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Mags hears Black Dog/Willie the Rumrunner, and wistfully looks out the window, into the distance, over the vast sea....

...the year, 1746, the spring, a particularly cold and chilly time 'o the year, as Ostara's promise, winter was yielding to spring. The sound of dozens of clan pipers from all oer the Highlands, piping for the loss of their own. The hope of Scotland, the brave, dashed with their mournful tones, and the realization that a new era twas upon them. Yes, I was there, in the aftermath. Twas none too pretty a sight to be beholdin'...proud plaids here and there, never to display their fierce pride, determination and loyalty in the same way ere again. But off, at the edge of that bloody field, I found a sign, a wee bit of hope that all was not lost, that it was not truly over...the symbol of me Scotland, a thistle, tall and proud. And then somthing moved, a flash of ancient MacFarlane hunting ...twas a man, a fine man at that, and he be alive still, though just barely...

With this Mags recalls where she is and snaps to. A bit flustered and embarrassed to be caught in such day dreamin', she hollars over to Ray to pass another round to the room, as she knows the patrons, grateful to be having their tankards topped, will forget about her and move on. Once this comes to pass, and quickly mind ye, she smiles, knowingly, just how that story doth end, and saves that story for another day.

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Three cheers fer maggie - Ray - next round for the lady is on Willie! Nicely told - really - well done. I was hoping you would have wondered off into the origin of the name though.

Willie the rumrunner :P

You can ner' have enough sand in yer stew.

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...Aye Mags.... an' twere probably only that Rat Bastid

Ian Terwilliger.......responsible fer the sitchy-ation o' me one, true love Jamie MacDougall...lost at sea......(sigh)

(Though, I DID pick up some swell fashion tips from the Lady MacFarlane and Uncle Topaz.....)


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