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I’ll be out of pocket for a few days. The upstairs neighbor got evicted, and decided to take the parting shot of turning on all her water taps and stop up all the drains, as well as running the washer hookups.

Pretty much everything we owned was soaked. Clothes and kitchen stuff will wash, swords and guns will clean up, some of the furniture will survive - more won’t. Doubt any of the electronics will survive, but we haven’t even tried turning any of it on - still trying to get it dried out, but have access to a friend’s computer for the evening, so I can at least drop a few messages here and there. Don’t even ask about many, many books. We’ve got plenty of places to stay - they got us into another apartment here, but it wasn’t really ready for a move-in yet, so it still needs some work, and we are mostly crashing at my parent’s for a while. Long drive, but good food.

Oh, the fun of drying stuff out and moving…


Oh, my goodness!!!!!!! :ph34r: That really sucks! Can you sue? Do you have renters insurance? I live in the bottom apartment, scary thought now. I'm really sorry that happened to you, some of us pirates should go over and kick her arse around and then stick her in an apartment and then flood it! :ph34r:


As the owner of "Richs Rooter Service" I see this stuff alot.

Thats a tough one to take.,I am sorry of your mis fortune. As for

suing .,its probably hard to get money from someone like that .

Any idiot knew it would flood down below however. The attack was every bit as much against you as the landlord.

Probably no money in this person.

However.,damage back.,a vehicle.,or what ever equitable monetary satisfaction may be your only avenue if your into it.......... After what they did........,I would be looking to lite them up big. Must please be careful not to get caught ., then lose 2 times :lol:

Good luck to you sir.

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"



What a morons!

I hope you can get some satisfaction but i wouldn't be surprised if there weren't any money to get there indeed..jesus that sucks..

Sorry to hear that mate, all the best with it..

I hope most things can be saved.

  HarborMaster said:
As for suing .,its probably hard to get money from someone like that .

Absolutely. It's the people who have nothing who have total disregard for other people's property. It's the I see it, I want it, I take it - or - You have it and I don't so I'm just going to mess it up - mentality that people have. For cases like this is why the property management company or person usually has pretty high insurance rates. I would go that route. Probably a better chance of getting items replaced.


I hate to say such things., and many would say dont stoop to thier level....,however ? When in Russia., the best way to speak to a Russian., would be to speak to them "in Russian" ..., people understand their own language. I know...,I know..., its the Devil in me :) I do believe in fair also., sounds like they need some. Be fair. :)

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"


Thanks to all for the good wishes.

We're going to take any and all legal measures we can, for what good it does. Against the neighbors and maybe the apartment complex too, as it seems they should have some responsibility for renting to people like that and not keeping an eye on 'em after evicting 'em. As for extra-legal measures, well, the swords are fine after some polishing... :lol:

We've pretty much gotten what we brought with us here picked through and either cleaned up or tossed, if it won't survive. Don't know about electronics yet for the most part, although the good desktop computer made it - which is good, considering how much of our lives is on that thing.

The one good thing about it all is that we've gotten the works for our very own real-life house going now - going to build on the family place and the nearest neighbors to worry about will be family. And we actually get along with them. Maybe by next Spring - Summer at the latest - we'll be country folk again. A hundred acres right on the Brazos River... And that means we can have visitors, too, so feel free to contact us for a map.


Nash... mate.. I hope you come out of this a well pleased pirate. And by all mean, hang those buggers out t' dry! They need t' learn the consequences of doing something so stupid as to cause another distress. And good for you to take such extended and extreme measures.

Ya know... originally, if we could get away with it... it would hunt the buggers down, kidnap them, whip them with the cat-o-nines, keel haul them, strip them naked, whip them some more and allow the crew to ravage them, and.. well, I'm sure everyone here has other ideas to toss in and can get the drift.

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Got our own internet access back, and we're in the new apartment here at the same complex for a bit, 'til the while house thing comes about.

I'm all for keelhaulin' and giving those folks a taste o' the cat, but I seen 'em a time or two. No interest in ravishin' a one of 'em.

And where we're putting the house, the only way we'd flood is if Horseshoe Bend Dam breaks, and then most of the county is going too, so we won't be so worried about our stuff getting damp.

And, now that I'm on the DSL again, a couple of pics of our old apartment:



unreal. i just can't figure out some people! have to make a trip to texas one of these days to visit! ;)

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire


Had the same thing happen when the guy upstairs tried to repair a water filter line with masking tape, then left for the weekend. The filter popped and his water ran for 48 hours because the maint. guy didn't think it was too big a prob. The floor didn't collapse but separated between the joists and we had three waterfalls in our condo. The neighbor returned and the first thing out of his mouth was "I'm going to sue the HOA for the incompetence of the maint. man". I wanted to drown the SOB in his own living room, but the water was all at my place.

I feel for ya mate, Idiots run rampant and always seem to walk away unscathed, here's a mug to you mate. :huh:


I have a new job and it includes doing research on people. If you need to find someone to sue, I may be of help.

PS. maybe you could drown the SOB's..

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


  LadyBarbossa said:
Nash... mate.. I hope you come out of this a well pleased pirate. And by all mean, hang those buggers out t' dry! They need t' learn the consequences of doing something so stupid as to cause another distress. And good for you to take such extended and extreme measures.

Ya know... originally, if we could get away with it... it would hunt the buggers down, kidnap them, whip them with the cat-o-nines, keel haul them, strip them naked, whip them some more and allow the crew to ravage them, and.. well, I'm sure everyone here has other ideas to toss in and can get the drift.

~Lady B


You forgot to tie em up and chase them down main street, naked of course. They'd never do anything like it again. :lol:

God, looks terrible Nash. I'm feeling sorry for you. Have a drink on me. ;)

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