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Historical Accuracy Vs. Rollicking Fun

Guest PistolProof

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Guest PistolProof

Arrr Mateys,

After reviewing quite a bit of the posts on costuming and general piratical gear, I will say that I agree with MOST of the comments encouraging historical accuracy. We should strive for historical accuracy. This is especially true for those of us with an educational bent to our hobby.

However, historical accuracy is not necessarily fun for me. Sure, I enjoy researching construction of powder boxes and shoes just as much as the next history geek. However, I grew up watching old pirate movies from the 1950's, 60's and 70's. At 10 years old, I wanted to buckle swashes for a living when I grew up. As a matter of fancy, even now I'd like to get my hands on episodes of the Treasure Island TV Series. Hollywood was not concerned with historical accuracy in the production of these movies, therefore my concept of what a pirate should look and act like are vastly skewed from reality.

Therefore, my pirate garb and accoutrements consist of: The fancy shirt what I won in a game of bones at The Bilge Rat, A pair of leather gloves with ridiculously large cuffs, A pair of drawstring pants that've seen better days but cover up the proper parts, a pair of tall boots that have too many laces but looked right to me, a doublet of corduroy 'cause I couldn't affords me no leather, a brass cup hilted cutless (I can hear the cringes), a flintlock pistol stuffed into a leather belt and some sort of headgear, usually a red silk scarf tied like Cap'n Jack Sparrow.

The overall look has bits and pieces cobbled together from several different centuries and some flights of imagination. Is it entirely and completely historically accurate? No. But, I do have a rollicking fun wearing it to Renaissance Faires and such. And that, to me is what really matters because this is a hobby and not a lifestyle.

The thought of actually living as a a crewmember on a privateering ship is not what I would call fun. The thought of rickets and scurvy isn't pleasant. The lack of modern (even marine) plumbing would put me off my lunch. The thought of drinking un-homogenized milk is simply gross. Not having access to telvision, radio, e-mail or the internet wouldn't bother me much; As Groucho Marx once said, "I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book."

However, it seems that even those things we can do without make us safer and more informed than ever in recorded history. Would I do it for a year? Hell, yes. Would I do it for the rest of my life? Nah, I enjoy modern conveniences like shaven legs and pits on a woman, clean agricultural food sources, and a weather warning that tells me when to batten down the hatches and I won't give them up just to dress and act like a pirate. But, I digress (especially since that ain't gonna happen)...

I guess my point is that sometimes I just don't give a rat's butt about being historically accurate and, I'm fine with that. And I'm not so sorry when other people are not fine with that. If I were to go to a school in my garb and try to teach students about the golden age of piracy, I'd be doing them a disservice. But, as the social animal that I am, having an ale with some other pirate fans at the local Ren Faire or on Pirate Day in a marina dressed in my garb and singing songs off key is just rollicking fun.

Have fun,


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Hey Rand, I'd sure buy you a beer! :lol:

I have no problem with anyone's level of accuracy as long as they aren't, as you so succintly put it "go to a school in my garb and try to teach students about the golden age of piracy". I do think that if you purport to be teaching history, that's when the necessity of historical accuracy comes in.

I'm an authenticist. Dyed in the wool, as it were. But I have to admit that I do what I do because I like the challenge of knowing all that background knowledge, of getting all the little pieces right, of having the right coins in my purse and the right skivvies on though no one ever sees them.

But I wouldn't contract scurvy for anyone! Nor would I really want to work on a pirate ship -- EVER! I wouldn't even want to be my own character for a day because I know too much about her life to romanticize it.

But lucky us, we can go home to our hot showers and shaved armpits and cable TV. :lol:

Good post, man...


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!

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Aye Rand,

Long as yer having a goode time, and being truthful that you aren't 'historically accurate', have at it!

Interesting views here...

Now, I'm with Kass, being one o' them Reenactor types.... But I do like to have fun.... As a point of fact, being accurate is fun for me...

One of the many reasons I enjoy being accurate is to appreciate what we have to-day.... And also finding that I could survive in the 18th Century...

Let me explain further...

I appreciate that we have all the modern conveniences, and at the same time I have come to dislike some of them. I can do without TV, Radio, Cell Phones, among other gadgets....

All the things we have that make 'life' easy for us we take for granted....

In the 17th and 18th Century, fast communication across long distances depended on a fair wind, or a fast horse... and that fast answer could take months to get back!

No electricity (well the beginnings of it later in the 18th C), all tools were manual...

No natural Gas/propane.... Heat came from wood or coal fires....

Doing the accurate living history thing makes me appreciate all that and more....

And on the other side of the coin, I am very happy to come home to a warm, lighted house and have a hot shower after a reenactment!



D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins


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shaved armpits and cable TV.

Dang.... now I gotta shave me armpits.....?


I'm one of the "authentics" also.... (I just get kinda silly with some of my post) trying to make my garb/clothing and gear as period correct as I can....it's an on going process... but that is the fun part for me........

BUT DANG....I just went to a Renn Fair, wearing my early period Elizabeathean garb..... drat... no on had any idea what it was.... went back to camp, changed into my 1714 Pyrate garb.... had a heck of a lot a fun....

There are times when I wonder why I even bother with trying to go "period correct" the only person that even cares is me..... and then I remember..... I'm only doing it for me.......

The group that I'm with "Tales of the Seven Seas" is very interesting.... Ace, does a fantastic job as Jack Spareribs (that's Captain Jack Spareribs...) and I'm going as historicaly accurate as I can..... We are both as far different (Pyratewise) as can be.... but we both apriceate each others effort, in what we are doing as Pyrates.....

And isn't that kinda the idea behind alla this.....

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I agree with the follow on posts... I get a lot of fun and satisfaction out of researching my own stuff and trying to make it as authentic as I can.

Since there are very few events, if any, that exclusively call for historically accurate pirate impressions... maybe its a moot point.

But for me, having Patrick, Ed, Black John, etc give me an accompliment on my kit means more to me than anything.

There is plenty of room under the pirate tent for everyone.


Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site


Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!

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Since there are very few events, if any, that exclusively call for historically accurate pirate impressions... maybe its a moot point.


Kass and I be working on that!!!! Try to keep April open for next year. Captain looks at the Empress "Tis April isn't it??"


"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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I've mentioned this before... I'm an entertainer, not an educator. Our troupe doesn't even try to present pirates in any sort of historical perspective whatsoever... we just try to make people laugh until snot comes out their noses. Our fabrics are wrong, our boots are wrong, our weapons are wrong. However, it is crucial that our audience look at us and know us for pirates the INSTANT they see us. We get 20 minutes tops to entertain well enough that people might be willing to toss a buck in our hat, and we can't waste time explaining what we're supposed to be.

That being said, I beleive that there need to be more authentic, educational pirate groups and individuals at midwest faires and festivals... mostly because of groups like ours running about in "Hollywood" mode. I admire and respect people who strive for accuracy in every little detail, and wish there were more of such in the midwest.

NOAH: Wow... the whole world flooded in just less than a month, and us the only survivors! Hey... is that another... do you see another boat out there? Wait a minute... is that a... that's... are you seeing a skull and crossbones on that flag?

Ministry of Petty Offenses

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That's what's so damn much fun about this group. I've been thru a variety of re enactment groups from Medieval to Ren to Rendezvous to Colonial, and this is the only one I've found where both sides, historical and Hollywood can agree on the common ground of fun. You should read some of the flame wars that folks get into on their own lists and mesage baords, or maybe you already have.

I've seen tons of posts on how to tweak something to be more historical and none capping on folks for doing it their way...unless they are claiming historical and misrepresenting the period.

I can't make up my bloody mind, so I'm working on both!


Monterey Jack

"yes I am a pirate 200 years too late,

the cannons don't thunder, there's nothin to plunder,

I'm an over-40 victim of fate,

arrivin too late.........."

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I've seen tons of posts on how to tweak something to be more historical and none capping on folks for doing it their way...unless they are claiming historical and misrepresenting the period.

I can't make up my bloody mind, so I'm working on both!


Why not do both? In my opinion any good historical impression would be that much better off if the person in the kit new how to play the part as well as dress it! :lol:


"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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This topic pretty much has summed up why I like pyracy. I don't have historically accurate garb, though I personally am striving for more and more authenticity. It's a slow process. But I'm also happy with what I have and can pass as an easily recognizable pirate. Though my garb is more 1750's (give or take about two decades), I also have the classic 1850's cutlass (as well as others), 1750's Sea Service Pistol, modern shoes that pass as period...kind of-just because of the rest of my garb. I have a shirt and pants that my mother made for me about 10 years ago or so that have pine-tar stains and a few patch jobs. Sure, they were from a historical pattern, machine made with modern fabrics (before I knew much or even cared about historical accuracy), but they look the part and will due until I get around to finding a more accurate shirt that I like. Still, I have shared rounds and had a blast with 'stitch nazi' pirates, fantasy pirates, and college students that just think piracy is cool. Sometimes, all in the same group! It's the attitude of 'who cares, as long as you're having fun' combined with the willingness to help someone who wants to be historical that makes pirates the best companions.

Coastie :lol:

She was bigger and faster when under full sail

With a gale on the beam and the seas o'er the rail


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shaved armpits and cable TV.

Dang.... now I gotta shave me armpits.....?

LMAO!!!!! :unsure::o:o:o:o:o:o:o


"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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I think it works so well, (Pirate re-enacting that is) because we really are dependent on each other.

As I said before, 99% of what we do is festival style events. I slave away in my re-enacting laboratory trying to figure out how to make my kit as authentic as I can. (you can usually tell us authentic types right away from our pasty white skin that never sees the sun.)

But when I am at a festival, the last thing on earth I want to do is give a dog and pony show to the "public".

Enter Eric group....

Now here is a group that simply THRIVES on doing the stuff that I can't stand to do!

And he probably feels the same way about me and my group! "look, those guys have great authentic kit!... too bad they can't juggle!" ;)

So it all works out in the end to be good for us all.

The kids and parents get to be entertained and hopefully educated all at the same time.

But, I imagine that those "pirates" that fall somewhere in the middle (that is, they are not entertainers and not "authentic") come to the event too and add "atmosphere" and then gravitate towards whichever side interests them the most.

Plus..... the entertainer/fantasy pirates always bring the hot babes that the authentic guys get to drool all over.




Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site


Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!

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Plus..... the entertainer/fantasy pirates always bring the hot babes that the authentic guys get to drool all over.

...and THAT'S why I love being Hollywood! :lol:


We've had our share of near-misses here in the Pub over the "Re-enact vs. Re-hash" :lol: groups, but everyone is fairly content with what they do. As has been said, there's even some that pop in and out between the two main groups.

Something for everyone. :lol:

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

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Fwiw, I've completely given up on trying to "police" this Plunder section of the forum with respect to... anything! While I'd like to steer close to the winds of authenticity... it's not worth the time and effort to do so. As long as everyone plays nice I just don't care what goes on here. :lol:

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

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For me it's to try and be as authentic as possible but not to get obsessed with it. I'm in it for the fun and all these authenticity drives that you sometimes see end up stripping the fun away.

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I'm in it for the fun. However I admit for the very first time, I've made a Historically correct outfit....now to get pictures....

Blackjohn, it's about time you gave up trying to "police" people. I did ages ago. :)

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I always steer people to Captain Twill for historical accuracy. I see Plunder as the Classifieds of the Pub. I don't care if it's a neon pink frock coat or one of Kass's wonderful, historically accurate patterns.

I'm of the Hollywood side of costuming, but the character of Captain Grey has become popular at the local sci-fi conventions around here. Rumba and I were in a costume contest last year; she won for her beautiful, historically accurate outfit and I won a special prize for "Most Entertaining Entry by a Single Contestant". :lol:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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Plus..... the entertainer/fantasy pirates always bring the hot babes that the authentic guys get to drool all over.

Too true;

I met my wife at the Hanford renaissance of Kings Ren faire when she was playing a pirate...now I get exclusive drooling rights!

Hey....ten years this month....better start shopping..... :lol:

Monterey Jack

"yes I am a pirate 200 years too late,

the cannons don't thunder, there's nothin to plunder,

I'm an over-40 victim of fate,

arrivin too late.........."

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Greetins to all. I find this topic quite fascinating really. I've been keepin an eye open for such as the likes of you. I agree that haveing fun in what your doing is always a plus. if you can't have fun, whats the point. I myself am trying to get started on a kit. I'm am one of those types that look for "attention to detail". (being a Marine at one time did that to me). But I also like the "look" of SOME of the Hollywood Pirates. Not the ruffled shirt stuff though :lol: . I would accept any direction from any of you on period clothing,weapons,etc.etc. if your willing to pass it along. I've done some brouseing on the net and all, found some pics by Pyle . My question is, just how accurate is the art work thats shown? as far as what was worn.

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Pyle can be a bit iffy, Mr. Cutlass. Here's a better source of pictures:

Mr. Foxe's Pirate Pictures

And don't forget to check this out:

Mr. Foxe's Pirate Mythory

It's a great overview of why we think what we do about what pirates looked like and what's historical accurate and what's fantasy.

Me, I'm a HUGE stickler for detail. But that's my fun. I get a real kick out of having the right amount of replica coins in my pockets for someone of my station and knowing what would buy what. But I also like to be very, VERY silly. :lol:


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!

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Guest PistolProof

I never meant to say that historical accuracy and fun are mutually exclusive. I would enjoy an historically accurate portrayal of a privateer if I could afford the expense in time, especially if it were recognizable to the casual observer as such.

A typical weekday goes like this:

5am: Get up, shower and go off to work.

4:30pm: Arrive home, change clothes, work on (add item from to-do list here...possible suggestions include: drop off/pick up drycleaning, vacuum pool, laundry, sand/stain/paint latest furniture refinishing project, walk dog, feed dog, give dog water, clean up after dog, stand over dog and wonder when it's going to move out on it's own, sweep mudroom, check in with 17yo son and make sure he's done his homework/paperwork for new job/driving lessons (manual shift and I swear he's going to ruin my transmission...Arrrgh!!)/prepared for whatever he has to do the next day/etc/etc/ad nauseum, mowing the lawn, watering the lawn, raking the lawn or many other things to do with the lawn that I'd have time to do on the weekends but my wife keeps those filled with barbecues/arts and crafts festivals/weddings and various other friends and family gatherings, follow 17yo son around house and make him do his dishwasher/vacuuming house/laundry/cleaning room chores, do SAT flashcards with aforementioned son, kiss wife while passing her in the hallway) things I need to do and then finally take care of personal hygiene and crawl into bed.

11pm: Snore

4:45 am: Groan loudly at alarm clock and hit snooze button

4:59 am: rinse and repeat

Once every couple of days, I find time for myself (evidence as I write this) and surf the internet, do some research and play with my hobbies. To be honest, I admire those of you with the wherewithal to present a historically accurate persona and educate people about the golden age of piracy. For now, though, the time and energy I spend on dressing up and playing at being a pirate is just me having fun.

Heck, I'll buy the first ale at any pirate gathering for anyone that'll share a bit of banter and an "Arr, Matey!"...and if you do offer any suggestions on how to improve my gear without sniffing at the historical inaccuracies I'll be grateful.

That said, we're still in the planning stages of our annual trips to the NY and PA RenFaires. If you're going to those and the dates match, I'd like to meet you.


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