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HALOOO the pub...

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Halooo the pub...

A highwayman and river rougue requestin permission to board. I've not been in this port before and being new to the 21st century gadgetry

have much ta learn about navigation in these waters. I'm not much of a sailor, but good hand with blade, musket, or pistol to be certain. Lookin ta crew wherever I may find welcome. The Gov'nor and myself, in Spanish Louisiana, have, well... shall we say run afoul of each other.

This is courtesy of His Royal self.. the Gov'nor..( has lackey roll in cask of fine spanish Madeira)... Drink up on his lordship lads & lasses! Enjoy! I must now tend to my horse as it has been a long journey. Save a spot for me at the bar if you'll be so kind.

Capt. Bo

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Ahoy and Welcome to ye, Captain Bo. Ye've sailed into the best port any pirate could desire. We have many things to do and see here in the Pub, so don't be shy...check out the numerous rooms and corridors.

Madeira! Gramercy. I'll have a glass.


Captain Ciaran from North Carolina

I wonder if one of the most important steps on our journey is the one in which we throw away the map.

-- Loreena McKennitt

My fathers knew of wind and tide, and my blood is maritime.

-- Stan Rogers

I don't pretend to be captain weird.

I just do what I do.

-- Johnny Depp

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Why thankee kindly my dear Captain, sir. I've sailed from the Charleston Harbour a many years back on some very strange vessels painted "haze gray and under-way". Made it to the North Carolinas on two occaisions while stationed there in the south. I was trying to recall the name of the spot on the beach where we did so much... er- uh... celebratin, as it were. A quite popular gatherin place it was, but my memory does fail me at presnent.

Don't be sparin of the Madeira freind... the Gov'nor was quite generous in his..er.. absence from the cellars. Drink up man!

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As it should be for certain! Ray my good man... as the Gov'nor was also very generous with his coin, would ye please be so kind as to set up each with their own favorite as they choose! Mind you all not to ignore the cask I've brought. Compliments of the Royal Gov'nor of the Spanish Louisiana from whence I hail. Drink up my freinds ...be not the least sparing! It's a great day for this ol' rogue to have found such a place to hide...er-uh sit a spell!

Captian Ciaran, sir, forgive me my error, but the place was Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. Too many mugs under the belt since those days I'd reckon. A fine lot of celebratin we did though! (sets bag of coin with Spanish Royal seal on bar).

Capt. Bo

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Aye man ye be then welcomed to this 'ere pub and with good accord I does see. (whispers into Capt. Cairans ear I sees he takes care o his horse well then?) Welcomes aboard and travel safe mate there be pirates aboard. Ah ha ha ha ha ha

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a knife in your back.

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Greetings Capt'n Bo, welcome t' th' pub. Osage Ri'er ye say? Spanish Louisiana? I be assumin' this be Missouri? If 'tis, we be next door neighbors. I be land locked ou' here in th' state o' Oklahoma. I be also an ex-Navy Squid that did me four voyages in th' grand state o' Virginia. Oh an' by th' way, since ye be offerin'. I will take a double shot o' Rum matey. Welcome aboard mate! :lol:

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Quite so Blackfoot. I can often be found wandering about in the state of "Misery" indeed! When there, I earn my keep from the back of the horse more than the deck of a river scow. It's a tough go of it at times, as the travelers are few and the King of Spain and his Ministry do not keep their government very well provided. But, poor rogue as I am, I makes a livin just the same.

As we be ported fairly close, I'd ask ye to share in that rum, on me, face to face at some date to your conveinience sir. I'll be bringing a bottle of Myers dark, an some Amberbock to wash the whiskers wit'. What say ye ta THAT mate? :o

Capt. Bo

P.S.( I'm on the map if ye wants ta wander inta camp. My she mate is always ready ta welcome the Bretheren as long as ye mind yer manners before th' young'uns)

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Don't jes stand thar lad...fill me mug wit' Tattoo an' here's to ye :D


"There be the chest, inside be the gold, we took them all. Spent them and traded them. We frittered them away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave them away, the more we came to realize... the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men....Compelled by greed we were, and now we are consumed by it."

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Aye! Ray my man, run the purse til she'll go no further! I must be off fer a spell, an the horses are a wantin ta run. Me thinks to pay th' Gov'nor another visit, lest he be fergettin how much he dislikes me! ahhahahahahah( and the sound of hoofbeats fades in the dark )

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And right you are to be careful Mum. There be awful scoundrels among the real scoundrels to be sure. Thankee for your trust and it will not be betrayed. Now step up Lass and have yer pleasure on my purse!

As for the title... I was elected the Capt. of the WHITE TRASH FUR CO. , a fine lot of rogues if I do say so meself, back in 2000. We've been terrorizin the Middle Waters fer around 17-18 years in all manner of re- enactor periods.

And there be more for the tellin fer any who be askin. The tale of the name is born of home made wine and other spirits. I may give the recital someday if enough be interested.


Capt. Bo

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I will be honest as well, I did wait t' see how ye act'd proper in the pub as well, I JEST HAS A BIT MORE O' A BYTE AND TOOK A CHANCE!

But, we are all glad ye explain'd lad! ^_^ Me thinks, ye are a bundle o'fun so come on lasses, CHAT WIT THE LAD!

Another Cherry? ^_^

Bunny Cutlass

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Another load fer me blunderbuss be more than welcome! FIRE AWAY Miss Bunny! :lol:

As an honest rogue I must alert ye that me She Mate owns a cutlass of her own and ain't afeared ta use it on me, B) so I must be well behaved m'ladies.

But I've no aversion ta havin a good time just the same, and the She Mate is mor'n likely ta join in soon enough!

Capt. Bo

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<stumbles through the door, squints in the dim light>

There ye be Cap'n! We've run across one 'nother elsewhere in this fine establishment. I be buccaneerin' now inthe Pacific Northwest if ever ye veer that far off course!

say.....is that a bit o kill-devil ye be drinkin? I'd like t' be havin a bit o that meself as now........ :)

Monterey Jack

"yes I am a pirate 200 years too late,

the cannons don't thunder, there's nothin to plunder,

I'm an over-40 victim of fate,

arrivin too late.........."

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