Black Mab Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 Moira set the quill carefully to the blank line Brand indicated, leaving not a drop of spilled ink as she smoothly traced the lines of her name. Writing with a quill was more of a trick than scratching with bits of coal but she managed a firm signature with barely a wobble. When finished, she set the quill aside and glanced up at Brand with a look that just might have contained a flash of, "Didn't I tell you I could write?" But the look was long gone by the time she stepped back from the table and answered, "Ah un'erstan' tha' purpose, sah, but am only passingly acquainted wit' tha' care an' operation." Avast, ye scurvy dog!
William Brand Posted January 5, 2008 Author Posted January 5, 2008 "Then take a pistol...unloaded, until such a time as you may be instructed in its use. The presence of the pistol should be enough to give any man pause. You shall be escorts to one another while at Martinique. In this way we might avoid those attacks which have taken place outside the sanctuary of the 'Dog. See that you are not foolish in your leave. I have enough wayward wanderers unaccounted for at present." "Aye, Sah." They both said at once. William gathered the articles from the table. "You present a good hand, Miss O'Flaherty. This places you above some of the men aboard. We may employ your understanding to some other purposes, given time. For now, you will answer to Miss McDonough and see to her needs if any should arise." He fished into his pocket and took out three very round coins. He gave them to Moira. "This will see you clothed, boarded and fed ashore. Miss McDonough will see you to new slops and a shirt or two. Please send in the next man to receive shares."
Black Mab Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 Moira nodded her comprehension of the captain's orders. She might have smiled, just a bit, at the compliment on her writing as she accepted the proffered coin. It wasn't until she and Miss McDonough had murmured their understanding and thanks and she'd stepped toward the door that she realized she didn't even have a pouch in which to stow her newfound wealth, nor a belt to carry the pouch. The concept of shares, and what to do with them, suddenly began to make sense. Avast, ye scurvy dog!
Dorian Lasseter Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 Wardroom of the Lucy Mister Pew gave Miss Ashcombe a once-over and nodded to her kindly then turned his attention back to the Captain. “Aye Sah… b’sides coin, I were thinkin’ mebee some kinda gift-like things from town…” Dorian slowly nodded and began thinking on the idea of what would be a worthwhile gift for the ladies. “Well… Fresh victuals fer th’ larder is always good… surely some other things would be good as well… Would be a good walk about th’ town t’ find wot yer like…” Mister Pew nodded. “Aye, a walk about town, I think I’d like it.” A smile crept across the Captain’s face and he took in a deep breath. He led up a hand and quickly crossed the room to his seachest, pulled out a leather pouch and tossed it to the QuarterMaster. “Take this an’ a man as yer escort, armed well enough ta fend off th’ ruffians, tha’s an order… We’ll be getting’ th’ last shares from th’ Watch Dog soon, but that’ll have ta do fer now… If ye fancy somat for the ship, says so, so’s I c’n cover it from th’ Lucy’s coffers. Don’t do anythin’ I wouldn’t… eh, go ‘ave a good time Preston.” There was a glint in Pew’s eyes as he hefted the pouch, his grin widened. He touched his brow and bowed his head to Miss Ashcombe. “Aye Cap’n, Miss Ashcombe… ‘ave a fine evenin’…” Dorian watched as Pew pulled the door shut behind him. He stood a bit longer and waited for anyone else. A moment passed and nothing. Dorian crossed to his chair and slowly sat. Again his eyes focused on the woman before him. “Now, Miss Ashcombe… Have you answers for me?” Truly, D. Lasseter Captain, The Lucy Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41 Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins
Red Cat Jenny Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 Jenny had been relieved having been spared from grasping for answers despite the Captain's obliging tone. She waited to be sure the quartermaster had gone and remained standing before the table even as he sat. Miss Ashcombe had considered the outcome of revealing her knowledge of Monsieur Patios. However with him dead perhaps the connection would die with the less than notable station he held. She knew it was unlikely her Uncle would be aware of his oft distant lackey and less so, that he'd care. There was the matter of the coin secreted in her belongings..would they be searched? and Durand..was it a coincidence unrelated to her presence that he came aboard? She needed to know more about the man to determine if he would be aquainted with Martin Garaud. "Sir..may I sit?" He motioned to the chair and she took a place across from him. His expression was open, but his eyes searched her carefully and she knew she must choose in which order to reveal only the most necessary of facts. Jenny placed her hands upon the table lacing her fingers to keep them steady. "My uncle is Monsieur Martin Garaud. He is owner of one of the plantations here. I have left his employ of my own free will due to his less than honorable treatment of me." There she paused turning her face slightly, self concious of the bruise which might still have some pale color upon her cheek. It had felt like a mark which made her lower than her station in life. Beatings were reserved for servants and prisoners. She had felt like both. "I do not know if he has connections with the man who was last here. He is a businessman with connections of many sorts. Some which I have been privy to..but not all." Before continuing she needed to know. Jennys eyes returned to his face. "Captain Lasseter. I must know. Was it a person not of your company he sought? or simply the items in your ledger?" It was bold to become the inquisitor. But the question was necessary. Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
Dorian Lasseter Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 Dorian took in the information given him, nodding several times as she spoke and even noted the slight discolouration which he wasn’t sure about, so had not asked before. He observed her nervousness and knew she would be, given the situation. He was mildly surprised at her turn of asking him a question. He regarded her a minute before deciding to answer her. “Monsieur Durand… He was sent, unhappily, to try and find issue with whatever he might… He may have ties with the military here, but isn’t a military man these days. He was sent to find things out with the backings of the authorities. I don’t think he found something here, but I can’t be sure… I’ll have to speak with Cap’n Brand to know what further events happened.” He sat quietly, waiting to see what effect his words might have on her. Waiting to see if she would continue after he answered her. Truly, D. Lasseter Captain, The Lucy Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41 Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins
William Brand Posted January 5, 2008 Author Posted January 5, 2008 Patrick Hand, Owen Monahan and Nathan Bly all passed through the Ward room in succession to receive shares. Owen was not so bent as before, Nathan looked dismal and Patrick unchanged. William made little conversation with any man, but for the exchange associated with such bookkeeping. Then he finished a few small entries in different volumes and prepared to go about business unattended elsewhere. He grabbed up his coat, hat and last of all, the cane which Rummy and Jonathan had so carefully crafted for him. The taking of this last item was deeply counter-pointed as he left the ward room, for he ran into Mister Hawks and Rummy in the passageway. "We were told to report aft, Sah." "We're you now." William said, momentarily confused. Then he smiled and nodded. In his haste to pay out the shares as quickly as possible he had forgotten that all should be paid at once. He had indeed ordered all aft in turn, forgetting most of the Larboard Watch entirely. "Please come in." He said to them both as he replaced his hat, coat and cane. ~Larboard Watches on Duty~
Red Cat Jenny Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 Ward room of the Lucy The answer given was unnerving. However it provided her with a means to better explain the charade played out a short time ago. " My Uncle trades in many things beyond sugar cane, sir. He has become increasingly involved in the trade of slaves to the Colonies and thus has made many connections which are likely less than admirable. He is a changed man and in truth.." Jenny paused forming her words with an effort to tip the scales in her favor, but not so much as to appear a cause for further concern. "In truth I told no one of my desire to leave, fearing that I would be either held against my will or my very life might be in peril. Not because I am his property, but simply because he is an unjust man who has been corrupted by his own dealings and too much drink. " Jenny didn't mention Henri Patois. Perhaps less known about the man would serve to protect all of them. "I feared as Monsieur Durand appeared a man of means and authority, he might recognise my name as a relation to Monsieur Garaud. I have been in residence at the plantation these five years past. If I may sir, Miss McDonough is not at fault, the notion was entirely mine. It would relieve me if you would explain that to Captain Brand. Miss McDonough has been quite kind and I don't wish her to be reprimanded for my foolishness." Miss Ashcombe kept her chin at level, but felt her heart sink at the realization of what may have been waiting for Murin aboard the Watch Dog. Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
Silkie McDonough Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 Aboard the Watch Dog Black Mab said: It wasn't until she and Miss McDonough had murmured their understanding and thanks and she'd stepped toward the door that she realized she didn't even have a pouch in which to stow her newfound wealth, nor a belt to carry the pouch. The concept of shares, and what to do with them, suddenly began to make sense. The corners of Miss McDonough’s face curled up as she recalled her first shares and having the same dilemma upon the realization that coins require a pouch. “I’ll see det ya ave a pooch lass.” Once in the surgery Constance and Meg nodded a greeting and Murin stepped quickly to her friends embracing each. “D’capin tol mae yer leavin. We’ll miss ya but I knows dis life taint fer everyone. One needs t’ave a callin t-d’woter an t’roamin.” The ladies nodded in agreement, “Aye.” Meg seemed a different person from who she had been since Tawny’s attack. It was clear that she was contented with her choice to go ashore. The ladies talked about their plans and the bakery. Meg mentioned their plans to invite Callie to join them then looked to Constance. Constance continued the thought, “We were wondering if you would like to join us?” Murin smiled, “Tank ya buot I tink I’ll stay on a bit longer. I ave m’doubts on akashun buot tis moor bout mae den dis life I’ve been offered.” The ladies each nodded for their own reason and a hush fell over those gathered. Murin, looked at those around her, “Oh! Fergive mae. I di’na mean t’bae so rude!” She introduced Moira to the others in the room then excused herself stating that she wanted to return the things that she had been loaned those first days on board. Miss McDonough knew that the surgeon’s room was empty but knocked upon the door out of respect. After hearing no response she gently lifted the latch and opened the door. The room was comfortably appointed and had it not been closed up for so many days in the heat would have been a pleasant. Murin entered, set the parcel on the table top and exited closing the door behind her. Murin and the two former members of the Watch Dog crew continued to discus the progress on the uniforms and marine uniforms with Moira interjecting from time to time. Soon the conversation turned to Martinique and the plans that Constance and Meg were making and their need to find lodging and a location for business. Eventually the four agreed to spend some time ashore together this day all would meet in the waist at seven bells.
Tudor MercWench Smith Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 After making sure the crate filled with shares to be delievered was carefully loaded onto the boat that was to take it and herself and Mr. Badger ashore, Tudor climbed in herself, wishing to lose no time in the execution of her errands. It was not too a terribly long trip between the Watch Dog and the wharf, but Tudor took the opportunity too observe her surrondings, from the dark greyish blue water they sailed over that seemed to have a personality and mystery or it's own, to the sweeping veiw of the ship they were leaving. As the neared the shore she took note of all the comings and goings of the docks. She climbed onto the pier as the crew tied off the boat and with Mr. Badger's assistance retrived the shares. "Mr. Badger, I have a letter to deliver to the Lucy. If you wish to remain here, or even to start for Le Chateau Anse while I go find Captain Lasseter, I will be able to catch up to you when I have finished." She then turned to where the Lucy was moored, she stood at the gang plank and called for attention. "Captain Brand's Steward, Smith requesting permission to come aboard to deliver a message to Captain Lasseter." After gaining the approval to come aboard, Tudor was shown to the Lucy's ward room. After a quick stuccato knock, she waited for response.
Dorian Lasseter Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 As Miss Ashcombe spoke, the Captains’ countenance changed after she talked of the slave trade and her uncle being one who dealt with such. It brought back memories of his time aboard a blackbirdier in his youth. It also brought up a surge of anger, an anger he felt for those in the trade of human flesh, so many thought nothing of it. His father told him of the English making slaves of his kin, which still happened to this day. He seemed to not be paying attention to her as she spoke, but when Jenny mentioned Miss McDonough he focused on her again fully. Dorian nodded as she finished. “Don’t ye worry about Miss McDonough… I’ll be sure ta straighten that out. I’ll speak more wi’ Cap’n Brand and I’m sure we’ll see you to another port… I s’pose we’ll try ta call ya Miss Poole til we’re outta this port?” Jenny seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and was about to say something when there was a knock on the wardroom door. She tensed at the knock and looked slightly pale. “A moment…” Dorian stood and walked to the door and lifted the latch, opening it a crack. There stood Miss Smith from the Watch Dog. “Miss Smith… Wot’s brought ye ta my door?” Truly, D. Lasseter Captain, The Lucy Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41 Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins
Tudor MercWench Smith Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 She pulled the letter from Captain Brand out from her pouch and handed it forward. "Letter from Captain Brand sir." She said with a quick nod. "Also, the shares for the crew are on the wharf. I managed to unload them from the boat with Mr. Badger's aide, but we'll need some able crewman to assist in bringing it aboard."
Dorian Lasseter Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 The Captain of the Lucy eyed the parchment Miss Smith held and as she spoke of the shares for the crew he slowly smiled. “Very good Miss Smith… Have th’ officer on deck lend ye some hands… Thankee fer th’ delivery, my men will be quite happy with their shares… “ He took the letter from her and she gave him a quick salute before heading back across the deck. Truly, D. Lasseter Captain, The Lucy Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41 Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins
Tudor MercWench Smith Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 With a quickly salute, Tudor turned on her heels and headed back to the deck, in search of the officer in charge. Upon finding Mr. Brisbane and offering him a quick salute, she explained what was needed. "I need a strong and reliable crewman or two if you can spare them. I am deliviring the crew's shares and Captain Lasseter wants them brought to his ward room so he can distribute them appropriatly." Even if he could not have spared any crew, he would have, for every man onboard the ship could not wait until their shares were in their hands. He quickly called for three men and ordered them to follow Miss Smith and help her with the task. Soon they stood back infront of the ward room, and once again, Tudor found herself knocking on the door.
Dorian Lasseter Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 Dorian closed the door and walked back to the table with the letter from William. He sat and laid the parchment there in front of himself, and in a way Miss Ashcombe. He drummed his fingers on the tabletop a couple times, then decided on what he wanted to do. “Miss Ashcombe, I should read this in private. I’ll… I’ll just excuse myself…” He picked up the letter and walked to the stern windows where he opened the folds flat and read the contents. He read it slowly several times and had just folded it back the way it was when yet again there was a knock. He expected this actually, and briskly walked to the door again. He opened the door and let those men who carried the small crate heavy with specie in where he directed them to set it off to the side. He dismissed the men and Miss Smith one last time. He closed the door and set the latch, walked back to the table and again sat. “Miss Ashcombe, be at your leisure, I have work ta do… I cannot offer you much more than th’ cot of last night for comfort. Th’ evenin’ meal is a couple hours away as well. I’ll just need some time to write an’ count out coin. Then there will be a flow of men come ta collect their shares. At that time, ye may take to yer cot b’hind th’ canvas shade… if ye wish.” He left it at that and opened the newest ledger on the table, opened the drawer and withdrew an inkpot and brass nibbed pen. Six Bells of the Afternoon Watch Truly, D. Lasseter Captain, The Lucy Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41 Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins
Silkie McDonough Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 Aboard the Lucy Benjamin Quigley, had reported for duty early and was assigned with Zachary Howard and David Leigh to fastening the nameplates to the cannons. The three worked well enough together for the few hours before the change of the watch but there was tension between them. They had spent the last too many days incarcerated at the Fort Royal prison and before that together on the Carolina for several months. Howard and Leigh had been pressed into service and Quigley was one of the few who was not. There was no conversation between the three, a few words of communication about the work at hand but nothing more. Ben was glad when the noon bell had sounded ...until Jeffery Elijah, also pressed to the Carolina, was one of the two assigned to help finish the work begun by the previous shift. “Elijah! Doomed t’work wit’king’s boie I see.” Quigley, Elijah and the third assigned to he job, Nicholas Trodd, looked towards the voice. Anthony Dyer stood some fifteen feet away from where they worked. He was flanked by Howard and Leigh. While in prison Quigley had been matched in a fight against Dyer, another of those who were pressed to the Carolina, Ben won the bout. Dyer held a grudge against Ben, and those allied with Dyer, although not openly hostile towards Ben, were not friendly either. Jeffery Elijah laughed, “Aye, it’s me lot in life.” “Pay im no mind mate.” Nicholas Trodd made eye contact with Ben who remained silent. Benjamin returned his attention to the work at hand. The mallet he held struck another rivet with a bit more force than the last.
Pew Posted January 6, 2008 Posted January 6, 2008 The Quartermaster paused as he left the deck of the Lucy. He saw something he made mental note of. A terse standoff of words amidst a group of the new crew from the prison. As he stood, the moment passed as abruptly as it arrived. He squinted, trying to make note of those involved. "YOU THERE!" Mister Pew yelled to the group, yet no one in particular. "CARRY ON." Several 'Aye sirs' came from the group as the work continued. The Quartermaster stood and crossed his arms as both groups separated and continued their business. Eric Franklin and Preston shook hands as Eric needed to return to the Watch Dog. He turned and made his way just aft of the Lucy where one of the Watch Dog's small craft had been tied. The sixth ring sounded from the Lucy's new shipboard bell. "Six bells eh. Only an hour 'til th' lads return." Mister Pew rested his hand on the pistol in his belt and thought of the Captain's request. Bill Flint still had the marines ashore, drilling no less. He looked about the deck and saw John Black polishing the plates above the larboard cannon. The man had just completed 'Morrigan' and began on 'Leucetios'. "You there," the Quartermaster said. Several men turned around and John Black pointed to his own chest and mouthed 'Me?'. "Aye, front 'n center." He waited until the man placed his small pail and rag on the deck. "Go b'low an' arm y'self. We need t' run 'n errand 'r two." "Aye sir." The man replied. He returned in little time with a musket and a brace of pistols. He leaned the musket against his shoulder and pulled his cap tightly over his head. The two men of the Lucy spent no time reaching the town proper. Merchants lined the streets selling fruits and vegetables freshly grown in the hills just beyond town. The fishmonger's had their carts nearly empty from the mornings catch. The sun had reached it apex earlier and was heading just west of it's peak. Little talk was passed between the two as Preston was busy thinking about his purchases. The slight disruption among the crew on deck nagged at him. "SIR!!" John quickly grabbed Preston's elbow as a cart raced around the corner with several men in uniform chasing after it. Preston looked at John and laughed. "Double ration f'r y' m' goode man." The man smiled. They turned the corner and headed in the direction of music and singing. They soon found themselves at Le Chateau Anse. While both men could use a fine tankard, there was much to do before the eighth bell of the watch rang out. They continued north and found a wine merchant tucked alongside Le Saint Heureux. Preston had John wait as he went in. Sometime later the Quartermaster returned and they pressed on in search of a Chandlery. They passed a Blacksmith and that gave the Quartermaster a thought. "One moment John." "Aye sir." John had continued to walk down the street. He peered in each shop always keeping an eye on the doorway for Preston to re-emerge. Finally he did, although with a large object wrapped in heavy canvas. "Th' Chandlery 's back th' other way," Preston said as the heavy door shut solidly behind him. They turned and headed back the way they came, only to turn and find the Chandlery on the opposite corner. John Black stood outside and watched as the ladies strolled about, each trying to pry coin from his pocket. Preston looked in several of the crates trying to find something that he could send to the Chiriurgeons as a token of his thanks. Finally he selected a full crate of sweet scented beeswax candles. He instructed the shopkeep to deliver to the Chirirugeon's home before nightfall. Hopefully the wine would arrive upon the evening as well. "Well Mister Black, 'ad enough?" the Quartermaster asked as he returned to the street. The ladies smiled as Preston placed the small leather coinpurse back into his pocket and then thoroughly gave him their attention. John frowned. Preston leaned towards the dark haired woman and whispered something John couldn't hear. Quickly a hand was raised and a 'SMACK' was heard as the palm was landed across Mister Pew's face. He laughed heartily as the women left abruptly. John was confused but finally smiled when a flask was removed from the Lucy's Quartermaster's pocket. Preston placed his hand on the man's shoulder. "'ow old 're you John?" "Forty-four sir." Mister Pew simply laughed as the two continued on to the Lucy. , Skull and Quill Society , The Watch Dog Quartermaster James said: "We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."
Red Cat Jenny Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 Miss Ashcombe thanked the Captain for the meal, his assurance to set straight the matter of Miss McDunough and his gracious offer to allow her to remain quartered aboard the Lucy. She said as much with a smile half constructed of relief that her answer had satisfied him for the moment and half in a beginning of understanding what made the men and women whom she had met so far a loyal crew of the two ships. There was fairness here, and respect and as she had learned first hand, all were accountable despite friendships or personal matters. Miss Ashcombe left the Captain to his work and retrieved an item from her belogings stowed neath the cot. Not wanting to be shut away from the fresh air she couldn't enjoy upon the Lucy's decks or the wharf, Jenny shortly retired to a chair nearer the breeze from the windows , yet at a respectable distance. Once the men arrived, she would sequester herself as requested. Jenny ran a hand across the thick packet of matched parchment, some of it faded with 5 years of age and untied the green velvet ribbon which bound letters from her family. It had been some time since she had read the details of the lives she had left behind and she would need to refresh her memories as she made a decision about the future. Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
William Brand Posted January 7, 2008 Author Posted January 7, 2008 Written by Mercenary Wench & William Brand August 3, 1704 After seeing to it that all was well with the delivery of items to Captain Lasseter, Tudor quickly made her way to catch up with Mr. Badger, who had taken her suggestion and started on the way ahead of her. She did her best to close the distance quickly as the Captain had declared that no one was to travel ashore alone, and she achieved her purpose. She had barely left sight of the Lucy, before she was adjusting her stride to fall in next to the Boatswain. In a silence that bespoke of their concentration on the chaotic comings and goings on the streets, the two made slow progression to La Chateau Anse, keeping ever vigilant. The arrived without incident, and soon found themselves inquiring with the innkeeper about where to find the crewmates they were sent to find. The innkeeper proved to be a servant of the establishment, as Monsieur Ferland was not at the inn when Jacob and Tudor arrived there. He was away with a servant purchasing the daily fare which supplied the kitchens of the spacious inn. He had left instructions for anyone visiting Luigi with his clerk, Monsieur Saltir, who lead Tudor and Jacob to a second story room. They found Luigi there under the care of a Mister Ranst, who was redressing Luigi's hand as they came into the room. Luigi smiled to see his shipmates, and from the look of the smile, he was a little drunk. He wore the grin of a man blessed by the generosity of a cautious innkeeper. Two large bottles of Martinique's cash crop sat on a nearby table, one of them half drained. There was also evidence that a large meal had been served earlier, with many plates and bowls scattered about the place. "May I offer yew a drink, Misshhh Tudor? Your pardon...Missh Shmith." With a warm smile, Tudor declined any drink for herself, and instead kindly asked Monsieur Saltir for a moment of privacy with Ranst and Luigi. She felt that the handing over of shares was something that need not be displayed in front of strangers, even if they had proved to be honest and hospitable in an hour of need. Sitting herself down next to Luigi's side she reached into the pouch on her belt to pull out the shares she carried. Luigi smiled in good spirits and in good spirits long as he received his shares. Teek Ranst looked on and tried not to seem too bothered by the money which passed into Luigi's hands. Now Luigi, never a man to pass up an opportunity to make allies where he could, and with more than a good eye for seeing such opportunities, passed Teek one whole share from his earnings. Teek went wide eyed and tried to refuse, as Luigi was obviously drunk, but having no command of English apart from a handful of words, Teek utterly failed, not that Luigi would accept any refusal from the Dutchman. "Caw it an advance if ya won't accep' it as a gaft." Luigi insisted, and while Teek could not understand, he acquiesced. After this exchange, Luigi fell asleep and Jacob and Teek Ranst carried the drunken, wounded man to his bed and covered him, careful not to knock over the rum glass on the side table which held Luigi's recently separated finger. Luigi had insisted on bringing it back to the room to be buried with him at sea on some far flung date in the distant future. With their business accomplished, Jacob made a decision then that he thought the Captain would find both prudent and fitting, given the recent circumstances. He ordered Tudor to remain with Luigi and Teek, as Luigi was indisposed and Teek spoke almost no English at all. Tudor agreed and Jacob left an additional pistol with the trio. Then, as a further precautionary measure, Jacob asked two crew members of the Lucy to go with him as he journeyed back to the Watch Dog, promising them each the favor of a drink at the docks. At the St. Louis Docks As the day progressed, some four men of French origins, only three of them speaking passable English, reported at the gangplank of the Lucy to inquire if any work might be had as able seamen. Of these four, two men were large, being almost six feet each, while the other two were of an average height. They had the look an fashion of sailors, being bronzed and freckled from many days under the hot sun, but as this appearance was common on the island, owing to it's latitude, it was not proof of their service. Still, they had papers to show that they had served on other ships and begged a boon of the ship's Captain that they might secure employment. ~Larboard Watches on Duty~
Dorian Lasseter Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 Aboard the Lucy As Dorian transcribed the information from Captain Brand’s letter into the Lucy’s ledger, a quiet came about the Wardroom. The two people within were sharing a space yet were in very different places. Dorian, dealing with the goings on of his ship and crew, Jenny dealing with remembrance of her past and what was to be her future. As the Captain had finished writing the shares to be given to those deserving, he had also penned those names on a separate piece of parchment. This he would give to Mister Brisbane, so he might easily send those men aft for their shares. The only part that bothered Dorian was that roughly half his crew would not receive these shares as they had no part in them. Not only that, but those men freshly aboard were penniless having just come from prison. He hoped nothing ill would come of this, half his men wealthy, the other half poor as dirt. He mused on this a moment while rereading the letter, and at this time also came to another decision. “Miss Ashcombe, Cap’n Brand requests and requires you to ‘ave an audience wi’ him aboard th’ Watch Dog… I’ll have ye go o’er with some men around th’ second Dog Watch.” He turned and looked at her, noting some apprehension on her face. All she did was nod an affirmative and held her chin up, the apprehension disappearing to be replaced with determination. Satisfied he turned back to his work, looked over the ledger and other notes he had. Getting up he went over to the crate with the shares and slid it over to the table. Dorian checked the contents, and satisfied al was well he picked up the parchment for Mister Brisbane and walked to the door. Upon opening the door to the deck he noted some men at work yet seeming distracted. He followed their gaze to a small group of men standing at the gangplank having words with just the man he was seeking. The Captain surmised the situation and ducked back into the Wardroom to gather his coat and hat and adjusted the pistol on his belt before heading over to where his man stood. “Mister Brisbane… Is everything alright here?” Truly, D. Lasseter Captain, The Lucy Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41 Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins
William Brand Posted January 7, 2008 Author Posted January 7, 2008 "Sah!" Nigel returned, snapping off a salute. "These men are seeking place aboard ship an' would speak with you." Dorian gestured for the man at the front to step forward and speak his mind. Paul-Henri Cutting was the man at the head of the group and he proved to have the best grasp of English of any in the company. He explained, with an accent which gave Dorian pause, that he was born in the colonies and had enjoyed some dealings with the English in his youth. He was straight forward in his manner, though he rung his cap in his hands the whole time he spoke, looking at Nigel and his fellows more than Dorian. He explained that he was close friends with one Ancel Charnock who stood hard by, but had worked with the other two men on the docks for nearly two weeks and had agreed to speak for them. He made a point of introducing Pierre-Louis Ganesvoort and Etienne Heaton, the two taller men in the little gathering. Dorian plied them with many questions. He asked them where they had served previously and in what capacities. Ancel, though only sixteen, had been an able seamen for at least five years, rising as far as Coxswain's Mate aboard a merchant ship. Paul-Henri had less experience at sea, but spoke the better English out of the two. He had been a seaman and a cook's mate. Etienne had a simple command of seamanship and English, but looked to be both strong and capable. Pierre-Louis proved the most difficult to measure, having served more years than any of them, both on warships and merchant ships alike, yet he had no command of English whatsoever. Dorian considered them for a long time.
Dorian Lasseter Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 The waist of the Lucy After making his considerations of the four men in front of him, Captain Lasseter gave the barest of nods. “I can make ye no promises at th’ moment…. See that ship yonder? That be th’ Watch Dog an’ Lucy be her consort. Cap’n William Brand commands that ship, an’ he’ll be th’ one to speak with. We’ve had a busy time these past days, so I don’t know when he’ll have time ta see you men about bein’ signed on… Wait here an’ I’ll write a pass for ye ta board th’ Frigate. One thing… you have any arms other than a working knife, leave ‘em ashore, would be best for ye.” He gave them a stern look and turned back to the Wardroom. Once inside he smiled to the young woman within and bade her to return to what she was doing. He found a blank piece of parchment and penned a note to William saying he had received the shares and would be dispensing them soon, and about the four men seeking work, saying they looked able by what he could tell. He wrote their names as he remembered them and that he would give them a ‘pass’ to board and wait for his audience. He also wrote that he would send Miss Ashcombe over after the second dog watch began. As a last bit he wrote about the reasoning of her being called “Miss Poole” so as to defer any happenstance with Miss McDonough. Dorian signed it, folded the parchment several times once the ink was dry and affixed it with wax. Withdrawing a separate piece, he then penned a ‘pass’ for the four men, again naming the four men to match what he would send to William. Again he folded and affixed this with a wax seal. The first latter was marked directly for Captain Brand of the Watch Dog, while the ‘pass’ was marked ‘The Watch Dog’. He took these out with him and to the waiting men. “Here is your pass, just for the four of you…” The men smiled yet remained a nervous lot and half thanked him in English, while the other half did so in French. All four gave a salute of a sort and Paul turned and ushered the other three away. Dorian turned to Nigel and held out the letter for Captain Brand, and the parchment with the list of men to receive shares. “I’ll need this delivered to Cap’n Brand right away… Pick some trusted lads to deliver it. And this, I’ll need ye ta send me these lads one at a time fer their shares, post a marine at my door… Yers are tucked away already.” He chuckled at Nigel who smiled and knuckled his brow. “Aye sah, more ta be tucked away fer me then.” Dorian nodded and returned to the wardroom where he again sat at his table, pulled some specie from the crate and began counting out shares, waiting for the first man to knock. Just after Seven Bells of the Afternoon Watch Truly, D. Lasseter Captain, The Lucy Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41 Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins
Red Cat Jenny Posted January 8, 2008 Posted January 8, 2008 Jenny had returned to the spare seat and her letters, until Captain Lasseter exited the wardroom to attend to matters unknown on deck. Left to herself she closed her eyes and leaned her head against the chair's tall back. Her hands held the letters neatly piled, in her lap. She sat very still for a moment. Sensing the rocking of the ship beneath her and the scent of fresh ocean air coming through the open windows in small gusts. No sense worrying like a child, she told herself, you have found yourself this far and what fate will have will be. Some of her courage and calm had returned replacing the foolish panic of earlier. Jenny stood and walked to the Lucy's stern windows which looked towards the watch dog and past it to the open sea. Shortly the Captain returned "T'is a fine view " he offered. "Yes, t'is" she returned smiling politely. He began to make ready for the business previously mentioned. Jenny did not disturb him, but retired quietly behind the canvas strung for privacy. Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.... Her reputation was her livelihood. I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice! My inner voice sometimes has an accent! My wont? A delicious rip in time...
Maeve O'Treasaigh Posted January 8, 2008 Posted January 8, 2008 Maeve brought out a bowl of thin stew to give to Marie, and a cup of cool ale to wash it down. Marie seemed grateful enough of it, but her eyes kept glancing furtively to the front door as she ate quietly. Maeve was curious to know this woman’s particular story, but was too polite to pry about information not freely proffered, so she kept herself busy, sweeping and cleaning the front room as her patient ate. Maeve finally broke the silence. “If there’s anyone that I might send for ta help ya from this place, just let me know. Yer well enough ta leave if ya want. Ya’ll just be sore for a while is all”, she commented. "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending" - Maria Robinson
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