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It can rain ne'r more!

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Is it only this coast or be there water raining elsewhere? Rum is runin' dry and we be rustin in the buckets! Feel like a chanty comin' on. Anyone got a tune fer me ald ukelele? One er rain be nigh? Most be runnin' south be now and mebe east. Any cheer fer eh ald Captain what's skirt hems be soggy? Could a pirate get the blues? :rolleyes:

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After the 2005 hurricane season from hell, here along the Gulf Coast we are going through a drought. Rain gets close but just doesn't fall here(Mobile, Alabama). Farmers are a complainin they can't break ground. On the plus side o this the salt water fishin be great.


Steven St'ar

Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur

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:lol: Aye, mates. It be rainin like hell on yer brethren down here in the Carolinas. At least, it was yesterday, now it's just soggy and cold, damnit. It's supposed to be SPRING!

Soggy as a Bilge Rat,



Me mum named me Aedon.

Me mates call me Lucky.

Me enemies call me a bastard.

And anyone in a position of authority calls me

"that lucky bastard Aedon."

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All the day and night it was stormy, and it rained and snowed like hell!

Warm tea and candlelight are quite romantical, but not at three in the afternoon while black clouds let it be nightwise.

Here at the coast it often rains, but nearly never snows. This year it will not stop.

Aye, even pirates can get the blues... :P

Otherwise, today I have a day off, so I can work on my outfit. Or try the grogtini from another thread here.

Take Care,


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