Now, what can I do for you?" She said with a smile. "Or better yet, what can you do for me?" She waited to hear his reply as the sounds of the street life became busy.
Capt. Sterling Posted October 6, 2006 Posted October 6, 2006 Sterling tarried in her kiss. Who ever it was could surely wait. The knock sounded upon the door yet again and he snatched one more token from Aurore's lips before he pulled back. "Aye? Enter," he said, the disappointment of such a sudden thrust back into life, all too apparent in his tone. "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel
Aurore Devareaux Posted October 6, 2006 Posted October 6, 2006 Sabastian opened the door slightly, taking in the scence afore him with knowlegable and practiced eye. Quick note was made of crimson silk adornment, though no inkling of his acknowledgement show outwordly. He survey Sterling's overall bearing, wondering if the near future traverse overland would be less than practical. But the news just gleaned with newest arrival from The Port would have called for forced retreat, regardless. "Andre' has returned from Kingston...The carriage will be at ready soon and it would be wise to depart soon after." A form of dread briefly lit younger sibling's eyes, then was forcibly quelled. O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.
Capt. Sterling Posted October 6, 2006 Posted October 6, 2006 Aurore Devareaux said: "Andre' has returned from Kingston...The carriage will be at ready soon and it would be wise to depart soon after." Sterling caught at Aurore's hand. "What is it Chere? Who is Andre`?" he asked. "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel
Aurore Devareaux Posted October 6, 2006 Posted October 6, 2006 She glanced to Sabastian then back to Sterling, "Our elder brother, Cher...I do not think he would be overly understanding to...everything." Sabastian inhaled sharply as if to give nonverbal punctuation to sibling's call of cards. Then familiar smirk caressed his features, "But...he has gone up to Maroon's holdout and I doubt he shall return before the morrow. It is somewhat predictable for Andre' to shy from "civilized" dwellings when he has delt with Gadje for extended time..." Dark brown sights centered of rouge trapping mommentarily then to Sterling, " C'est rien, Capitaine. I will leave you now to check the carriage progress." Backing to doorway, Beggar Prince smiled slyly at Englishman then disapeared into hallway beyond. O shoshoy kaste si feri yek khiv sigo athadjol.~Romani Proverb Celui qui ne sait pas se taire sait rerement bien parler.~Pierre Charron Attention! All formats of plot and characterizations produced under the monikers "Aurore Devareaux" or "Tempest Fitzgerald" are protected under the statutes of Copyright law. All Rights Reserved. F.T.M.
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