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Greetins all~

Not sure where t post this so I'm startin here.

The Historical Maritime Combat Assoc has found a publisher for their upcoming book on maritime fighting styles. The text is done, the publisher has accepted the job, but the only thing left is photos. We would like to use the deck of a ship, be it schooner, brig, etc. something that looks relatively 18th-19th century. It doesn't need to even be seaworthy, just provide us with the backdrop for about 200 photos illustrating boarding weapons actions. The HMCA isn't making anything on this venture, in fact we're paying to have it done, so I'm afraid all we can offer is credit in the acknowledgements section to the owner for the use of the ship. We would like to be able to shoot before June if at all possible. Either in Michigan, Oregon or near Maryland.

Feel free to distrubute this request to anyone who may be interested.

Any help is greatly appreciated; please contact me here or off-list at


Thank you!


Monterey Jack

"yes I am a pirate 200 years too late,

the cannons don't thunder, there's nothin to plunder,

I'm an over-40 victim of fate,

arrivin too late.........."


The Lady Washington should be heading through Oregon on their way back from California. they'll probably be sailing with the Hawaiian Chieftain, so if they're rafted up, it might be nice to get shots of boarders in the action of boarding. Right now, their online schedule only goes up to 16 May, when they'll be in Coos Bay, OR. Then, they'll be heading up the Oregon coast to the Columbia. You can contact them at 1-800-200-LADY (5239) or their emails are on the website (www.ladywashington.org).

Let us know when the book comes out and how we can get a copy!

Coastie :lol:

She was bigger and faster when under full sail

With a gale on the beam and the seas o'er the rail


The Lady Washington should be heading through Oregon on their way back from California. they'll probably be sailing with the Hawaiian Chieftain, so if they're rafted up, it might be nice to get shots of boarders in the action of boarding. Right now, their online schedule only goes up to 16 May, when they'll be in Coos Bay, OR. Then, they'll be heading up the Oregon coast to the Columbia. You can contact them at 1-800-200-LADY (5239) or their emails are on the website (www.ladywashington.org).

Let us know when the book comes out and how we can get a copy!

Coastie :lol:

We'd love to use one of the big name ships, but the problem is that the shoot will take probably two, possibly three days to set up, start to finish and most of them can't take time like that out of their schedule. Plus we can't pay them and they really can't spend the time with us when they could be doing something more lucrative.

When the book finally hits the shelves you'll definitely see it here!


Monterey Jack

"yes I am a pirate 200 years too late,

the cannons don't thunder, there's nothin to plunder,

I'm an over-40 victim of fate,

arrivin too late.........."


Ahoy Coastie! Hope ye are not frozen to the rats!

BTW: I happen to know that The lady will be arriving in Ilwaco, WA. May 18th and staying through the weekend. I know 'cause we'll be raidin' her and taken over the town! (Don't tell nobody!) :lol:

It'd be worth a phone call to Mr. Kennedy anyways Jack!


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