Captain Leigh Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 I've just begun preproduction on a feature film about pirates. Since you guys are the core audience, I was just curious as to what you would like to see. I have plenty of ideas myself, as I am a huge pirate movie fan, but wanted to give you guys a chance to chime in before I start shooting. Thanks, Leigh Scottjava script:emoticon(' ')
blackjohn Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 I want to see the epitome of authenticity!!! My Home on the Web The Pirate Brethren Gallery Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.
Charity Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 Real pirate action such as in Cutthroat Island..and authenticity :) With real pirate action i mean i don't mind it being a litttle rough, as much as i like Captain Sparrow and the bunch (as POTC addict..obviously i do ) it's a little unrealistic..they weren't nice blokes
Patrick Hand Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 I can't remember the name of it, but there was a movie with Pyrates in modern times..... they catch some drug runners , and at the end have a fight with the Coast Guard..... Anyway.... The thing that I liked most about the movie, is how nice and scummy the Pyrates were. None of this "Fancy Prittyboy" pyrate stuff.... but some good honnest (?) grunggy filth..... They looked like Pyrates..... AND... they acted like Pyrates What about something on the "Love Triangle" between Rackham, Anne Bonney and Mary Read ? It's not my first choice, but you gotta have a story that people will like..... The story can be a bit Hollywood, but if everything else is Historical correct.... Hey... more violence... and a great ending.
JoshuaRed Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 Quote Real pirate action such as in Cutthroat Island Cutthroat Island was ANYTHING but real pirate action...I challenge anyone to find an actual act of piracy committed in that or nearly any Hollywood movie. The closest thing is ironically in one of the oldest movies - The Black Pirate with Doug Fairbanks from 1926 (I think). The first ten minutes of the film shows a dirty, ragged band of thieves methodically board, loot and burn a Spanish vessel, including "interrogating' the prisoners, and even loading the plunder back onto their vessel. So by god if you're gonna do a pirate movie, make it be about actual PIRACY and not about a bunch of silk-shirted adventures chasing buried treasure...or worse...each other - don't make it about "pirates who are sent out to catch other pirates"...that is such a lame way to justify their actions. The best advice I can give is to watch films like Resevoir Dogs, The Ungforgiven, Romeo Is Bleeding, Heat, Goodfellas, etc, and translate that to the 18th century. Better yet, watch 1 episode of Deadwood and you'll immediately see how a great pirate movie could and should be done!
Black Hearted Pearl Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 I'd like to see a movie about Grace O'Malley that hasn't been politcally corrected to the Elizabethan myth telling. ~Black Hearted Pearl The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.
Bloody_Mary_Bonney Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 Black Hearted Pearl said: I'd like to see a movie about Grace O'Malley that hasn't been politcally corrected to the Elizabethan myth telling. I'm with you on that one But why is the rum gone? Save a horse ride a cowboy! Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy My toes are getting pruney Also my head is round that window is square.... My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies! Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff
Captain Jim Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 Unless you already have a script/storyline, tell Blackbeard's story. Tell it correctly. He was a cad, womanizer, wealthy landowner, political force and ruthless sea dog, charming and most likely psychotic, possibly schitzophrenic to boot. Dress your pyrates correctly, not silk shirts and bucket boots. Arm them correctly and if they fight, have them fight dirty, with both hands, with feet, elbows and whatever else is close at hand, not like Hollywood gentlemen (some of the fight scenes in Master and Commander are good models). Have a few of the cannons and pistols misfire, have them use pistols to parry blades and crack skulls and have a sword or two break during boarding actions. Have you dialect coach, or director, have them speak according to their station and time period, remembering that most pyrates were Britons, even those living in America. Without knowing more about the storyline, I really can't offer more advice than that, except that we would all like to see a movie about pyracy, as opposed to an adventure movie with pyrates. My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...
Pirate Petee Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 Me, . No, but seriously, did hear some say boots again.
John_Young Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 Hmm... *No undead *No makeup on the men folk *No females as pyrates, instead show how they were really treated. Also, must be slutty and not so pretty. *No cutesy nods to PotC or anything of the ilk. "Yo Ho, all together hoist the colours high Heave Ho, theives and beggers Never shall we die..." "I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull of yers!" -Captain John Young - PILF
Black Hearted Pearl Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 John_Young said: *No females as pyrates, instead show how they were really treated. Also, must be slutty and not so pretty. Oh yes, let's make it a male fantasy idea of a pirate film: drunk, rude and crude men. God forbid an actual historically film about a true pirate queen should be made where the women are in control, charming and not slutty. Way to go, John Young for trying to keep it from being a fantasy film. ~Black Hearted Pearl The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.
Pirate Petee Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 John_Young said: *No females as pyrates, instead show how they were really treated. Also, must be slutty and not so pretty. Oh, come on maybe just a little pretty. I would like to see a really authentic pirate movie.
Caraccioli Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 John_Young said: *No undead No undead!? It just sounds duller and duller the more suggestions this poor guy gets. In all seriousness, the public perception of pirates is quite different from the reality. The Quixotic among us may hope that a realistic pirate movie is the ticket, but the audience for such a film is most likely going to be far smaller as a result. As it is, POTC was one of the first commercially viable genuine* pirate movies in 30 or 40 years. For those of you calling for realism, compare the gross on the very well made and publically heralded as "more realistic" Master and Commander to the gross on POTC. Realistic pirate movies seem to be better suited to smaller budget TV fair than the big screen. * Not genuine in the historic sense, genuine from the perspective of not being Peter Pan or similar child-oriented fare. "You're supposed to be dead!" "Am I not?"
Pirate Petee Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 As much as I do love zombies, I really would like to see a more realistic movie. I mean there are still quit a lot of great stories about pirates. It is a movie and it is still supposed to be entertaining, you don’t have to go 100% true to life. Look at a Treasure Island, far from reality, but not fantasy. There were no ghosts or sea monsters. But that could have happened.
Sir Eric Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 A good story, with a well defined plot and character construction that makes sense. Characters who are motivated by human need as opposed to filling two hours with flippant derring-do. In other words, a film about PEOPLE who happen to be pirates. Good cinematography, particularly in fight scenes. I assume any movie about pirates will have a fight scene or two. When I see fights on the screen, I want to be able to see the technique, and the recent "MTV" style of tight shots and quick cuts every two seconds make it difficult to follow the fight (or show lack of good choreography.) Oh yeah... good fight choreography. Actors who fight in a style that is in line with their character... not EVERYONE has to be an expert swordsperson. Good acting. Actors who take the role seriously, and don't mail it in because "were just pirates, so we can follow the stereotype." Hire yourself a GOOD art director, I've seen a lot of movies lately where the art direction is just sad or sloppy. Stuntmen. Enough with the CGI already. Oh, and the last thing a GREAT pirate movie needs is me. Have you cast it yet? NOAH: Wow... the whole world flooded in just less than a month, and us the only survivors! Hey... is that another... do you see another boat out there? Wait a minute... is that a... that's... are you seeing a skull and crossbones on that flag? Ministry of Petty Offenses
Captain Leigh Posted February 10, 2006 Author Posted February 10, 2006 Thanks everyone for your suggestions so far. It's nice to see you're all on the same page :)lol! Just so you guys know, I do want to find a happy middle ground between a complete fantasy with dandy boys running around and a realistic portrayal of pyrates. It's going to have some fantasy elements (with the success of POTC the investors would make me walk the plank if I didn't), but the pyrates themselves will be real mean and nasty, which all of you agree is a good thing. And a quick FYI to the guys and girls that mentioned it, I HATE the MTV style of fighting too. This is my third lower-budget action movie, and I'm all about using good stunt guys and letting the camera hang back and catch the action. Not sure how I feel about the "slutty" pirate girls. I'm leaning more towards making them a little more Anne Bonnay than a bunch of pirate wenches. But, maybe it will be a little bit of both. We're shooting in early March in Southern California. We haven't cast everyone yet, so keep those PMs coming. Thanks again, Leigh
John_Young Posted February 11, 2006 Posted February 11, 2006 Bonney and Reed were by all accounts true Dogs. Let's leave the Pirate Queen ideas to the LaMorte sisters and to Geena Davis overacting all over the silver screen in Cutthroat Island. Women were BAD LUCK at sea, and any woman who wanted to go on a ship had to be either well protected or a slut who serviced the men on long voyages. Period. Check your history books. Let's leave the female pirates to ren faires and PotC fanfiction, mmm'kay? "Yo Ho, all together hoist the colours high Heave Ho, theives and beggers Never shall we die..." "I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull of yers!" -Captain John Young - PILF
JoshuaRed Posted February 11, 2006 Posted February 11, 2006 Oh and PLEASE do not shy away in fear from touching upon slavery, tobacco, etc. Both very real and very vital parts of life back then. Though I suppose those words are like the kiss of death to investors. :) By and large remember that 90% of pirates were the type of criminal who be robbing 7-11's today, not high-profile heists. It was about getting quick ready money to sate immediate needs, and perhaps if you were lucky enough to not have to work again.
Pirate Petee Posted February 11, 2006 Posted February 11, 2006 JoshuaRed said: type of criminal who be robbing 7-11's today, not high-profile heists. It was about getting quick ready money to sate immediate needs, and perhaps if you were lucky enough to not have to work again. I don't think that you could get that kind of money from a 7-11. Just kiddin.
JoshuaRed Posted February 11, 2006 Posted February 11, 2006 Sure, 50 or 60 bucks for some beer, chicken wings and a "cheap date" from the wrong part o' town! I can't imagine much more than that level of activity happening 340 years ago in Port Royal! Well, throw in some brawls, gambling, etc....
Black Hearted Pearl Posted February 11, 2006 Posted February 11, 2006 John_Young said: Women were BAD LUCK at sea, and any woman who wanted to go on a ship had to be either well protected or a slut who serviced the men on long voyages. Period. Check your history books. You, sir, should check the history books. If you can recall my post, I spoke of Grace O'Malley, a true historical female pirate figure. I suggest you visit your local library and look it up. I'm done with this subject now. No more will be said. ~Black Hearted Pearl The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.
Sir Eric Posted February 11, 2006 Posted February 11, 2006 I have a feeling O'Malley probably fell into that "well protected" catagory. And yah, I've never seen a pirate movie where the pirates board a prize and come away with little more than a change of clothes, some fresh water and a new cabin boy. NOAH: Wow... the whole world flooded in just less than a month, and us the only survivors! Hey... is that another... do you see another boat out there? Wait a minute... is that a... that's... are you seeing a skull and crossbones on that flag? Ministry of Petty Offenses
Rumba Rue Posted February 11, 2006 Posted February 11, 2006 With all the rough and tumble people are talking about here, one of the best ways to get people into a theater to see a movie is HUMOR! People love to laugh and enjoy themselves. I don't mean stupid slapstick humor, I mean true humor of a situation. POTC has done very will with that and will continue to do so as long as there is humor in the movie. It takes good actors with good timing to complete a scene and make it funny. Now I'm not saying the whole dang movie has to be funny, but sometimes it helps to break up the 'blackness' of the movie. For instance, people who were pressed ganged to be on the pirate ships, weren't use to the sea, and guess what? Seasickness! Yup, I can personally attest to that and I know of many others who can too. Whose to say that the galley cook with his salamungundi serves it up to the crew and wouldn't you know, someone finds a finger in it? I hope I'm getting my ideas across in a good way.
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