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Another death on the Mission Space ride


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There's warning signs all over the place, so it doesn't make sense why people would still ride if they have health problems. But I've heard people who are in great health still get chest pains after they ride it. If it's like a real space launch why don't they have the guests wear special space suits? Like how real astronaughts do for real space launches. Ya know, I may love fast rides and all that, but this is a little ridiculous. I'm in good health, but I don't think I'd ride this. Any ride that offers you a barf bag and makes you have chest pains is not worth it! Has anyone on here rode this? Is it as intense as they say?

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There's warning signs all over the place, so it doesn't make sense why people would still ride if they have health problems. But I've heard people who are in great health still get chest pains after they ride it. If it's like a real space launch why don't they have the guests wear special space suits? Like how real astronaughts do for real space launches. Ya know, I may love fast rides and all that, but this is a little ridiculous. I'm in good health, but I don't think I'd ride this. Any ride that offers you a barf bag and makes you have chest pains is not worth it! Has anyone on here rode this? Is it as intense as they say?

I've ridden this quite a few times, and the only adverse effect I had was a little dizziness in the eyes. I would equate it to most of the spinning attractions I had ridden at other parks in my younger years, only that this attraction has a good visual of space travel to boot (something I wish I could do in reality).

Unfortunately, I've had a friend or two complain of more severe effects from the ride than I had. One just has to gage themself, and decide if the g-forces from the ride will cause them any harm. If they have to think about it, they probably would do best not to ride.

Me, I just have to remember not to drink (before or after), and I'll do just fine. ;)

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...

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In my early years, I worked at the Alabama Space And Rocket Center (now known simply as The Space Center). I operated a ride called the Lunar Odyssey. A centrifuge ride, that exerted approximately 3.2 G's for roughly 7 1/2 minutes. It accellerated slowly, and decellerated in about the same space of time. We had more than one person ask to get off in order to blow chow, but no one on my watch ever croaked.

We had an extensive laundry list of medical conditions that we had to loudly recite, and hush the patrons to make sure everyone got the message. I can't imagine that WDW would gloss over precautions like that, and I doubt they do.

The thing is, people have to take personal responsibility for their own well being and set aside their enthusiasm if it obviously puts them in peril!!!. Otherwise, God and Darwin will shake hands, and cull said twit from the gene pool.

Yeah, it's unfortunate. Yeah, undiagnosed conditions will sneak through. I'm not trying to be an insensitive @ss about this. But bad things happen. The majority are avoidable, however.

OK, somebody else can have my soapbox now. ;)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

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No, you're right Jack. There's warnings all over the place for this ride. As I said, I may be in good health, but I'm unsure of this ride. I admit to be a little curious, but I think in the end this is one I'll skip if ever I go to DW.

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