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Help drawing a Piratey themed tatoo

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Ok so after many years of deliberating on wether or not to get a tattoo I decided I still want one. I also have a vision in my mind of what I want it to be or look like but being the unartistic fellow I am I can not get it onto paper. So I am asking for some help from the artists in this community to help me out.

I would love to have a design that is a pretty typical skull and crossbones but with some additons and changes to it.

Instead of the crossed bones under the skull I am looking to have two chef's knives or cleavers crossed and then either resting on the skull or hovering immediatley above it I want a chefs hat, the kind the sweedish chef from the muppets wears. I don't need alot of elaborate coloring or anything like that.

Anyone that could help me out with this I would be forever greatful.


Instead of the crossed bones under the skull I am looking to have two chef's knives or cleavers crossed and then either resting on the skull or hovering immediatley above it I want a chefs hat

I was thinking of making a flag kinda like that..... but it would have "Death from within" as a motto......... :unsure:


OH MY GOD I love it. If i use it i will let you know

Thanks so much. If anyone has a vision please keep them coming I'd love to see what people come up with


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