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Declare sumthin' about yerself that no one knows

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  Red Dog said:
Damn, fine women, leather and motorcycles, I've died and gone to Heaven, or Sturgis, either way......... :huh::huh::huh::huh:

WooHoo! I'm thinking that Biker is somewhere on the road these days perhaps preparing for a trip to Sturgis himself! Ok, now something that no one knows about me... Oops that is a secret indeed - how about this one ... I'm a bit obsessive compulsive :huh: ( I have a habit of counting things - and have to force myself to stop)

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Oh ya, something on topic......... On Wednesday I took a chunk outa my middle finger on the right hand, " my favorite finger too" . I was stowing a drop-leaf table and THOUGHT the leaf was secured in the down position so I fliped the table upside down, picked it up and the leaf opened! It tore about a 1 inch long, 1/2 inch wide and 1/4 inch deep piece off the tip. My doctor called me a moron. I bet he'll charge me for it too the quack!

It can't be stiched so they used a product called Surgi-skin and wraped it. No pain, no fuss, and I got to leave a blood trail through the Irvine Spectrum from one side to the other during lunch time too, what a hoot! :huh:

  Rummy3 said:
Ok, now something that no one knows about me... Oops that is a secret indeed - how about this one ... I'm a bit obsessive compulsive ;) ( I have a habit of counting things - and have to force myself to stop)

I'm kinda of that sensibility myself, except it's about measures, statistics and such rather than counting. When I was a kid, I was always asking people questions about their height, weight, age, etc. And no, it wasn't the typical "kids ask the darnest questions" sort of thing. I did this even when I was old enough to be well out of that stage (fortunately, I eventually learned to stop doing that.) And not just with people - I look at anything that can be measured and must know those numbers.

So could each of you tell me your height and weight? Just kidding... ;)



When I was a kid, all the time. ;)

As an adult, I don't do that any more, but that's just because I developed better impulse control. I still want to ask, but I restrain myself.



Ventriloquist's dummies unnerve the hell out of me. Probably due to the "Twilight Zone" episode Caesar and Me.

"Jonathan West, ventriloquist, a master of voice manipulation. A man late of Ireland, with a talent for putting words into other people's mouths. In this case, the other person is a dummy, aptly named Caesar, a small splinter with large ideas, a wooden tyrant with a mind and a voice of his own, who is about to talk Jonathan West into the Twilight Zone."

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


I'll be performing with a local Irish performance group 'SAOIRSE' in an original production of "Granuaile and a Plate at Howth" about 16th Century Pirate Queen Grainne O’Malley, at the Philadelphia Fringe Festival.

Combines almost all of my interests. Irish, pirates, music, performing, entertaining, a taste of history, costuming, but no visual arts ...hmmm, should I offer to design and paint the the set and backdrop also ....that would add all that isn't already included!

  Captain Siren of the Poesidon said:
I like to go to places that are supposedly haunted though I should'nt. lol

Been there. Done that. Wish I hadn't. :ph34r::ph34r:

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

  Mad_Jack said:
  Captain Siren of the Poesidon said:
I like to go to places that are supposedly haunted though I should'nt.  lol

Been there. Done that. Wish I hadn't. :ph34r::ph34r:

Notice I did say I should'nt. Some people do not believe in such things but often I find myself dragging things home.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



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Mad_Jack Posted on Aug 4 2006, 07:20 AM

  Ventriloquist's dummies unnerve the hell out of me. Probably due to the "Twilight Zone" episode Caesar and Me.

"Jonathan West, ventriloquist, a master of voice manipulation. A man late of Ireland, with a talent for putting words into other people's mouths. In this case, the other person is a dummy, aptly named Caesar, a small splinter with large ideas, a wooden tyrant with a mind and a voice of his own, who is about to talk Jonathan West into the Twilight Zone." 

Dang, that put the hair up on the back of neck, I remember that episode, ok, add another irrational fear to the list.

Check out "Jeff Dunham, Arguing with myself" he's and incredible and funny ventriloquist, nothing to fear from him.

  Red Dog said:
Check out "Jeff Dunham, Arguing with myself" he's and incredible and funny ventriloquist, nothing to fear from him.

I've heard he's really really good. A friend was able to see him at the Improv awhile back - I've been told several times since then that I missed out on a really good show.

As for myself, I realized yesterday that despite the fact that I was in choir for four years, I get severe stage fright when it comes to Kareoke. Go figure.

  Captain Siren of the Poesidon said:
Notice I did say I shouldn't.  Some people do not believe in such things but often I find myself dragging things home.

I can't say that I've dragged things home, but I've accidentally invited and inadvertantly channeled things, including my own mother-in-law. Not pleasant. Not pleasant, at all. :ph34r:

My wife found comfort, but it took me two days to recover.

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

  Captain Jigme said:
Oh...and just to be clear:

I didn't laugh while modeling.

believe me ...the artists wouldn't pay for that! ...a moving modle is tough to draw :lol:

Asukaru Posted on Aug 4 2006, 01:28 PM

As for myself, I realized yesterday that despite the fact that I was in choir for four years, I get severe stage fright when it comes to Kareoke. Go figure.

You'd be surprised how often that happens, my wife is a classically trained singer and loses her composure at karaoke. Maybe its because your expected to be like the original performer instead of "owning" the piece.

Did that make any sense?


Oh yea, just discovererd that while inflating a rubber matress, stay away from the car exaust pipe

>>>>> BOOM>>>>>> My ears are still ringing and the pop set off my neighbors car alarm.


I'm the great-great-great granddaughter of a star-crossed Scottish innkeeper's daughter named Annie Bird, who, at the age of 16, had an affair with her stepfather's much younger brother, a strapping young married slater from Aberdeen (who apparently came to visit to fix the roof of the pub), and as a result gave birth to my great-great-grandfather, who later became a sailor out of the grim North Sea port of Peterhead.

Cheers, Hester ... whose Mom prefers I not tell that story in polite company

  Mad_Jack said:
Ventriloquist's dummies unnerve the hell out of me. Probably due to the "Twilight Zone" episode Caesar and Me.

"Jonathan West, ventriloquist, a master of voice manipulation. A man late of Ireland, with a talent for putting words into other people's mouths. In this case, the other person is a dummy, aptly named Caesar, a small splinter with large ideas, a wooden tyrant with a mind and a voice of his own, who is about to talk Jonathan West into the Twilight Zone."

B) me too! for the same episode! fantasy island also did a take on that episode with adrienne barbeau - that bothered me too! B)

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire

  Red Dog said:
i still have a fear of Mimes, I have no Idea why.

Me too! Maybe not a fear, per se - more like a marked dislike.

I'm trying to remember where I saw this, but there was a short film about a kid eating an ice cream cone and a mime came up and started mimicing him, getting in his face and being really obnoxious. The kid's dog leaped at the mime, clamping down on his crotch area. The mime started shrieking and leaping up and down, the dog still attached to his family jewels. I couldn't stop laughing. Good dog!



"The other night, we propped the dead clown up in the middle of the highway with a warning sign just around the bend that said 'Mime Crossing'. We went back the next morning, and it took us ages to find all of him. There weren't even any skid marks." ~ Hydrochloric Eye Drops, an Internet comic strip.

See? Everyone hates mimes! :)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


don't know where i saw it but- there was a picture of a mime down on the ground with a tape outline around his body with the line 'a mime is a terrible thing to waste'

~snow :D

with faith, trust and pixiedust, everything is possible ;)

if it be tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

IWG #3057 - Local 9

emmf steel rose player - bella donna, 2005

improv cast member and dance instructor - fort tryon medieval festival

lady neige - midsummer renaissance faire

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