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Pirate fun in Portsmouth, England on 26th May

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Hi all,

We have another little event to tell you all about and that you can keep an eye out for.

The Sheppey Pirates - http://www.sheppeypirates.org - have been comissioned for a little caper to welcome Disney's entry into the Volvo Round the World Yacht Race, The Pirates of The Caribbean, into Portsmouth harbour, England. We're working alongside one of our brother UK pirate crews The Sea Wolfes - http://www.therealwolfpack.zoomshare.com - for this raid.

We've been asked to fire our cannon to welcome the ship into the harbour, entertain 500 kids all morning and then put on a 20 minute show for the kids, the Mayor of Portsmouth and, hopefully, some actors from the forthcoming film Pirates of the Caribbean 2.

The event isn't open for members of the public to just turn up to unfortunately as far as we know but it is being filmed for the Disney Channel and is being shown in the UK for definite and, possibly, the US so you may want to keep an eye out for it.


You might check with Black John of this Forum. His group did the same gig for the Volvo folks in Maryland a few weeks back.

He may be able to give you a heads up with what worked for them, and how to make it better.

Just a thought.


Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site


Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!


Cheers for that. That's useful to know.

Not that we've got that long now until we do the event. 4 more days and then we've got to put a show on for 500 middle school kids. B)


I wish that I could be there. I was able to goto Portsmouth while in the Navy. I got a great pic of the Ships Anson, the pub which got most of my money. It was a great place to see.


Unfortunately the event is not now going ahead.

Due to the fatality on one of the Dutch boats (ABN AMRO 2 I believe) the mood when the crews arrived in Portsmouth was too somber and it was felt that having a fun event would send out mixed messages.

Therefore the show has been cancelled.

Our thoughts are with the crew member who lost is life's family.

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