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Apparently a television series called "BONES" will have a Wednesday April 5th episode about pirate treasure.

8pm on FOX here in New York........

Have never seen the series but, will definitely check it out.......



Aye, Siren.....twern't a bad show a'tall.....

A wee bit silly....but, kept me smilin' throughout the drama.

(though the Mayor's wife migh be lookin' fer a new place t' shop.....) B)

Some verra good quotes as well.....

"I had an eye patch when I was six years old.

Didn't we all my friend? Didn't we all?"

"I love that stupid pirate."

"Do you believe in pirates?"

and, the funniest....

"Scurvy? Syphillis? Pirate!"

'Tis nice t' see that the 'real' world still remembers pirates!


Fair Winds



I was particularly amused that they did a little homework and based some elements of the story on real-world pirate stuff (rather than pulling it out of thin air as in the pirate "charmed" ep.)

Blackbeard's money pit was clearly inspired by Oak Island.

The primary funder of the excavation was a pirate-obsessed billionaire with his own reality TV show - Pat Croce reference?

And let's not forget to mention that when a couple of fella's were drinking beers near the site, that was Flogging Molly on their boombox - a band who's clearly drawn pirate inspiration of their own.

Did I miss any?



I unfortunately jumped in on it halfway through... but caught some of the fun stuff.

Might I state that seeing the gold was rather blissful. As well as the sketch of the 300 yr old face... and what was rather sweet - in my opinon - was their statement "Now doesn't he look happy?"

"No. I think he'd rather be down there with the rest of his shipmates.."

Awww! and how so damn true! Who wants t' be on public display 300 yrs after ya died suppose to be protecting a treasure with the rest of your shipmates.

It was an interesting episode. Too many commercial breaks in my opnion.. :lol:


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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