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For reasons I'd rather leave to your imaginations, I need to acquire a flogger as my weapon/implement of discipline. Anyone know where I can find one that can pass for piratey accoutrement? :)


Do you mean a cat? In which case try this link...


"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Thank you! I really did NOT want to peruse the S&M sites. I need a piratey weapon I can pack in a suitcase, but that won't lead me to be interogated at the airport. I thank you for your response!


NOT that there's anything wrong with that stuff, I just finally got my harddrive cleared of adware and spyware, and I'd trying to avoid getting back on the spamware wagon. :)


If you want a real good selection, where you can actully swing one before buying, might I suggest you go up to the Fetish Fair Fleamarket near Foxboro, Mass, this weekend.




Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



Well if ye want somethin' small,

I got one ye can have you see,

Just PM me with your call.

You can have it quite for free,

Mailed to you in an envolpe,

Only for you to freely grope.

The hilt it measures 9 inches long,

And the frayers are 11 inches of leather thong

Whack someone hard enough you'll get a song.

Otherwise to say, it's not very long.

So if'n ye don't want it that be fine,

Perhaps someone else here might have a want

For something silly to use and taunt

So let me end this crazy rhyme

For someone might think I'm on the wrong line.



Thanks! I think I'll go for cat in the link above. But I may be hittin you up for a peacock-plume for my green tricorn. Maybe with a seahorse theme .... Do you have an online shop, perchance?


Sorry, no online shop for my feather hat pins- I honestly don't know how to put a webshop online- and I can't pay anyone to do it for me.

Seahorse? Uh not sure what ye be wantin'. I don't do just a peacock plume either.


I'm looking for a couple of extremely cheap ones meself - one fer a gag-gift that's going along with a real gift, so I'm wantin' to keep it cheap, and the other is going to end up with about half the tails missing, so I wouldn't want to ruin one that's even halfway decent.

If I can't find one hereabouts at a headshop or a fleamarket, anybody know of a cheap one to be had online? And I'm talking in the under ten dollar range of cheap...

  Lady Alyx said:
Here's a website that I had bookmarked for awhile been thinking about getting something like these...these are beautiful and pricey....but lovely color combo's and all sorts of styles....


and while your looking at leather check out the long bodice's here


Outrageously beautiful design and craftsmanship on the Snakepit Leatherworks floggers, Lady Alyx! But alas, I'm not a lifestyler, so to speak. And I already have one expensive hobby/obsession (keeping seahorses), so I'm going to have to pass on the gorgeous Green Hornet flogger. :lol:

Mr. Nash, if I find one such flogger, I'll let you know. But you might want to search Ebay for suede floggers, as there seem to be quite a few of various sizes to be had.


Hi All

I just found your forum and must say I like it :( . Im am tossing my tricorn in the ring so to speak along with a shameless business plug for myself. I make and sell floggers. I have them ranging from the 10 dollar range (not yet on my website but will be soon) and up to the $150 ish range for a chrome handled master piece :) . (if i do say so myself) .

here is my link


We are not a S&M site but are renfaire merchant with some extras


We also have blarics and belts ect...

greenighs i would suggest any flogger that u take with u on a plane. have the bag checked (not a take a carry on bag if posable) I have taken certian item with my that way , my toys (hehe) . Might the easiest way to go

Take care

this site rocks




Hello Lady Alyx

Thanks for the compliment on our site and bodices. Im sorry to say we wont be at the So Cal faire. We live on the east coast and do not have the luxury to attend faires that far away YET :lol: . I also have a request (from my lady) to make a bodice like those that is push up stlye instead of the under bust, look for them to be coming soon to our site .

Take Care




Never got the hang of bodices. Seems like what they can't squish down, they push up and there's only so much up they can go before I start falling down stairs and tripping over cats. The girls' will just have to stay where they are for now. Besides, even in the golden age, I wouldn't be the bodicey kind of gal. I'd be in slops and sandals, scraping barnacles and whatnot.

I'll keep an igh on your site for a nice green flogger ... and maybe a piratey green hat band, since I just ordered my green tricorn from the MacKay. :lol:



Wow that design sounds great, and I have bookmarked your website...will have to save up cash for that lil prezzi for meself and me beau to enjoy (and boy I know he will like that)

Palmyra...plan on doing some spankin's***** :lol:

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx



I found one for about $5, which will suit my needs, but may not for those who want 'em for... um... more serious purposes.

It's about two-thirds of the way down the page. I've ordered several things from this site over time (don't know why I didn't check sooner, just not the place I woulda thunk had 'em).

By The Sword - The Dungeon

The only thing bad about the site is they don't have a real fast turnaround from order to delivery (two to three weeks, sometimes).


Hey all

Thanks for the welcome and viewing our site. Im always looking for imput on it (good and bad ) so i can improve it. Also i was wondering if i did a layaway sort of thing for if it would be of interest? Im not asking anyone nessicarly to buy, but just your opinion on the general concept. Im also apprenticed to a custom boot maker and they are a bit pricey so i thought some sort of payment would be nice.

So anyway for the warm welcome , and to my new found friends i set a discount code for the chrome flogger. At checkout use " PirateDisc " for the sale price . Its for $25.00 off the list price.

PS . I also enoying teaching leather work, so if anyone needs some imput on a project i may be able to help

Cheers all

I need to get some thing for a headace, too much rum last night





That small cat o'nine is the same as the one I have, except the leather 'straps' hasn't been braided and tied. Free to anyone who wants it. Just PM me.

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