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Maeve stilled and stood there, stunned as she took in the full meaning of what Captain Brand had just said. A hundred hesitations, reasons, and obvious protests came to mind, unvoiced for a moment as she struggled for words. "Captain Brand, I....", she began, "I am quite honestly stunned and taken aback by such an offer and am not sure what ta say", she managed. "I'm not a real doctor sir, ya must know that. I haven't been ta'a proper school far such things and...well, I have a shop ta take care of. And quite frankly, despite what ya feel I might've done far you and yer crew, I can't really understand why ya would offer such a job ta me", she added, almost angry. An adept observer would recognize her tone for shock and perhaps a deep feeling of inadequacy . Such positions simply were not offered to women. "Besides sir, despite the fact that ya have women aboard yer ship already, just how safe could a woman expect ta be on board a ship of so many crew with...", she paused, looking for just the right words. "Questionable backgrounds and character", she continued. Maeve had crossed her arms tightly in front of her even as she leaned forward, waiting for his response.


"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

- Maria Robinson

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August 4, 1704

William said nothing. Instead, he opened several of the parcels he bore with them to explain his insistence with gifts too costly to be misunderstood. Instruments not previously available to Maeve were now within reach at a word. Books normally outside the scope of her modest shop were there for the taking. William watched as these baubles angered, surprised, tempted and undermined her all at the same time.

"Miss Smith."

"Aye, Captain?"

"While living aboard the frigate Watch Dog, have you ever found yourself compromised or threatened by any man aboard ship?"

"No, Sah."

"And should a man threaten you thus?"

"I should remind that man of his place, Sah." Tudor said plainly, then added. "...or that man should have last rights read over him, Sah."

"Thank you, Miss Smith."

"Aye, Sah."

William and Tudor made this exchange without once looking at one another. Instead, they watched Miss O'Treasaigh, and when they were finished, William raised his eyebrows ever so slightly.






It was indeed an impressive and covetous array of items the Captain laid before her. As they spoke, Maeve's eyes lingered on Miss Smith's face, searching for any small signs of hesitance or falsehood, but none was there. She and the Captain were, at the very least, absolute in their sincerity and appeared to be speaking the truth. Her posture softened after a moment and she eyed the baubles and medical ware again as she was hit with wave after wave of conflicting emotion. Even as she thought on how impossible and incredible it seemed to even consider accepting such as offer, she was dimly aware that God had, impossibly, opened a window for her somehow. Her jaw tightened as she held back a sudden onslaught of emotion, biting her lip to keep it from trembling.

Even as she dared to hope or think that she could accept such a position, she wondered on the practicality of mundane things. She certainly couldn't take everything she owned with her. The shop's rent was paid up through December, courtesy of her father. Could she get any of that money back? If she stayed, she knew for certain she would be out on the streets after December, forced to live upon the mercy of the church she now served. If she went with the Captain and his crew, how long could she stay, even there?

After another moment, Maeve cleared her throat. "I'm.....I don't know what ta say Captain. I...this is most unexpected and yet",....she trailed off. Other than her sincere love for the island that had become her home, the last reason to truly keep her here was her friend Briar, who was soon to leave herself. Captain Brand didn't say anything, merely waiting for her to continue. "And yet", she started again, but didn't finish.


"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

- Maria Robinson


August 4, 1704

William nodded and quoted the Articles of the Whole Company. "...that the Captain and Quartermaster shall receive eight Shares; the Doctor, Boatswain, Gunner, Coxswain, Master, Carpenter and Blacksmith, six Shares..." He let his voice trail off and Maeve's eyes widened, having not considered the shares owed a doctor aboard a privateer. William continued. "...and that the Doctor shall have all Medicines and Instruments belonging to any Doctor that shall be taken."

"I..." she began again, but didn't finish. It was overwhelming. It was absurd. It was everything at once.

"Miss O'Treasaigh, if you should find that life at sea is not agreeable to you, then I will see you housed again at Trinidad or bring you safely here again. Some several women of my employ have come ashore here and I can see to it that they keep and guard your apartments in your absence. Add to this safe passage for Miss Kildare, who begged that boon of me but yesterday. She may attend you as a servant and share that small room which serves as an apartment for our surgeon, that you might know company and familiarity."

Maeve shook her head, but in wonder more than disagreement. As she did so, he withdrew two books to add to those already given her. "Should you join us or no, these are yours to keep and with my gratitude."






Her shoes and stockings off she enjoyed the heated sand as it cushioned her feet, Argus trotting contentedly ahead chewing upon a stick. A cove lay ahead and the few times she had been ashore it had seemed private. She had not a lot of time left and today she wished for nothing more than a swim, a wicked romp with Argus and perhaps a hasty lunch afore her return back to the Dog and her duties.

It was quiet here, as if she were truly alone and she felt a moments disquiet, but Argus was here, he had filled out and his coat shone with health. He made her feel safe. Her long hair lay neatly plaited and looking for any signs of others and finding none she hastily stripped and moved into the sea’s embrace , the sea was warm, calm a balm to her soul. It never failed to move her, this bountiful sea, intoxicating and wild, and then dove deep only to surface farther out treading water as she called for Argus

He had been good aboard ship with a few mishaps, but the true test was to come, he would be cooped aboard ship with no land in sight until they docked again, and he had a boundless energy that would be hard to keep him entertained. Thus this swim was for the pair of them, perhaps she could wear him out and he would not care when they actually stayed at sea.

As he came to the waters edge she watched him tilt his head this way and that, he whined once then sat till the water raced over his paws then he leapt up and barked at the water trying to bite at it. Laughing at his antics she swam closer and called to him and again he paused and tilted his head. Then did he leap into the water and swim towards her. With another laugh she called to him and then dove surfacing sleekly at his side. “Good boy!”

With sure strokes she swam and frolicked alongside Argus enjoying the day and her swim.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png


Ordinary just off the wharf

  Capt. Sterling said:
“So, pray, tell me, how did you manage to get away from Barbados?  I um, rather had my hands full at Hodge’s after things went awry on my end.”

Murin chuckled as he offered to pay thinking I have more money than I thought I would ever possess in a lifetime. John Sterling continued and her heart sunk. Compassion and understanding welled in her as the memory of Ayden and the unborn child lost at sea struck her once again. She laid her hand on the gloved hand that lay upon hers; “I…” the words stuck in her throat, there was nothing that could ease the pain they felt. Swiftly the pain in his visage washed away, pushed away like dust on ones sleeve. She let it be, she did not like visiting that feeling, it served little purpose in the life she was now leading.

“Luck good Captain Sterling, m’Irish luck!” She smiled as she answered him. “I went to the pub were ya tol mae ta an none was der t’meet mae. I waited fer a while but I knowed det I wernt safe fer long dere. N’I sar tings strtin t’stir, dey wuz lookin fer mae. D’wench at d’pub tol mae det she knowed who I was t’meet n’hid me in d’kitchen fer a bit but even det would nil do. Twas den she brought a lad frum d’merchant ship d’Apollo t’mae. He splained det dey waz t’mutiny when far nuf off shore. I didn’ tink I ad a choice and left wit im.” She continued with the tale of the events that brought her to Martinique, being careful not to mention the name of the ship or crew that saved her. Nor did she speak of the Lucy or how she was taken. She trusted John Sterling, it was he who made her escape possible, but she would not jeopardize those around her. Sterling for all he had done was after all, an Englishman, sailing under the English flag. The Watch Dog, the Lucy and her crews were all considered criminals by his reckoning.


To say that the idea of being offered shares didn't increase the temptation to accept the offer exponentially would be a lie. To be a woman and yet earn as much and more than a man would typically make...well it made the future look suddenly much more bright and full of potential. The trust and unusual respect this unusual man offered her was thrilling, even heady. Add to this the fact that she could bring along her companion and friend...it made her shiver. With this last gesture, she knew the Captain for the dangerous, shrewd man that he was. He had lain a trap for her as carefully and thoroughly as the most masterful of hunters. It almost made her angry to think that he was nearly certain that what he offered her, and in the manner that he had done so, was sure to catch its intended target.

She was a smart enough to know when she should be well caught by such an offer. Maeve smiled with a wry girlish smile as she accepted the books the Captain proffered her. Then she locked eyes with him. "Very well sir. I will gladly accept your offer. When shall I report aboard ship?"


"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

- Maria Robinson

  Silkie McDonough said:
Ordinary just off the wharf

Their serving girl side stepped close to their table, an old wooden tray piled high with what Sterling had requested, was balanced precariously upon one hip. Carefully she placed her goods upon the board before the two, the drinks last to be turned over.

“Merci,” Sterling mumbled absentmindedly as he looked over the meal placed before him. He was hungrier than he thought. Nod was given in dismissal to the young woman and he quickly proceeded to remove his gloves, laying them alongside the bowl of piping hot stew. Still, right hand, lightly bandaged in sturdy, well worn linen, reached for the wine first.

“Forgive me if I start. Famished I am. Twas a long night,” he said, drawing a long swig from the glass.

As he began to tuck into his meal he added. “Well glad I am that you are safe and by the looks of you, engaged in some sort of… “ he paused before he finished. “… work.”

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




August 4, 1704 - At Martinique

Between five and six bells of the Forenoon Watch

"Your pardon, Miss O'Treasaigh, but I must insist that you report to the Watch Dog as quickly as you may. I mean to sail as soon as I have recovered all of my men ashore and some of those left here from the Lucy. I have business in St. Pierre that will not wait. I will send Miss Smith with you to help you gather what you need." William fetched out coin enough to pay a cart man or a few laborers to bear her belongings to the ship. "Thank you, Miss O'Treasaigh."

William gave instructions to Tudor to fetch any other thing which Maeve might need. Then, bearing those items promised her, William departed their company to return to the frigate.






If the Captain noticed Maeve's wide-eyed surprise and disbelief at leaving within a few short hours, he didn't acknowledge it. She wondered how she would accomplish all that needed to be done in so short a time. Miss Smith waited and watched quietly as Maeve turned with a suddenly heavy heart, wondering how in the world she would tell Father Thomas that she had to leave not only within the hour, but for good.


"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

- Maria Robinson


Ordinary just off the wharf

  Capt. Sterling said:
“Well glad I am that you are safe and by the looks of you, engaged in some sort of… “ he paused before he finished. “… work.”
"Aye, I am a tailor and sail maker ..." she paused and lifted her the tankard provided her and drank contemplating what she could tell the man. She knew he was a privateer as she was, but their allegiances were to opposing sides in this war. She swallowed "...on a French privateer"

Sterling chuckled softly to himself.

"I see," he stated. "I would not be thinking you would readily sign on with an English vessel, not after what were done to you and yours."

He lowered the spoon he was holding and carefully brought his right hand just under table's edge but where Murin could easily view it herself. Linen wrap was carefully drawn back, revealing the mark of "M" branded upon the palm of his right hand just at the base of his thumb.

"There are many things, as you well know, that my fellow countrymen indulge in that I do not agree with. I am marked with this for life for aiding in the death of one of the overseers at Trade Winds, in Jamaica. What I can recall of the event, or have been told, he was beating a small, slave child to death. I shot the man," he shrugged. "Let me just confess, that not often am I proud of them that claim the same birth right as myself. So my duty now is more to my loved ones and my own lands as opposed to the crown. I was ... coerced into this war, to put it politely. Still, I want no French overseeing my life and means."

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




"I wuz wonderin bout det linen." She held up her bandaged left hand, "Branded by the vegetation on det spic a'san dey found mae un." she laughed sheepishly. "Fair nuf. M'nil trilled bout d'french eider but when yer barely livin on a desert island wot is owned by a crew and capin as kine as William Br..." She cut herself off. "As thos wot found mae," she continued hoping that John had not heard the start of the last name. "ya jus take wot d'gods give ya. " not pausing to allow the man an opportunity to ask her to repeat the name she let slip, "Now, wot er we ta do bout you and keepin ya safe ...an wot brings ya Martinique ...and wot did ever appen t'ya on Barbados?"


“Understood,” he replied. Once again spoon was put to good use as he attacked the remainder of his meal. “A room would be best once I have filled my stomach. I can lay low there a bit. Surely there is some place about where a coin or two would make certain I am awake come this evening.”

He sat quietly for a spell, savoring a mouthful before he chuckled once again.

“Barbados, what?” Chuckle quickly turned into hearty laughter before spoon dug into bowl for another helping of meat. “Well seems Hodge went a searching for me, after I had helped ye leave the plantation. Did not make the front gate of his property afore he came riding up. Mighty angry he was too, thinking I had something to do with yer unexpected departure. ‘Sir John,’ bellows he. ‘One of my gals has gone a missing. The very one you took a fancy to the other night at supper.”

“Me?!’ Says I." Sterling sat upright, bandaged hand pressed to his chest in mock suprise. "A fancy to one of yer slaves?" I asks. 'All I did was but ask her history and how such a one did come to be employed in the very house itself. Although one could easily see as to why. A clever enough girl she was,” says I. “But surely I would be overstepping my bounds of friendship, as well as being rude to mine host, if I were to take a fancy to the very girl he fancies himself.”

Sterling leaned closer to Murin and whispered, grinning from ear to ear.

“Well Eddy, he blushes, he does. ‘Tut, tut,” says he, stabbing a finger into his tight neck stock. ‘Oh never you fear. Snug’s the word,’ says I. ‘Your lovely betrothed will hear nothing of it from my lips. We had far more important matters with which to occupy our time and sweeter things to say to each other, whilst you were out worrying about your gals.’ Well Hodge turns bright red at that point and without so much as a by your leave, back hands me across the face. He’s a big brute of a man, as well you know, nearly knocked me off my mount. We were on the ground in a matter of minutes any way and swords were drawn. Ruined my good coat he did, but I got the better of him. Needless to say, we called it a day. Gave you enough time to get away, but sorry I am that it delayed my meeting up with you to see you safely off the island.” He smiled to himself, recalling the event a moment longer before he looked across at Murin again. Spoon paused in flight briefly before he refilled it one final time after scraping the bowl clean.

“William Brand, ye say? Know him, I do.” Wine was reached for. “So the Watch Dog is in port.” He shifted in his seat, spied the girl that had been serving them and shouted out, “Plus de vin s'il vous plaît et vite. Et un autre rhum pour la dame.” *

Voice was lowered as he turned back about to face his companion. "I may be blind Lass, but God has blessed me with very good hearing to make up for it."

*More wine please and quickly. And another rum for the lady.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




He heard her slip as she feared he would. What did he mean "I know him I do."? There was no indication positive or negative in his voice. Was John in possession of information that she should be aware of? Captain Brand had been only giving and good to Murin and any that she had seen come to him, save those whom intended his crew or ship harm, since he had taken her in. They had taken the Maastricht but although not in self defense the Maastricht had intended to take them. She herself had ended a life or two that day managing by her Irish luck and the skill of her mates to avoid serious injuries herself. “Aye, tis the ship I signed onto. Fine ship, skilled crew …and a good captain.” Murin held his eye in defiance, daring him to speak ill of those who had become family.


Lazily an upward glance confirmed her time ashore was short, already Argus had swam nearly to shore and was circling around his ears suddenly lifting to alertness. Thinking he had found a fish she continued to swim towards him. As Argus began half barking and swimming back towards shore she frowned thinking perhaps a small shark. The shallows now beneath her enough she could put her feet down she carefully surveyed the waters about her but could see no fin. And still Argus barked, uncertain as to what could be amiss she started forwards and nearing him noticed a small shape that suddenly puffed up and resembled a sail. “Argus!” She thrashed forwards just as Argus leapt towards it and somehow came to be in the middle. A startled hiss escaped as it seemed the very fires of hell erupted from her knee to her lower back as the tentacles seemed to dig into her skin.

Her right hand stung as it sought to push the man o war from her skin and tears fell as she stumbled ashore in agony. Argus now whimpered and limped to lay curled at her side as she sought to regain her breath. He had been stung as well, the man o war had been one of the biggest she had seen, and now she was paying most cruelly.

It took her some quarter of an hour to dress, the pain seemed excruciating robbing her of breath, her clothing adding to her agony. Teeth gritted and a supreme force of will kept her upon her feet and stumbling towards the dock, nausea already setting in. Argus whimpered yet kept pace and as soon as she met Ciaran who sat alone he rose with concern to his feet taking in her waxen face and tear blurred eyes. “Wot ‘appened to ye lass?”

“Man O War” was all she could manage before she fell to her knees and heaved up her accounts.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png


Ordinary just off the wharf

Under normal circumstances, Sterling would have grinned at the girl's steady glare. How determined she was to defend her new mates. But nothing was normal any more. Instead, he only finished his drink and toyed with the dregs at the bottom of an almost empty glass. How quickly people forgot those that had risked their own necks in an attempt to help them as well. He blamed it on the war.

He sighed, placed his glass down upon the table and pushed back his chair.

"I do not doubt it," he said and stood to his feet. "Forgive me for eating and running off. I have been out in the open far too much since my arrival. Tis time I get myself off to a more private place."

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




"Fergive mae." She had not intended to offend the man she reached out to touch his arm. "Please? Tis all so new t'mae. Wot ken I do t'elp ya, I owes ya det much." he had not stepped away. "John, ya saved m'life, let me return d'favor."


"You need not fret, Lass," he replied. "There be nothing to forgive." He collected his gloves and pushed one white weeper back over his shoulder. "But truly, I am taking an unnecessary risk biding my time here in such a place as this. And if I do not get some rest soon... I may sleep through the night and miss my chance to go home."

He looked at her, expression softening once more. "Tis been a tedious and very long month. Please understand, I mean no offense by leaving and you owe me nothing. My opinion of slavery might be different had not I suffered through such myself. There be many a scar I have endured, other than just this slight one upon my hand. I have lived to know it to be a despicable trade..." His face paled as his speech hesitated. For a moment he looked lost some where in the past. Some place he deeply desired not to be. And then his hand closed over hers where she touched his sleeve. He held tightly onto her until the trembling stopped before deep breath was taken.

"I did what I done because you were in harm's way. How could I leave you as I had been left?"

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Aboard the Lucy

"We 'n a hurry Cap'n?"

Dorian held up one finger. He drew the canvas tarp back, hung up as a curtain, to offer the steward some assemblance of privacy. Finding no one he continued,

"Den Oven 's about 't St. Pierre," the Captain spoke.

Preston knew of Den Oven, but not of the details of the prison break. Nor did he know the Dutchman was merely on the other side of the island.

"Rumor 'r gossip?" asked Preston pointedly.

"A bit o' both t' be quite possible. But we were privy t' a conversation t' warrant said investigation, 's 't were." Dorian Lasseter chuckled, "The hounds 'ave been set loose Preston."

"Aye. 'as th' Steward b'n set loose 's well?" Preston asked sarcastically. Dorian laughed and grabbed the Ships' master's shoulder and made his way to the Ward Room door in search of her. Opening the door, he called across the deck for one of the lads.

Within minutes, two steaming cups of coffee and a plate of cheeses and breads were delivered to the officers.

"Plan 'f attack Cap'n?"


Navigation Log of the Lucy:

Direction: NNW

Speed: 9 knots

Wind: Easterly, fine on the quarter

Pieter_Claeszoon__Still_Life_with_a.jpg, Skull and Quill Society thWatchDogParchmentBanner-2.jpg, The Watch Dog

  Quartermaster James said:

"We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."


Ordinary just off the wharf

She stood, "I know of an inn if you still trust me to keep your confidence." His expression softened and he nodded. She wanted to take his hand to show him that she meant no disrespect with her actions, that she knew that his life was as it was because of what it had been. That none of them were in control of their lives. For a brief moment she was able to take control. She nodded to the tall man and Taking the lead once again headed for the modest inn. She had not stayed there but she had stopped for a drink once or twice. A place not far but quiet, she had passed it several times thinking that it was almost invisible.

Once in the street she spoke in almost a whisper. "I've not stay'd ere, had but a few drinks, d'proprietor is nil native to this island and speaks English."

In the next row of buildings Miss McDonough turned beneath an unpainted sign carved with the word "Inn". The man behind the counter smiled to see the familiar redhead once again. "Aaah, Miss, rum once again?" She had been here twice in quiet contemplation. "Nay goode keep, m'friend is tird n'in need uv a private room fer t'rest."

His expression changed in perceivably but Murin felt a change come over him, he was surprised that she would choose to join a man in mourning in his bed. "That we can provide Miss." He went behind the counter and gathered a large ring from which several keys hung. "Come along." The three walked to the back of the pub then up a set of dimly lit stairs. The keep removed unlocked the door, offered them the key then left them alone in the hallway.

"Wot time should I return t'wake ya?"


He paced the room several times, peering cautiously out each window in turn, before hat and gloves were discarded upon wash stand. Weary, hand came up to press hard against closed eyes before he answered.

"Are you not away this eve as well?" he asked. "I cannot have you risk getting into trouble with William... Captain Brand... for not being at your post when he is ready to weigh anchor. Sit with me awhile now if you can."

He winked at her.

"Will give yer mates and the old goat downstairs something wicked to talk about."

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




"It woode please mae greatly to bae a comfert t'ya." Murin McDonough had learned over the past three years, she had a sixth sense about people. She trusted this man with her life, he had proven his character. She stepped into the room and helped him as he shrugged off his coat. "Ere." taking the coat she hung it from a hook on the wall. The captain turned to her, taking her hand in both his he looked into her eyes, she saw in his eyes all the worries of a man who had kept moving despite his pain. "Thank you Mistress McDonough." Twice before she had felt this attraction. She wanted to make the pain fade for the moment. So many choices lay in front of her. She was now a wealthy woman, she could choose to leave with the Arch Angel rather than stay on the Watch Dog. This Captain had not offered but she knew that she could ask and he would take her away. Away where? She had heard tales of a place in Spain called Barcelona from Mrs. Hodge. No, she was just discovering a world that was so much larger than the village where she spent her life. She had made the decision not to stay in Martinique. Decided to stay on the Watch Dog. She could stay with him, that much she could do. She stepped from him slowly, turning she closed the door and slid the latch into place.


Aboard The Lucy

It seemed to the two senior officers that the words themselves had summoned Bill Flint. For no sooner had the ship's master spoke than his familiar frame filled the door of the wardroom. Indeed it seemed the master-at-arms was always to be found readily when action was imminent, a quality that endeared him in his post.

"Cap'n if ye have a moment I've come to ask about our plan of attack"

The Captain and Quartermaster looked at each other and burst out laughing.


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