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Forgive me folks but it's turned in to a sad day around here. My old freind of many years, Angus 'Gus' McGoof, died just a little over an hour ago. He was an old Gordon Setter I've had for along time. I think 14 years. Just lay down and went away it seems. I'll sure miss the ol' buggar. If yer liftin' a glass and need a reason to toast, lift one for ol' Gus, a fine Scottsman gone to his Clan. Thankee.


Might sorry to hear of your hurtin' Cap'n. Your mate will always be there in your memory. <hoists a mug> TO MATES!

He was an old Gordon Setter I've had for along time. I think 14 years. Just lay down and went away it seems.

Sounds as if he went quietly and peacefully -- something to be thankful for. Keep his memory alive, Capt. Bo, as ye celebrate his life and yer years together. Take good care of yerself, too, mate.

I wonder if one of the most important steps on our journey is the one in which we throw away the map.

-- Loreena McKennitt

My fathers knew of wind and tide, and my blood is maritime.

-- Stan Rogers

I don't pretend to be captain weird.

I just do what I do.

-- Johnny Depp


Cap'n Bo, me brother... Me heart is indeed heavy to hear of yer mate's passing. Though I never knew him, I know you, and that makes him one extraordinary man. I raise a glass in his honour. To absent friends! :o:ph34r:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


You've all been very kind, thank you. I do want to point out that Gus was my FOUR legged friend, but I held him in higher esteem than most two legged creatures. He was quiet, loyal and faithful to us always, and a better dog I've never known. Just so that everyone realizes that Gus wasn't human in body, he was more human in spirit than most people I've met. Thanks again everyone.


Cap'n Bo, I know your heartache all too dearly. And as I said on another board, such unconditional love is hard to lose, but never goes unrewarded. Take heart, my friend. And know that our thoughts and prayers are with ye. :)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

  • 5 weeks later...

Aye then, Cap'n...ye move me t' salty tears with yer tale....for I know what the love of an ol' pirate Dog is....an' I would ne'er trade it for all the human love in th' world.......

But, don't ye fret for e'er though....for know ye o' the Pirate Ship Sea Grace? Well, it be the place what our furry Mates goes when the Sea be a callin'......an', there they be leadin' a fine pirate life whilst they be waitin' fer us to come home.......


"Past the very edge o' the Horizon

Where no live Mates may dwell

Lies a Pirate Ship that be o' so Grande

And, so th' Legends tell.

She floats in clear, blue waters

Off the sands o' a tropical beach

An', try as we might to find Her

"Tis out of the live Pirate's reach.

Her name be the Pirate Ship Sea Grace

An', Her one sacred job it be

To hail the fur an', the hearts an', the paws

Of our four legged friends gone to sea.

They frolick an', tussle an', bound forth

They pillage an', plunder it be true

For the ache in their old bones has left them

An', now they be waitin' for you.

For when an old Pirate takes his last breath

An', crosses the far distant sea

The Sea Grace will be there for welcome

An', your Mate will be there t' greet ye.

Together again for eternity

Your Jolly Jack flyin' with pride

The wind in your hair an', a tongue on your face

In your Pirate Ship fore'er side by side.


c. 2004

Fair winds to ye, Mate......



A toast t'yer faithful companion, Cap'n Bo.

Fourteen years be a long age fer our canine friends and it sounds like they were years filled with love and happiness. A quiet end is a blessing.



Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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