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^ Remember my childhood quite well (I'll never grow up myself)

< Had a chance to work at my old elementary school, that brought back some good memories

V Like to visit places from your past?

May the winds of fortune sail you

May you sail a gentle sea

May it always be the other guy who says "this drinks on me"


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^ A little of both

< Change can be a blessin or a curse

V what would ye change now or past?

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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^ Not sure if this is the answer your looking for, I have no children, but I do have 4 nephews and I try to do stuff with them that there parents might not be able to afford to do, and that brings me pleasure.

< Got to get to bed, Goodnight

V How long do you plan on staying up?

May the winds of fortune sail you

May you sail a gentle sea

May it always be the other guy who says "this drinks on me"


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^ I relish those moments

< Walk around in others shoes a lot

V Look at things from your point of view only? or through others?

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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^ CAre very much wot others think if I care about em... the rest on a case by case

< CAre for as in take care of those who need - and deserve

V DO you get enough care?

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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^ Aye..it's the human thing to do

< Sometimes jsut being told "everything is going to be ok" is incredibly healing. Its the thing people need to know.

V Plans tomorrow?

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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^ Sleep in! I'm not usually up this late. :(

< I find that a hug works wonders for both myself and others. (Not that I hug myself, mind you - although, if I was desperate enough...)

V Enjoy hugs? Some people don't.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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^ hug lover. my mom doesn't, and she gets really grumpy wheni try to hug her :(

< mom aint lucky today, its her b-day. hug day! :(

V big b-day or just some or none visitors?



The rose came alive,

Coloured deeply red,

The boy just arrived,

And as my heart, the rose wasn't dead.

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^ Fun birthday..how many doesn't matter as long as there's people I care for who I can smile with, laugh with ....and wear silly hats.

< Love hugs. Could hug more than once a day. More than twice.

V Demonstrative in affection to others or a "don't touch me" person?

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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^ hmmm easily demonstrate affection to others but I am very particular about others being touchy/feely in reverse

< ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

V anything that you would willingly die to achieve?

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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^ While having an uncharacteristically maccabe moment of humor..

I would suppose...death...I know yer laughing Sterling..I know ye are..

That aside. Save any member of my family. I would lay my life down

without thought.

< Fiercly loyal to family.

V Are you loyal? How much so?

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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^ yes, to the point that its ruined my health

< weather is really taking a turn for the better

V favorite time of day

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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^ That kinda depends on what time of year. On a summer evening, I love sitting out on the front deck, sippping a glass of wine or a martini, and eating snacks, while watching the deer parade across the front lawn.

< My family is not the "to die for" kind. Sad, but true.

V Like your family, or wish you could be adopted by someone else?

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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^ Aye poeple ye care about will...at times. If ye didn't care..they wouldn't

< Sterling ..dear..take care of yer health..otherwise you can't be there for those yer loyal to..

V Seek new and true friendships or good wit wot ye got

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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^ dogs, cats, birds and don't forget a horse or two...

< trying Red Cat, seems that the Swedish genes have contributed to the mess as well, blonds don't always have more fun... :lol:

V What do your folks do that make you crazy?

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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^ That list would go to the moon and back. But let's just say, being the oldest of five, with parents who married way too young because they had to, and with a mother who wanted to be anywhere but where she was, stuck with a bunch of kids, life was not very fun.

< I've been told many times that just because they are your family, you're not required by law to like them. It's taken me a long time to accept that without feeling guilty.

V Your family close by, or spread out over other states or countries?

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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