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First off....


Reconstructing History (RH) has really done their homework on the Justaucorps and it shows.

The retail price on this pattern is $25, so some of you that are used to paying 99 Cents for a simplicity pattern might balk at the cost, but for what you get, its a real bargain!


The pattern comes with:

1) Booklet on the History of the Justaucorps

This is an outstanding piece and makes the info on my website pale in comparison. The kicker here is that RH includes line drawings and museum refrence numbers for 5 extant garments. From "Lord Clapham" dolls to the Sligo, Ireland Bog Find are detailed in this packet. RH covers the sizes, number of buttons, and construction details on the original examples. The booklet concludes with a bibliography.

2) Frock Coat instructions

This includes the layout of your pattern, materials needed, and instructions for various ways of making your coat. There are tips for completely handsewing, completely machine sewing, or mixtures of both. The instructions are litered with refrences to period details and "period options" for making your coat.

The booklet concludes with two pages that diagram period stitches (fell stitch, blanket stitch, etc)

3) 2 Full size pattern sheets

4) Materials list and sizing chart.

For Authentic and Fantasy re-enactors alike, this is what we have been waiting for. Even if I never start on a coat, it was well worth the money for the refrences and to help get a better understanding of how these garments are made.

If you want a coat that will look like you stepped out of a time machine or period painting, this is the one to get.


I have no connection with the manufactures of this pattern and I paid full retail price to get it.


Cant wait to get started, and I will add more as I work on my coat!


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Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!


Hah! Pish at paying $25 fer a pattern! I Never leave a millenry shop for under a $100! The lass will most certainly be getting some orders from me fer my needs!

"Don't worry, it's not My Blood!"


I went to "The Original Reenactor Market in the UK last weekend.

LOTS of cool stuff. My wife only gave me 50 quid to spend though (probably smart on her part) so I only came back with

1 Kirsty Buckland Monmouth Hat ($38)

4.5 Meters of 100% silk grosgrain ($35)

15 Brass buttons ($5)

I was thinking about making my Pattern #702 out of Grosgrain, but I think I am going to get the early Justaucorps pattern and use the Grosgrain for that....



Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site


Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!


Janelle and I can hardly wait for the patterns to arrive! She's taken to looking in my closet at my current justaucorps, and letting out a deep, disapproving sigh. :rolleyes:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


You know, I like that Janelle... She has such excellent aspirations! :rolleyes:

(The patterns will be in your hands any moment now, Jack.)


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!


She's already got the linen picked out, and I just got her a new cabinet for her third machine. Her studio is ramped up and ready! :) :lol:

Thanks for the update, Kass. I think she's even more excited than I that they're coming! :lol:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


I certain my neighbors think they just witnessed a scene from Steve Martin's "The Jerk". I went to the mailbox, opened it, and found a thick package from "Reconstructing History"! I went running back to the house, shouting "The new patterns are here! The new patterns are here!" :lol:

OK, I'm a dork. But I'll be a damned stylish dork! :lol::lol:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


EDIT: Jeez! I can't even stick my tounge out without getting "user posted image"? OK, this'll have to do - :lol::lol:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

  RumbaRue said:
Yahoo_17.gif I want mine!

Patience, patience, Rue. The women's patterns are printing now. :lol:


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!


And you better post some pictures, Rue! :P



Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!


Someone was asking about a correct pattern, so I thought that I would add a little more to this post for those that are looking for a great GAoP pattern.

I just bought some incredible fabric (about 5 meters of Blue silk Grosgrain) at TORM for about $35. The last time I could find silk grosgrain, it was about $50 per yard, so I could not help myself.

Anyway, I was going to make it into a 1700s justaucorp... but I decided to order the earlier justaucorp pattern an make one of those.

When I get that pattern, I will do another review.


Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site


Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!


My primary reason for adding this post is so I can easily find this thread again by simply reviewing my own list of posted messages.

After reading the comments herein, I plan on picking up this pattern for my own coat #3 (or #4, or whatever). When I do, I will add my own review. This looks like an AWESOME pattern, perhaps better than the authentic military one I have and was thinking of converting.


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"



We got the various grades of linen on Sunday. Now to find the right buttons! B)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

  • 2 weeks later...

Well I got all the materials cut out for the Hunting Coat- arrrghhh, my aching back- I had to spread everything out on the floor...

I have sooo much material left, I'm going to make a matching skirt and re-do the original bodice I made quite some time ago- cuz I've lost weight. By the time I'm done I'll have quite an outfit! B)


i'm interested in this pattern but when i sent aPM to kass she never answered me as to the size ranges of the patterns ....can anyone owning the pattern inform me as to the size ranges included in the pattern packets ....i.e. would i have to order by size or are there a range of sizes including some XXL measurements

Thanks :o


I think Kass maybe traveling this month ( I understand she is delivering batches of patterns to vendors)

The size chart goes up toa size 54 or "the maximums" are:

Chest 54"

Waist 50"

Hip 55"

Hope that helps....


Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site


Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!


Ha! Found the buttons from a vendor in St. Louis, Misery. Should be here in a week's time! :D

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


I have both the early (#701) and the later (#702) patterns now. I am working on a #701 pattern review, but just for starters, the earlier justaucorps uses less fabric (3-4 yards) opposed to the 5ish yards of the 1700 style.

This is due to the fact that the later one has the skirts.

Also, you need about as much lining material too.

Since I am a fabric whore, I buy it when I find it and its a little more difficult to get a 5 + piece of fabric than it is to get a 3-4 yard piece.

So I have piles of fabric now, one for early justaucorps, and one for later ones according to the size of fabric :D


Come aboard my pirate re-enacting site


Where you will find lots of information on building your authentic Pirate Impression!


Ahoy Maties,

I would love to see some pictures of the completed coats from these patterns by Kass/Reconstructing Histories.

Why, shiver me timbers...I am looking to make a coat for m'self and was thinking of using thee Simplicity "Sparrow" pattern but would rather have a true working/period coat. I have seen pictures of the Simplicity coat and wanted to see the differences. I rather have it be period and correct then have an easy coat that is just plain wrong.

Thanks in advance.

~Tora of Tortuga~


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