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Mimi Foxmorton

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Ahoy from Mimi Foxmorton of the Bloomin' Bloomer!

I be a piratess aboard what ye'd call a theatrical-type ship.....

keepin' track o' performin' free booters an' the like an' tryin' to keep 'em somewhat under control...well, fer pirate's anyway.

There be ten of us. Seven on a bad day....twelve on a good....an' we be performin' here an' about an' where e'er enough coin be tossed our way.

I look forward to a safe harbor here at yer grande Pub...an' hope to be meetin' other kindred souls what can help me keep the wee bit o' sanity I've managed to retain.......it bein' right hard bein' in charge of a lot of pickleheaded pirates....though I'd ne'er give up the sweet trade for all the treasure in the world....

Drinks all 'round,,,,,and, fair winds to ye.....

~The Piratess Foxmorton


"Know ye.....normal be not a virtue. It rather denotes a lack o' courage."

~from Practical Magic

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Ahoy and Welcome to ye, Lady Foxmorton!

Greetings to ye from the Land of Blackbeard, North Carolina. Pyracy Pub offers many wonderful opportunities to explore, play, relax. Have a merry time and gramercy fer the liquid. (turnin' to bartender) Ray, I'll have a cold Alexander Keith's.


Captain Ciaran

I wonder if one of the most important steps on our journey is the one in which we throw away the map.

-- Loreena McKennitt

My fathers knew of wind and tide, and my blood is maritime.

-- Stan Rogers

I don't pretend to be captain weird.

I just do what I do.

-- Johnny Depp

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Greetings Miss Foxmorton and welcome aboard.... albeit a welcome thing in this age of female equality and all, 'tis my way to be buyin' a drink for the ladies and not the other way 'round, so have a seat at the table, and here's to ya... drink up lassie, and may the wind always be at yer back.

Ahoy, Dead....

Me thanks for the offerin' of the grog and 'tis well met.

We're a long voyage what got me to this here place.

I see ye may be leanin' on the pagan side o' piracy....and, to that I raise me tankard to ye with a knowin' nod....

'Course, iffen I be blunderin' with that I raise me tankard all the same....

Fair winds to ye....and, I be tippin' me hat in gratitude to your welcome.....and, to your gentlemenly ways.....



"Know ye...normal be not a virtue. It rather denotes a lack o' courage."

from Practical Magic

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welcome aboard mistress foxmorton .....'r dare i adress ye as mimi ....welcome in and watch yer back it can be a bit trecherous around here ....there be pyrates about :P;);)

as the custom be the first round be on yer purse ...and i'll be havin' a flaggon o' black rum :lol::P:P

enjoy yer stay in this fyne establishment :)

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Ahoy, Gunner!

Foxmorton be fine. I be not standin' on ceremony.

Thanks fer the welcome and the warnin'....but, I enjoy me pirates trecherous.....it be more interestin' that way..... :)

Raisin' a tankard to ye.....

Fair Winds to ye and yourn.....


"Know ye...normal be not a virtue. It rather denotes a lack o' courage."

_from Practical Magic

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Evenin' tharrrrrr Madame Foxmorton. I be Mad Matt, so if yer lookin' fer some sanity, ye won't be findin' it 'ere, luv! Since yer buyin', I'm drynkin'! A hearty hello and welcome aboard t' ye! Once ye get yer gear stowed, tharrr be plenty o' buckets and swabs 'round here that've long gone unattended....



You will be flogged. And God willing, come morning, you will be flogged some more.

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Well then, Mad....

Get busy fillin' the buckets with rum....and, send them there swabs to me

fer a little inspection....iffen they smell better'n the fish an' be worth taken a look at....

Ye can stow me gear when ye be gettin' an extra moment....I be in no rush....

An', take a coin from me purse fer yer troubles....




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Welcome to the grandest pub fer pirates around! and if you are buying, I'll be drinking... hot rum and OJ please. I have a touch of cold, and its damn cold here.. 9 deg and holding.

and speaking of holding.. How are ye, Matt? lol

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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Welcome lass. I do likes a wench what knows how ta perform! Yer gonna fit in jes fine round these parts. Now what say you toss Ray o'r there a doubloon an' fill me tankard wit Tattoo? Gramercy B)


"There be the chest, inside be the gold, we took them all. Spent them and traded them. We frittered them away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave them away, the more we came to realize... the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men....Compelled by greed we were, and now we are consumed by it."

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Aye, Sam...performin' be crucial t' the smooth sailin' o' the Bloomer....me crew relies on it.....

Thank thee for the kind welcome an' consider the coin tossed.

I raise me tankard to ye an' look forward to me time in this here pub....looks t' be a fine place t' be harbourin'....

Fair Winds....


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Arrrr, Now that be a proper innerducshun. Welcome aboard matey. Any pyrate from that frozen wasteland they be callin' upstate New York can dock here and have a pint on me anyday!


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Huzzah!!! Another lady pirate be joinin our fine crew o misfits! Welcome te ye Foxmorton, I be Scarlet McBayne and ifin yer buyin????I be havin a pear cider this fine mornin. Grammercy M'Lady B)

Now dearie, be ye of a mind te dance? We lasses around here do so enjoy kickin up our skirts and whirlin te the sound o music. Enjoy yer stay :)

Scarlet McBayne

" Touch not the Cat without a Sheild " McBayne motto

"red is the Rose in yander garden grows

Fair is the Lily of the Valley"

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I'll be! I can't believe I missed yer comin in and so nice and politely fer a pyratical lass and all there is and fer shure ye know ye be a blessed relief to jes have ye on board lass welcome then to the world famous and always pretencious Pyracypub.com ye be well spoken and now well met. Tea ifin ye will? grammercy

Touch somebody you don't know today with a smile.

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