Silkie McDonough Posted January 9, 2008 Posted January 9, 2008 Aboard the Watch Dog Constance, Meg, Murin and Moria met in the waist at seven bells as planned. As they disembarked Constance explained that she had decided to make a stop at the Lucy to speak with Callie about their plans and extend the invitation to join them. They could meet again at the inn for dinner at one bell of the second dog watch, and perhaps Callie would be with them. Once on shore Constance and Meg headed to the Lucy and Murin and Moira continued toward the town, “Moira I needs t’take ya t’d’tailor. Doze clothes ill’due in a pinch buot bein on d’crew uv d’wotch dawg as it’s benefits.” Moira smiled in return.
William Brand Posted January 10, 2008 Author Posted January 10, 2008 August 3, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog William closed the ledger, glad to be through with the day's business, though the idea that the business of the day was over, made him laugh to himself. There was so much yet to do and so many mysteries that might lead to more business undiscovered. He was of half a mind to sleep and let the day play out as it would, but a knock at the ward room door made this impossible. "Enter." Eric Franklin put his head in at the door. "Sah." "Ahh, Mister Franklin. Come in." "Sah. Some men have come over from the Lucy." Eric began. William looked up from the stern bench as he stowed the ledgers and shares yet to be given out. He nodded as if to say 'go on'. "Four Frenchies who wish ta' join." "Please see them in, Mister Franklin. One at a time if you please." "Aye, Sah." William interviewed the men in succession, beginning with Paul-Henri Cutting, who again plead the cause of himself and his fellows. William explained his requirement that all new recruits should speak English, but Monsieur Cutting was ever so insistent that all of them should be taken aboard and so the two men sparred after a fashion. William pressed Paul-Henri with many difficult questions in an effort to learn as much about the Frenchman's command of the language as he did about the man's skill aboard ship. In the end, it was Paul-Henri's honesty about his own inexperience that won William over, and he agreed to take the man and the others aboard under one condition. "You will go again to shore, Monsieur. There you shall find two good sailors for every one of you and bring them back to the Watch Dog. These men must speak English and have an understanding of rigging, bousing, furling, tacking and every other need of a frigate. Do you understand Monsieur?" "But, Capitaine..." Paul-Henri began, but he could see in William's face that a decision has been made that no amount of French or English could change. "As you wish, Capitaine." William simply nodded as the man went out. When the man was gone, he smiled, for he was tired of recruiting, but the need for more sailors had not changed. Eight bells of the Afternoon Watch First Dog Watch Begins ~Larboard Watches on Duty~
Maeve O'Treasaigh Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 Maeve was pleasantly surprised by the unexpected arrival of a small crate full of wonderfully scented beeswax candles, courtesy of their former patient, Mr. Pew. She was rather surprised and most grateful for such a treat, as tallow candles were usually all that she could afford. She set the crate on the counter, and a moment later, BriarRose appeared at the bottom of the stairs, blinking her eyes sleepily. She looked at the box. “What’s that?”, she asked. “A box of lovely beeswax candles sent as a thank you gift from Mr. Pew, if ya can believe it”, Maeve said with a smile. “Tis a very thoughtful and generous gift indeed”, she added. “Yes indeed”, Briar said with a wry grin as she noticed their latest patient, Marie, sitting near the fire. Marie’s eyes glittered distantly, and her once snarled hair was now pulled back into an immaculate braid. “Briar, can ya stay with Marie while I go out ta purchase some more food fer our larders? I’ll need ta hurry as the sun will be settin’ soon”. “Aye, of course”, Briar said. “Oh, and Marie will be needin’ summore of yer ointments fer her bruises”, she added with a smile as she donned her cap. A moment later, she was out the door and on the streets of Martinique "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending" - Maria Robinson
William Brand Posted January 11, 2008 Author Posted January 11, 2008 Now that William was alone he took a moment to read Dorian's letter a second time and ponder on the question of Miss Ashcombe. This question lead to others which in turn lead him back to ones more pressing. He hoped the first of these questions would be answered with the return of Robert and Paul. The second dealt with the need to replace those many crew members who were departing the Watch Dog, and to fill the positions left empty in their wake. William went out into the sun and wandered the decks of the ship watching those men on duty and those who were not. Most of the new prison recruits were there, some of them at work with the larboard watches. The rest of the new men were at the rails or below sleeping in hammocks for the first time in weeks or months. William watched how they gathered and with whom. He studied them and they him. One such man was Jack Roberts. "Mister Roberts. A word if you please."
Jack Roberts Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 Gazing out to sea, thinking about nothing in particular, I noticed the Capt'n come out of the Ward Room. I drew in a breath of fresh air. "Much better than that prison." I thought. "Mister Roberts. A word if you please." said the Captain. "Aye sir" I replied. Maybe we shall have a nice chat thought I. I stepped over to see what might come.
William Brand Posted January 11, 2008 Author Posted January 11, 2008 William gestured to the quarterdeck and he and Jack went up. Mister Badger was there and William nodded to him as he passed. William stood at the rail facing the Lucy and the docks and made simple conversation at first, inquiring after Jack's health and whether he found the food to his liking. Jack proved to be amiable, and as a recent prisoner, William was not surprised to find him both complementary about the food, but also grateful. After several minutes of this, William paused. He looked out over the docks and asked, "Tell me of your experience with rigging and ropes."
Jack Roberts Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 “Ropes, well now.” I replied. I’ve been studying the Capt’n since I’ve been on board. With the latest events that have happened. The shootin aboard the Heron, ahh I mean Lucy or so I’ve heard from the other men on board. “Tis a bad thing to change a name like that.” I thought, well I haven’t seen go well. I have been able observe the ship and the way the Capt’n runs her. His eyes told me much. A very calculating man, almost as if every move was a chess move. I could see him measuring up everyone. I’m sure my interview in the prison wasn’t the best but I had to keep quiet there. “Well sir, I’ve been at sea for good long time sir. Grabbed I was in port royal some time ago. ‘Bout when I was oh, nine or ten.” “Saved me capt’n’s life I once did.” “But you asked ‘bout the ropes. Aye I know them know like I should, being out here so long in all.” “I’ve done a couple repairs to you larboard shrouds, near the deadeyes. Some of the whippin was coming lose.” "Felt good it did to get some hemp back me hands." “Besides I’ve been looking at your main course yard, when I was running up the rigging yesterday seemed to me, that the starboard brace needed some attention.” “I didn’t mention it to no one, cause I haven’t had the chance to look it over again.” "Heck I was the Bosun's mate on me last ship before, well..."
William Brand Posted January 11, 2008 Author Posted January 11, 2008 "She's been through her share of storms in recent days." William admitted, looking up to the main course. "We lost a spar some time ago and picked from the bones of Apollo." William looked back at Jack. "Your pardon, Mister Roberts. The's not important." William looked at Mister Badger's back for a moment before continuing. "At noon tomorrow you will return to your duties along with the Starboard watch, with one exception. You shall be above some of them." Jack blinked. Jacob turned from where he stood. "Mister Badger will see you and your gear stowed in the after cabins." "Sah...?" Jacob asked, but he couldn't seem to form the rest of the question. "I'm promoting Mister Roberts to Boatswain's Mate, Mister Badger, to begin service on the next watch."
Jack Roberts Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 I leaned back, almost stepped back in surprise. Couldn't believe me own ears. I looked to mister Badger, then back to the capt'n. "Thank you sir. Much appreciated." "Thank you." I said I as I shook the Capt'n's hand. "Mister Badger, lead the way mate!" I said as I turned and followed the man.
William Brand Posted January 12, 2008 Author Posted January 12, 2008 "Keep your 'Mates' ta yerself, Mister Roberts. Ye'll call me 'Sah' or 'Mister Badger' when you call me at all." Jacob said roughly, and he muttered something else as he turned away from the man, but it was lost on Jack. "Aye, Sah. Meant no offense, Mister Badger." Badger made a dismissive sound and continued below. Jacob Badger was sometimes a gruff man, and the words surly, brusque and even mean were sometimes applied to him. None of these words fairly described the Watch Dog's Bosun, but they did serve as surface descriptions for a much deeper man. Still, whatever might lie beneath the murky and sometimes moody exterior, his surface descriptions were all up in arms. Jacob had been about the ship some three times that afternoon, and like William, he was not glad to have so many proven men gone from the 'Dog. The recent transfer of so many of his good men to the Lucy, added to the recruitment of some five and six dozen skeletons aboard the Watch Dog, not to mention the absence of Claude Marchande, put him in one of his moods. After only two months at sea, they were a new crew again, with more unfamiliar faces than not. The other thing which goaded him was the fact that William had named a new Boatswain only two hours after Morgan had gone, and that was hard for Jacob. He had been mulling over a replacement Mate and had thought to have a say in the matter, so he was not pleased to be handed a man he knew nothing about, let alone a recent prisoner, Englishman or not. They reached the forward berths and he growled at Jack as he spoke. "Find yer things and be quick about it."
Jack Roberts Posted January 12, 2008 Posted January 12, 2008 “Aye Sir!” I replied with the up most respect. I could see that Mister Badger was disturbed by the Capt’n William’s decision and who wouldn’t in this situation. Well sailors were a gruff and hard by nature. The sea, it does that you. Gathering what little I had I realized I would have to win over this man. Knowing I would have to prove myself the whole way. “But I’ve done that already” I thought. “You have your things yet, boy?” from the perturbed man above. “Well you’ve got no choice in the matter mate.” I says to myself. I appeared a moment after the reprieve. “I’m ready sir, my apologies.” Then we made our way abaft.
Pew Posted January 12, 2008 Posted January 12, 2008 Aboard the Lucy Mister Pew and John Black had arrived back at the Lucy as the final toll of the eighth bell had sounded. Before he had had crossed the gangway Preston looked about for Robert and Paul. No sign of the two men since they had left awhile ago. "Sir?" John turned back to look for Mister Pew. "Carry on John. Jus' keepin' an eye out." Ever since Captain Brand had discussed their current situation, Preston now looked a bit deeper into the corner recesses of the town. He stared a bit longer at each man ashore, and kept his pistol that much closer. Now, back at the wharf, he looked through the crowd for the crew members. Preston hoisted the large canvas object onto his shoulder and coughed a bit as it shifted. "R'port t' th' Bo'sun Mister Black. Thankee f'r th' assistance ashore." John knuckled his forelock and continued aboard the Lucy. Preston followed behind and looked about the deck for Captain Lasseter. One of the crew pointed him in the direction of the Lucy's Ward Room. Preston looked ashore once again for Paul and Robert and continued to the Ward Room. , Skull and Quill Society , The Watch Dog Quartermaster James said: "We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."
William Brand Posted January 12, 2008 Author Posted January 12, 2008 August 3, 1704 - The St. Louis Docks First Bell of the First Dog Watch Robert Thatcher and Paul Mooney reached the docks a full bell later than they had been ordered to, but given the distance that they had traveled over the last watch, this was forgivable and certainly understandable. They had visited some fifty establishments in rapid succession, trying to discover the whereabouts of Joshua Wellings, Klaas Scymmelpenninck and Ajayi Abiodun. Every place that they went to, with the exception of two establishments, had yielded nothing. Even the two places where the men had been seen, La Porte-Arrière and La Chateau Anse, had yielded but little. A handful of men had remembered seeing them, and then only for an instant. The last place the two men had visited was the Chirurgeon's Home, finding only Miss Kildare at home. She had not seen the men once since their disappearance, though she promised to send them on should she see them. It seemed, at least to Robert and Paul, that the three men had indeed begun a search for Mister Pew and then just as quickly s they had set out, they had disappeared. Now, Paul and Robert reached the Lucy. They exchanged looks which simply said, "Let them be here. Let them be on the 'Dog. Let them be ashore with the Starboard Watch. Let them be anything but missing or worse." ~Larboard Watches on Duty~
Dorian Lasseter Posted January 13, 2008 Posted January 13, 2008 Captain Lasseter sat and counted out shares as he waited for the first of the crew to report for their shares when a knock came. “Ah, th’ first man…” He cleared his throat, looked to where Miss Ashcombe had retired and sat a touch straighter in his chair. “Enter!” He looked up, expecting one of his sailors and instead in came Mister Pew. “Preston… What news?” Truly, D. Lasseter Captain, The Lucy Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41 Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins
BriarRose Kildare Posted January 13, 2008 Posted January 13, 2008 BriarRose closed the door and turned back to her new patient. Marie was sitting by the fire staring at the flames as they danced upon the burning wood. Taking a moment for herself, BriarRose went in to the kitchen and prepared some tea. Taking down a tin, she was grateful that Maeve had made a new batch of biscuits. Setting up a tray with tea and biscuits she went back out to the main room where Marie was sitting. “Ah, now, how about a nice cup of tea and a few biscuits too?” BriarRose asked Marie. Marie turned her face from the fire and looked up at BriarRose as she continued, “And no it is not something to put you to sleep, but is a good strong hearty tea that will warm you up.” Marie smiled briefly for the first time and nodded her assent. With that BriarRose sat down across from Marie and began to pour out a cup for each of them. Marie’s hand shook slightly as she took the cup and a biscuit. BriarRose smiled warmly at Marie and asked, “So, how might you be feeling today?” Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all. The Dimension of Time is only a doorway to open. A Time Traveler I am and a Lover of Delights whatever they may be. There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.
William Brand Posted January 13, 2008 Author Posted January 13, 2008 Jacob Badger showed Jack to their shared quarters in the after cabins. Their Starboard room was of a good size, private and well kept. Jacob's only welcoming gesture was a sweep of the room with one hand and a nod to the empty hammock hooks before he returned to the weatherdecks, leaving Jack to himself. Back on the Lucy, Robert Thatcher and Paul Mooney came aboard, followed by a shipment of fresh fruit sent there by Miss Tribbiani. Paul and Robert went aft at once, while the Ti-Dwarf and Fressinette bananas were hauled down into the holds. In the Villa du St. Pierre, Lagueux Michaud mopped the brow of Tara Tenille, as he was attended to by a French surgeon named Jean-Bernard Dubernard and his assistant, Philippe Pétain. The three men were completely unaware that they held the life of a monster in their caring hands. Their concern for the stranger was both genuine and human, but had any of them known what Monsieur Tenille was capable of, none of them would have hesitated to slit the unconscious man's throat. And in the town of St. Louis, Donatien Larue Durand walked out of La Chateau Anse with a slip of paper in his hand and a new name on his lips, bound for the fortress of Fort Royal. ~Larboard Watches on Duty~
Pew Posted January 16, 2008 Posted January 16, 2008 Wardroom of the Lucy "Cap'n." Preston nodded briefly. "I found some..." Suddenly a knock was at the door. Preston creased his brow and Dorian shrugged. He waved to the door to have Preston open it. Paul Mooney and Robert Thatcher stood there, cap in hand. "Begging your pardon sirs, a word Mister Pew?" "Y' can talk freely ' front o' th' Captain," Preston said. Dorian nodded to Preston. Both men entered the room. Preston informed Dorian of the men's duty ashore. Captain Lasseter sat at the table and placed his palms together resting his chin on the tips of his fingers. Preston moved to his side and crossed his arms. "Wot news?," Preston began. "None sirs." Paul stated bluntly. "Eh?" Preston replied. "None, sirs. We travelled all about and save for La Chateau Anse and ano'er tavern, we found nil." Preston sighed and paced behind the Captain's chair. "Very well. R'port t' Captain Brand. Tell 'im we'll b' awaiting word." "Aye sir." The men replied. The knuckle their forelock and waited for the Captain to return his. "Very well," replied Dorian. He waited for the men close the door before he spoke. "Troubling." "Aye sah, could b'. But could also b' drunk sleepin' one off." "Nay Preston. Ajayi was not fond of the drink." , Skull and Quill Society , The Watch Dog Quartermaster James said: "We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."
Silkie McDonough Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 Aboard the Lucy Having reported early for duty Benjamin Quigley was one of the first sent to the galley for the evening meal and with him Nicholas Trodd and Jeffery Elija. The three had finished mounting the later third of the nameplates for the cannons in the past few hours. Nicholas had done most of the talking while Benjamin and Jeffery remained mostly silent although the tension had dissipated once Dyer, Howard and Leigh were advised by the Ships Master to move on. Trodd and Quigley went aft with their dishes full. Unable to wait they began to sample Mister Marsh’s well prepared fair and soon were sharing conversation. Trodd, an Englishman from the warship Bullrush, stood a few inches shorter than Ben. His shaggy blond hair hung freely about his young face his beard shaved only a few days ago was light and thin. Ben guessed him to be about half his forty plus years. Comparing their lives it was found that there were many similarities. Both were with a large extended family. Both from the English countryside. Trodd had life a little easier than Quigley having been of pure English blood. Quigley's mother was English but his father was of Irish descent, some people would never look past that fact and this alone made Benjamin’s life more difficult than Nicholas’. Aside from that obstacle their lives were similar. Each had been offered a reputable apprenticeship and each, for their own reason, left the life assigned to them for the sea.
BriarRose Kildare Posted January 17, 2008 Posted January 17, 2008 Marie answered, “Aye, a bit sore.” The young girl seemed reluctant to speak. Her dark brown eyes held a look of wariness. Looking at Marie, BriarRose was reminded of a young colt. Smiling, BriarRose calmly said, “Well, then drink up your tea and after I will prepare some more ointment to put on those bruises.” Marie slowly sipped the hot steaming cup of tea. Every once in a while she would dunk her biscuit in to the tea and nibble on it. To give her young charge some time, BriarRose set down her cup of tea and went over to her apothecary chest. She began to rummage through it finding the necessary ingredients for the ointment. The table was still buried in packages from all of the purchases Maeve had made for her. She sighed, but knew her decision to stay with Maeve had been the right one. She did not feel right leaving her friend at the moment even though she still had the fear of being found, she hoped that she would be safe for a while longer. BriarRose still felt foolish for confining in Captain Brand, but hoped once again that he would forget the matter completely. And she knew that both ships would probably be setting out to sail so she had no fear of ever seeing either Captains again. BriarRose took a moment to look over at her young charge before turning back again to make the ointment. She hummed softly as she went to work. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all. The Dimension of Time is only a doorway to open. A Time Traveler I am and a Lover of Delights whatever they may be. There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.
Alder Posted January 20, 2008 Posted January 20, 2008 The still draped body was precariously poised as rope glided past rope and wood groaned and squealed under the play of the tested fibers. Too and fro the package gently swayed as the rocking ship and gusts of wind fought for autonomy. Truth be told, the carpenter feared less for the creation than that of the Creator’s own who risked much to scale the rigging and thread the tackle with her bindings in preparation for the union of ship and figurehead. The application of engineering and the thrill of the long-awaited arrival, made for entertaining the audience of crew. The hushed buzz of conversation traveled amongst the gathered. Some watched for the mystery of the cloaked artifact, some for the production itself. Chaos ebbed to cadence as brawn overcame burden and the deed was complete. The crate of teetering captive was hoisted aboard the ship upon whose bow she would dwell. Soon, the webbing of rope and apparatus would reposition the figurehead that the carpenter would make this bond permanent. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”-Twain
Dorian Lasseter Posted January 22, 2008 Posted January 22, 2008 Wardroom of the Lucy Dorian rubbed is chin and thought about the men who seemed to have disappeared. A fearful thought crept into his head, which he tried to dismiss. Ajayi was found chained as a slave and when he was rescued by the Watch Dog, he was freed from the fate of such. But now there was a possibility that fate had come to pass. He shook his head abruptly, not giving the thought any weight. Three men of the Watch Dog, well armed, did not just disappear. They would either appear of their own will, or that of others from the two ships. A knock at the door caused both men to come out of whatever deep thoughts they were having. “Enter…” The door opened and now the first of the men requested to report for his shares stood in the doorway. Captain Lasseter turned to Mister Pew. “This won’t take long… help yerself to a drink lad.” Preston nodded and stepped across to the cabinet and made a selection as the crewman approached at the bidding of Dorian. Truly, D. Lasseter Captain, The Lucy Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41 Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins
William Brand Posted January 22, 2008 Author Posted January 22, 2008 August 3, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog Robert and Paul arrived in the Watch Dog and reported what little that there was to report on the matter of Klaas, Joshua and Ajayi. William was not happy of the news and could not satisfy himself that the men had gone missing to rum or whores ashore. The matter seemed unlikely, and in the case of Ajayi, somewhat absurd. He informed the two marines that he would send them again within the hour, but this time in different directions with additional men of the watch. He further explained that he himself would join a third party in the search for the missing men, as he meant to do other business ashore anyway, and by all their labors they would discover what had become of the three crew members. Then he sent Robert and Paul to the galley while he prepared documents for them to bear on their second expedition ashore. As William penned the several documents, he reminded himself aloud that he should see to Luigi first, that the man might be born back to the 'Dog immediately. He did not like the idea of leaving the Italian ashore, since the man who had cut off his finger might come back for the rest of him. Two bells of the First Dog Watch ~Larboard Watches on Duty~
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