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My friend sent me some information about this event going on at the Nauti Goose Saloon in North East, Maryland. It sounds pretty fun so I thought I'd pass this along to everyone. Here's what he wrote:

I just remembered something I wanted to share with you last night. On Friday July 21st, 7:30pm at the Nauti Goose, they are having a “theme” dinner thingy called “Pirates of the Chesapeake”. It is $40 per person, which includes a special dinner (including shark, I believe) and drink specials. It is a costume event with a $200 cash prize for the winner!


I'm probley going since it's extremely close to home (I hit that place pretty often anyway <_< )


My friend who sent me the info for the feast knows the owner of the Nauti-Goose. When he talked the owner Sunday he told him about the pirate band from New York that had called him to see if he was interested in having them play at the feast. He was amazed that a group from up there had found out about the feast he was throwing since he hadn't done much advertising yet. My friend encouraged him to sign the band on! I was thinking it was probley you guys!

Cool! Just goes to show the power of the pub! :huh:


LOL, is that the rep we have? The pirate band from NY? We'll take it!

Yes it was us and we got the gig.

Us pirates got to stick together! thanks for the push. See you there I hope!

Pirate music at it's best, from 1650 onwards


The Brigands

  • 2 weeks later...

Just bumping this up. If ye have not gotten yer ticket or reservations for this and ye planned on attendin, ye might want to consider it.

It makes out to be a fine time for all, with prize for costume and plenty of song and drink and shark steaks to boot.

And o'course, us, The Brigands, the pirate band from New York. ;)

Pirate music at it's best, from 1650 onwards


The Brigands


Well I hope we have some real pirates attending. I would hate to have to explain everything to a large group of landsmen, lubbers and nobbly shopkeepers and the like. When we read the Articles and seek out salts to join crew, we like a hearty huzzah not a dumbfounded expression!

THis loks to be a lot of fun! I have to find out if we can discharge cannons from the out-door deck! Now, that will be fun!

Pirate music at it's best, from 1650 onwards


The Brigands

  Capt Thighbiter said:
I have to find out if we can discharge cannons from the out-door deck!

I wish. Alas there is docking off of the deck so we'd probley take out a few powerboats.

I fully intend to hang out with the regular bar patrons after the feast ends at 10pm. It'll make it all the more fun <_<


Just wanted to say "hi" to all the MD pyrates. I spent 15 years in MD, lived in Pasadena, went to undergraduate at UMBC, worked at "The John" (Johns Hopkins, oncology) and did MPH work from "The John" as well.

I do miss a table full o'crabs and a pitcher with it. Old Bay right up to yer ears. I live in upstate NY and they have no clue how to make a crabcake here.

In laws lived in Conowingo, so I know right where you be talkin' about in North East.

Have a right jolly time and be sure to sing yer pyrate ditties loud, proud and strong!



Hello to you as well! Conowingo is a short ride from me! I've had a friend or two hail from that area.

Am I ever looking forward to late summer crab season! Mmmmmmm. Nothing is better than a pile of crabs and some cold beer. My dad's a recreational crabber but he hasn't had much luck yet. He usually starts having luck in August and is more than happy to share the "wealth". :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like it will be a lot of fun. Wish I could go but alsa no babysitter for the kids. Oh well maybe next time. Would like to see pictures if any of you take them. :)

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am


Hee hee, yeah.. Trying to dance around in a mermaid costume is a bad idea...especially after after a few too many Rum and Cokes. My tailbone still hurts from the fall I took! I definatly got my moneys worth in alcohol though. :lol:

The Brigands were fantastic! They brought cannon and there were lots of pirates about. A very good time.

I have pictures to share, I just need to get them uploaded. I'll post a link tomorrow or Wednesday :lol:


*Bangs head on keyboard*

Can't believe I missed it. Just up the road........

Pieter_Claeszoon__Still_Life_with_a.jpg, Skull and Quill Society thWatchDogParchmentBanner-2.jpg, The Watch Dog

  Quartermaster James said:

"We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."


Another one coming up in August, so you got a second chance.

Twas a lot of fun, lots of give aways ( more in August), and a few lasses dancing with thier tops off ! Firing cannon from the upper deck of the resauraunt, and of course The Brigands.

And the extremely cute but sadly inebrieated Rogue Mermaid!

Pirate music at it's best, from 1650 onwards


The Brigands


It's funny. As the fog of too much Rum on Friday night fades I've started remembering things. The most interesting is me dancing around with a sword in one hand and my mermaid tail in another. I'm lucky I didn't run myself or someone else through!!!! :lol:

If anyone wants to go to the next Pirates of the Chesapeake you can go here for more information on tickets, times, and the date (I'm pretty sure it's Friday, August 18th):


I haven't decided for sure if I'm going to the next feast in Mid-August yet. Do you guys think I should do the mermaid costume agian if I do? I sure did love that costume.

You can see all 33 of my pictures from last Friday night here:


And here's a sample of some of my favorite pictures:







  • 2 weeks later...

Avast ye Mermaid, I have it on good authority that some of the crew from the Clipper City tall ship and her attendant pirate group will be coming!

With Capt Morgan sponsoring this feast, it may prove to be the topper to the last one!

Pirate music at it's best, from 1650 onwards


The Brigands

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