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"Why shouldn't I?" was all he said.

Then gave her that smile. That special smile that was hers and hers alone, albeit a much sadder version.

And then he turned and walked away.


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Furious that he made her feel and then walked away she leaned down and scooped up sand and hurled it at his back, then looked wildly about seeking anything else to hurl at him. Her temper explosive, and yet tears fell quickly enraging her all the more.

“How…why did you have to make me feel!”


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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Whatever was in that goblet BriarRose had given me put me to sleep very quickly. I opened my eyes to see morning sunlight begin to peek in through the window. I blinked a few times and tried to move my arms. It didn't hurt as bad as I thought. So I tried sitting up. Bad idea. I winced at the pain and gasped for air and laying right back down.

"Get up. Ye 'ave ti get up an' back ti deh ship!" I whispered to myself.

I saw BriarRose sleeping in a chair with the black kitten curled up on her lap. The cat looked at me, his big green-gold eyes watch me curiously. I rolled onto my left side facing away from the fire.

"Maybeh ye can crawl?" I whispered. "Or maybeh dat cat will tern entah a frog. Yer not go'in anywhere." I doubted.

I rolled back onto my back and examined my arms.

"What ded d'ose mongrels do ti ye." I spoke quietly. Seeing the various blue, purple and green bruises on my upper arms.

I had to move slowly but was able to sit up on my elbows. The cat lifted his head up surprised I moved. He lick his wiskers and watched me even more closely. I beckoned to him, patting my hand on the ground quietly. He still didn't move a hair off his mistress' lap. Finally I mimicked a meow that I had taught myself (by listening to other cats), that no cat I had ever known to resist. He perked up his ears and cocked his head. I tried a second time and he rolled on his belly. I could see he wanted to go to me but was still unsure. Then I began to have pain in my side so I laied back down giving up on getting the kitten to come to me. I noticed I wheezed slightly when I breathed. Which for me I knew would get annoying quite fast. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.


The clod of sand hit him square in the back and he wheeled upon her. He stormed up to her and seized her by the elbows, pinning her arms to her sides.

"Because I'm your friend!" he thundered

"What we share means the world to me, I can see your pain plain as day, and as your friend I would be remiss if I didn't do anything to help you heal!"

His rage had mostly spent itself and his voice calmed

"Now, are you going to let me help you or are you going to keep throwing a fit?"



She paled as he pinned her arms at her sides, and for a moment fear shadowed the depths then was gone to be replaced by a deep anguish "I killed him." she whispered shaking within his hold "I killed him, If I had done what my step father wanted Anthony would still be alive! And I would not...I could not...." She collapsed against him, she hated crying, it was a weakness.

"It was my fault." She bit her lip to hide her sobs.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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He folded her in his arms and kissed the top of her head. He stroked her hair and back. He dried her tears. Then he spoke in a soothing voice.

"It's alright Treas, I am here for you my friend."

"Now...take a deep breath and tell me everything from the beginning."

He kissed her forehead.

"Take your time."



His kindness was her undoing and perhaps her salvation, Only William Brand knew the story and he had kept it to himself, saving her ; befriending her. Her voice when it came was very husky. Low with sorrow and grief “My mother was a Courtesan..she was very well known and very wealthy. When..When she tired of that life she wanted to settle down, I was ten when she decided to marry. She trained me to take her place, to be as she was, and I thought it was glamourous, to be able to do as I wished, to not have to depend on anyone but myself.

At first things were wonderful, my mother gave birth to a son…Anthony. I was very attached to him, he was always smiling, a quick wit and he was a scamp.” Her memories were warm and loving as she thought of her brother, it was reflected in her voice. Exhausted she let him tumble them both to the sand, he sat holding her as she broke off to wipe at more tears.

“When my mother died, my step father ran through our funds, our estates gambled away but for one and to keep that he wanted me to do as I had been trained, to be his puppet. I refused, I kept refusing despite the beatings..then he started abusing Anthony.” Her voice broke and she took a deep breath and continued “I tried to run with Anthony one night when it became too much, he caught us and he beat Anthony to death before me..I could have saved him if I had just done as he wanted.”

“I managed to escape..or so I thought, But they found me and Captain Brand came to my rescue, the rest you know.’ She kept her face hidden against his chest, tucked beneath his chin. “I let him kill him and I cannot sleep at night because of the dreams.” She let the roar of the sea call to her, his heartbeat soothe her, his arms protect her…


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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The morning light brought a piercing pain to my temples.

"Fer fek's sake," I said aloud. I rubbed the sides of my head. I leaned over and slowly I poured a bit of water into the heavy mug. The tankard was still half full of rum from the night before. Cutting it with water only diluted the pain.

I sighed heavily and arose. I looked out of the window and saw the town was coming alive. Suddenly, I remembered Captain Lasseter's invitation to come to the docks.

I rinsed my face and dried it, spending much time to apply pressure to my forehead. With fresh clothes, weapons at the ready, and a full blackjack of water, (at present), I was ready to meet the day. I opened the door and moved down the stairs slowly. When I arrived at the main room I saw that we had been joined by another body. I watched as the blanket move up and down slowly detecting some assemblance of life. I smiled as the pair by the fire stirring but didn't rise. I closed the door and made my way to the docks.

Pieter_Claeszoon__Still_Life_with_a.jpg, Skull and Quill Society thWatchDogParchmentBanner-2.jpg, The Watch Dog

"We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."


Initially, he had found a deep admiration for the skills he had seen BriarRose administer to her young patient. This degree of tenderness he had not witnessed since his own mother had bandaged the results of his childhood indiscretions. It warmed his heart as did her smile. But as she plied her trade, an equally commanding emotion rose within. AS she brushed the lad’s skin, the carpenter felt an uncanny sensation of jealousy that he was baffled to explain. There was no bond between these two; neither the surgeon and youth, nor she and the carpenter. And yet, the demon covetousness reared his ragged head. Was it the healing art and it’s dominion over life itself that was so mesmerizing? Alder dismissed it as anything more.

The carpenter reassessed. With BriarRose’s revelation, the patient ostensible benign, his protectiveness was unwarranted and his presence grew to be awkward. He bowed with a degree of deference to his caregiver that went all but unnoticed as she resumed the task at hand. In seating the door behind him, the waif of his pungent hand jogged his thoughts back to the figurehead. He advanced his pace and trekked toward the dock.


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”-Twain


At first light, the Captain of the Cutter rose and had his officers rouse the crew. They began the task of putting the ship to the wharf, which first was done by sail in the light morning breeze, then as they came close the Jollywatt was manned and she was warped right up against the wharf itself. Some crew had been waiting on the wharf and Dorian was glad that his words of the previous evening had been passed along. Those ashore and those aboard worked together securing the vessel to the moorings. Once fully secured everyone filed off of the ship who were going ashore. The Captain walked the length of her and back, noting the deck empty of the name ‘Heron’ . Even the ships bell had been removed by Mister Tucker as he headed ashore, much to the curiosity of the onlookers. Satisfied, even though one or two were still aboard, he headed below and retrieved two bottles and set them by the rail near the gangway. Straightening up he stood tall and walked across the boards and onto the wharf. There he would wait until those from the Watch Dog came ashore. Once Captain Brand was there and both men were satisfied, and only then would he proceed with the ceremony.


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



Tudor looked at the jewels she carried in her fist as she made her way below. The captain was correct, they would fetch a very paltry price indeed, but they were also pretty. She did not make it a point to hold onto any jewels that came into her possesion - she had privately spoken to one of the merchants that had come for the auctioning of goods the previous evening and unloaded to him the set she had aquired previously for the dinner upon the spanish ship. Although she would admit it to none, she only kept the jewelry that had sentimental attachment.

Upon arriving in her corner, she knelt down and opened the trunk which seemed to hold more then it's size alluded to. Rummaging to the bottom, she pulled out a small rosewood box. After running her hand over the simplistic yet well executed carving on the lid, she opened it and unfolded the linnen that lined it. There, those few jewels she kept were tucked safely and carefully. There was first in the box, several strands of pearls, of fine enough quality but dated in style that served as the first ornamentation that she ever wore. Then the diamond necklace that was of equal quality to the set she now held, pretty and shiny but not worth an ounce, and they too saw a first for her, but more importantly they were purchased by a dear friend for her benefit. She had ridded herself of far more valuable matches, but those she kept. And then finally in the box rested six golden bangles, of varying width and ornmentation, and nestled in among them was a necklace strung with antique gold coins and garnets that were once said to match her hair, and the ear dangles in the same design. She did not hold these too her heart in fond memory as she did the others, but rather just looked at them, a pained expression in her eyes, and refused to touch them, as if they were cursed for her. No one knew she had taken these with her, nor would anyone ever wonder.

And now, with a smile, she placed the Captain's recent gift into the box, in a place of honour in her possesions, not for their apperance of elegance, and certainly not for their value, but simply for the kindness in which they had been given to her.

Tucking all away as it had been, she decided she would sleep, if only just for a short time. The day was to hold much, and she intended not to miss a moment.


August 3, 1704 - On the Cul du Sac Royal

William and Jim arrived amidships after what had been a very long conversation in the ward room. William wore an affable smile and looked as content as he ever had aboard the Watch Dog. Jim wore the smile he was most often seen in. Quiet. Contemplative. They appeared no different today than any other day. Two officers of the 'Dog standing on a dawning deck.

Still, had anyone taken the time to look closely enough they would have seen a look in Jim's eyes that was different than usual. His eyes bore the weight of many new things which had recently settled upon him. They were also bright with something akin to fever, but calm. Between the time he had gone below and the time he had returned to the decks in William's company, Jim had altered a little in his bearing. He stood taller than William, and always had, but today was different. There was something in the way he stood, shoulders back, one foot turned outward. There was something in the way he seemed to look everywhere at once, yet inward as well.

Both men stood at the rail, saying nothing. They sipped at something dark which they had brought out from the galley. They both had their eyes turned towards the docks of St. Louis where the Heron lay, soon to be christened anew, if such a word could be used to rename a privateer.

"Mister Warren." William said, turning to Jim. "Take the helm if you please."

"Aye, Cap'n." Jim said, his smile belying some shared joke between them.

"Mister Morgan!"

"Sah!" returned the Bosun's Mate.

"Have the fore watch stand ready at the capstan!"

"Aye, aye, Sah!"

~Starboard Watches on Duty~






Bill held her close and drank in her tale, listening patiently.

"It wasn't your fault. He was an evil man. Whose to say he wouldn't have killed you or Anthony the first time you displeased him had you become his....'puppet' as you so put it. To attempt to place your own moral code on a wicked being like that is futile. You can't assume he would have been satisfied with that one act of submission. Who knows what vile demand he'd have made of you next. I do sympathize with the loss you feel for your brother, but you cannot bring him back. He loved you and wouldn't want you to torture yourself so. He knows this wasn't your fault."

Again he kissed her forehead.



She lay drained within his arms, the wound that had festered for so long was far from healed, but it had opened and oozed, relieving some of her inner turmoil. She listened to his words, she heard them, but she could never let go of the idea that she was responsible. As the warm winds toyed with her hair she watched the sun rise slowly spreading it’s glory, listened to Bill’s heartbeat beneath her ear, the sound of wheeling gulls above. All about lay life, she had chosen it as well and she had much to live for, but she could not change the past, only atone for it which she did at every port they came to she sought the Catholic church and prayed.

With a deep sigh she shifted within his hold and watched the wharf come to life, the long piers slowly revealing shadowy figures that as the sun rose became more pronounced. Figures that were some of their crews. Why were so many gathered so early? A frown tugged at her brows beetling them together as she watched, teeth nibbling on lower lip as she always did when nervous or concerned.

“Bill, Our crews are gathering…is aught amiss?” She straightened within his arms and struggled to tame her long hair into some semblance of order.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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At Le Chateau Anse...

The pale light of dawn announced the start of day as it filtered through the shutters and those within the private room at Le Chateau Anse began to stir. Hushed murmurs about the events planned for the day were heard throughout the room. Miss McDonough gently placed Luigi’s injured hand over his stomach then rose and made her way from the room to the front of the inn. There she requested a breakfast for the crew in the back room, and paid in full for the night in the room and the meal. Within twenty minuets there was a light tapping at the door. Marcel, the morning help, entered bearing a tray laden with a fresh pot of coffee and small cups for the crew. Luigi smiled up at Murin as she handed him a hot cup of coffee, black with sugar. “Luigi, I …thank you.” was all she could manage. Luigi laughed. “Aye, is nothing, now I likely get extra shares for the loss while in service to the ship!” Murin laughed along with the man but she did not feel so innocent in the matter.

Soon the effects of the dark liquid worked its magic on the crew gathered in the private room. Again a light tap was heard on the door, Alan opened it to Marcel and another who each carried large pewter tray. One with dark breads, fruits; preserved and fresh the other with foul, fish, cheeses and more bread. With little noise the trays were set on the table. The crew that still slept was awakened by the aromas of coffee and the savory of meats, fruit and preserves. The hushed voices soon became boisterous as once again the tale of Luigi’s defense of the fair Miss McDonough mingled with talk of the days unveiling on the Heron.

Murin excused herself and went to her private room upstairs. There she switched her petticoats so the bloodied one was now the under layer. Then she gathered her things and packed them. Last evenings events showed her that she would be better served staying on the ship with her mates, her crew, ...her family. Soon she returned to the room where her brothers waited. She safely tucked small bottle of rum with Luigi's fingertip floating in it into her haversack and soon they left the inn and headed home ...to the Watch Dog and the Heron.


"Not sure" Flint replied

"It's best we go and have us a look-see."

He extended his hand and that special grin to her.

"Shall we Miss Tribbiani?"



She sniffled and wiped at her face again with a small hand knowing they would tell she had been crying. Rising fluidly at his side she reached down for her shoes and placing them in one hand reached for her bag with the other, the cross at the hollow of her throat swinging and cathing the early morning light.

"Aye perhaps we should." Another sniff and settling her bag upon her shoulder moved sedately at Bill's side till they reached the migled crews and caught the festive excitement.

Ciaran seeing her frowned and moved over to her as he had seen her approaching with Bill and leaned low asking if everything were well, she gave him a small smile and nodded..."Aye..naught but bad dreams." He seemed to find her answer acceptable and clapped Bill on the shoulder and asked if he had enjoyed his shore leave.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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The Public Wharf

Jameson and O’Hara had helped to tie up the Heron to the wharf, along with many others who were on shore leave and stood back now, watching as everyone aboard came ashore. Everyone milled about for a short time and found themselves in groups of familiar faces. Even ashore the men gathered in their watches, fore and aft, starboard and larboard. Friendly faces were all around, the whole of the crew of the Heron, and most of the larboard crew of the Watch Dog. Andrew Smyth pointed out that the Frigate was weighing anchor and spreading topsails, possibly coming in close as she could to ferry over the crew aboard. Small talk got louder and louder as everyone in their groups stood about waiting for what was to come, watching as the workers on shore went about their activities. Even at this early hour bottles of spirits appeared and were passed around, creating quite the festive atmosphere. Dorian watched and smiled just a little at the men as he heard snippets of their conversations, hearing all kinds of speculation as to why they were assembled this morning. Young Geoffery Wayne came forward and asked him directly what was to happen, to which the Captain only replied, “You’ll see lad… you’ll see…”


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



August 3, 1704 - The St. Louis Docks

The Watch Dog anchored within a hundred yards of shore and her remaining smallboats were swung out to except those crew members bound for shore. William gave the deck over to Bootneck Morgan and leaving only the fore watches aboard, he allowed all who wished to go over to the Heron that they might be present for Captain Lasseter's ceremony at the St. Louis docks. Many excepted the invitation, as most of them suspected some celebration might be in order and rum beyond their alloted ration might not be out of the question.

Eric Franklin left the ship, leaving Luc in charge of those marines on aboard. He joined Captain Brand in the jollywatt, where he manned the tiller during the short crossing. Soon they were all ashore and the mingling of crews continued as crew of both ships on leave found their way to the docks.






Miss Ashcombe had woken and finding herself alone, dressed hastilly. The ship was moving. Had they set sail? Her heart lept at the thought of beginning her journey away. Her hands trembled slightly as she affixed ribbon to her hair and searched in vain for that which to cover her head properly. Shortly it was revealed that the Heron had made the wharf at St. Louis. Sighing, Jenny resigned that they must be taking on stores for the journey. As the ship came to rest a great many voices could be heard from just outside. They made a rowdy and pleasant noise. Jenny strained to see out the stern windows, crouching near the glass attempting to see yet remain unseen. There she recognised many from the Watch Dog as well as the Heron assembled in merriment on the wharf. She longed to run out among them as she searched the faces for Miss McDonough. However she knew she must remain in hiding. This must be the event Captain Lasseter spoke of..


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Dorian stood on the wharf beside the Heron and waited until all the crews of the Watch Dog and Heron were assembled. Once all who were able to attend were present, and Captain Brand was satisfied as well, he nodded to say to the captain of the Cutter that he might begin what it was he was to do. Almost everyone there was in the dark as to what was to proceed. Dorian walked over to the gangway and stepped aboard. Just inside the rail he picked up two bottles full of spirits, one larger than the other. Coming back to shore, he stepped aft several paces and set the larger bottle on the ground. Turning his back to the crowd, he held his arms aloft and spoke in a loud, yet humbled voice.

"In the name of all who have sailed aboard this ship in the past, an’ in th’ name o’ all who may sail aboard ‘er in the future, we invoke the ancient gods o’ th’ wind an’ th’ sea ta favor us with their blessing today. Mighty Neptune, king of all tha’ moves in or on th’ waves; and mighty Aeolus, guardian of the winds an’ all tha’ blows before them. We offer you our thanks for th’ protection you have afforded this vessel in th’ past. We voice our gratitude tha’ she ‘as always found shelter from tempest and storm an’ enjoyed safe passage ta port. Now, wherefore, we submit this supplication, that th’ name whereby this vessel has hitherto been known ‘Heron’, be struck and removed from your records. Further, we ask tha’ when she is again presented fer blessing with another name, she shall be recognized and shall be accorded once again the self same privileges she previously enjoyed. In return fer which, we rededicate this vessel to your domain in full knowledge that she shall be subject as always to the immutable laws o’ th’ gods o’ th’ wind an’ th’ sea. In consequence whereof, an’ in goode faith, we seal this pact with a libation offered according to the hallowed ritual of the sea."

Captain Lasseter then took the bottle he held and uncorked it, turned it bottom up and emptied the contents with great ceremony into the water. Once empty he recorked it and set it beside him. He then picked up the other, larger bottle and walked towards the bow. All in attendance followed him. He turned to the assembled group and smiled.

"I name this ship ‘Lucy’, and may she bring fair winds an’ goode fortune to all who sail on ‘er."

Turning away from the crowd he took the bottle by the neck and smashed onto the bow. Most all there cheered heartily. Some however, did not believe that the gods would be appeased by the ritual. Believed that renaming any ship was bad luck. They gravitated into a small group and spoke among themselves. Both captains knew there would be those who opposed the notion of what had just been done and exchanged glances between themselves and some of the others who knew ahead of time what this was all about. Dorian had sailed on two ships in the past that had been renamed without issue, not including the Watch Dog, who had once bore the name of ‘Nubian Trader’ in her former life as a blackbirder. Yes, there had been some rough beginnings on the Frigate, but her luck thus far outweighed any tragedies that had occurred.

Dorian again turned to the assembled crowd and spoke.

“Not only does she bare a new name, but she will also bare a proper figurehead. Mister Wenge was tasked with the chore of creating said figurehead, which shall be mounted this day.”

Dorian sought out the Carpenter in the crowd. When he found him, the Captain clapped a hand on his shoulder and smiled.

“I leave it to you ta deliver and mount the lady… at yer leisure…”


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



August 3, 1704 - At the St. Louis Docks

Eight bells of Morning Watch. Forenoon Watch begins.

"The Lucy..." William said simply, standing at Dorian's elbow. William was wearing the 'Dare I ask?' expression of a bemused friend, but said nothing. Dorian smiled and said nothing back. William looked at the cutter and then back to Captain Lasseter. "Will you not invite me aboard, Sah? We must drink to your new command."

William said this with equal portions of jest and seriousness, for he was not of a mind for much drinking after last night, but as he had not been aboard the Lucy he considered the formality a good gesture to dissuade those superstitions which passed among the able seamen. Dorian gestured to the Lucy and they would have gone aboard the cutter then if not for the arrival of an unusual messenger. A boy, not yet 15 arrived dressed in the fashion of the poor, though clean and polite. He introduced himself not by name, but by errand, saying that he had come at the service of Miss Briar Kildare and would know which of the two men was Captain Dorian Lasseter. Once he was satisfied that he had the correct captain, he passed over a letter that had seen a rough night in the protection of the lad.

Dorain accepted it and the boy lingered.

"Not bad news, I hope...?" William asked, curious to know the matter without being too forward.






Dorian took the letter and opened it, read the contents three times over. His brow creased and he looked to Captain Brand, whom had commented hoping it was not bad news.

“Well William, I would not call it bad news…. Intriguing… Would be a word ta use… it puts me at a loss as well…”

He folded the letter and creased it along those folds several times as he thought. Dorian finally looked and saw the young boy still waiting. He fished a coin out on his pocket and handed it to the lad, thanking him for the delivery. Still the boy lingered. He finally found his voice and said he was to wait for a reply. Dorian again looked at William, then handed the letter to him.

“I cannot make this call, as you have th’ burden of full command ‘ere… I’ll stand by yer decision on this matter.”

Captain Brand creased his forehead as he looked at the boy and back to Dorian, who had taken on a slightly formal stance. He slowly opened the letter to see what this was all about.


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



The fleet began to mill about confusedly as they watched the exchange between their Captains.

There were murmurs of interest passed from hand to hand.

"To the 'Lucy'!" Bill Flint roared.

The sailors yelled their assent and echoed his cry.

"Now, those of ya what's on duty back to it! Those t'ain't follow me to the pub and we'll raise a proper celebration to the old girl!"

This was met with even more enthusiasm by those on shore leave and the Redlegs led them away so the watches could return to duty.

"There he goes, the Piper afore his rats!" someone crowed from the Lucy which brought a good natured grin and a bellow of laughter from Bill.

"And it's all for me grog, me holly jolly grog. It's all for me beer and tobacco. For I spent all me tin with lasses drinking gin...." the song went up as the crowd drifted from sight.



William read the letter once and only once before looking at Dorian and saying, "It must be an unsettling feeling indeed to overwhelm the judgment of Miss O'Treasaigh and cause two privateers to seem more welcome than this Esperanza."

William looked down the docks and wondered which of the vessels harbored there was the plague ship of Miss Kildare's letter. There was no ship along the docks that seemed more or less threatening than any other, though he thought he might go see this ship for himself before the day was out. Still, Miss Kildare would expect an answer and he would need to pen a letter, travel to see her or invite her to the Watch Dog for some discussion on the matter.

"Is this Miss Kildare not a companion and boarder of Miss O'Treasaigh?"

Dorian could not say, not knowing a great deal about the woman himself, and he said as such. He explained that she had been present as long as he had known the chirurgeon, but even he second guessed this after a moment, leaving the matter with a shrug.

William looked at the boy and said, "Please inform Miss Kildare that I will speak with her by day's end and would understand her whole reason for seeking passage." The boy nodded and lingered and William was obliged to pay him another small coin just to see him go. Then, setting the matter aside, they went aboard the Lucy.





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