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Okey dokey gang,

I'm having real difficulty accessing Pyracy.com - it's taking about 2 minutes to load each page. I know others are having the same problem, starting about the same time, but nobody seems to know what's at the root of it. I can access all other webpages quickly and without difficulty, and I can access pyracy.com from other computers, just not my one at home.

So, while I'm at home it's really difficult for me to keep up with threads, epecially when there's half a dozen threads going on at once. For that reason I'm going to post the next "Dissecting the GAoP Seaman" thread over on the Pirate Brethren Forum rather than here. This week's document is a list of supplies sent out to Adam Baldridge's pirate trading post on St. Mary's, Madgascar, in the 1690s.

Everyone (wanting to discuss pirate history) is welome at the PB Forum, and I think it's probably the more suitable forum anyway for the Dissection threads. I hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone too much.

The problems I'm having with pyracy.com will not prevent me from checking in to see what's going on, and contributing to those threads of particular interest to me, but I won't be quite so active here until someone manages to work out what the problem is.



"With this Fore-Staff he fansies he does Wonders, when, God knows, it amounts to no more but only to solve that simple Question, Where are we? Which every chi'd in London can tell you." - Ned Ward The Wooden World Dissected, 1707



And apparently you've broken the Pirate Brethren Forum now too! Mr. Foxe!!! :unsure:


Building an Empire... one prickety stitch at a time!


Yah....Joshua... were are you... (why you haven't been there...OK... now that you have the link.......no more excuses........)

Cool Forum for period discussion.........<just no virtual drinks....... :o >

  • 2 weeks later...

Arright, now iffn I can have two mate hold the seaman's arms, an' a pair o' ye stouter lads across his legs, I'll get started on the dissection yer all wantin' ta see...erm...'Wha ye mean "Not THAT Manner o' Dissection!'?!?!

"Don't worry, it's not My Blood!"

Arright, now iffn I can have two mate hold the seaman's arms, an' a pair o' ye stouter lads across his legs, I'll get started on the dissection yer all wantin' ta see...erm...'Wha ye mean "Not THAT Manner o' Dissection!'?!?!

Arr matey, who be the one t'knock him out so he don't feel a thing? :lol: Can i see? Floria pads over and looks over the barber-surgeons shoulder ;)


Whacha mean, 'knock 'em out?' I needs 'em awake, so I know that I'm still workin' on a live body! Just take that twisted piece o' leather an' have one o' the lad's pry his jaws open...aye, jus' like that--now jamb the the leather piece between 'is teeth--quick-like now! Don't want ta be puttin' ye on the sick list jes fer loosin' a couple fingers!

Now then...

"Don't worry, it's not My Blood!"

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