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Last summer I had my left earlobe pierced so I could wear a piratey-looking earring with my costume. I'm looking for something inexpensive that won't corrode or turn my ear green, and it's gotta be hypoallergenic. The last one I bought at Longs started to turn green and the gold (colored) plating began to wear off.

I don't want to spend a bundle. That way, if I lose it, it's "Shoot! Now I gotta get another one.", not "Where IS the damn thing? It cost a WAD o' money!"


Where's that pirates and earrings discussion around here? Anyone know? :)

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
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  • Fomenter of Mutiny
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"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com


you can get earrings that have surgical stainless wires or go for a decent pair of gold earrings ....or check on ebay sometimes there are folks who sell single gold earrings for small tags :) :)

  callenish gunner said:
you can get earrings that have surgical stainless wires or go for a decent pair of gold earrings ....or check on ebay sometimes there are folks who sell single gold earrings for small tags :)  :)

I've read the Captain Twill thread on pirate earrings. Most real pirates probably didn't wear them during the GAOP because they just weren't fashionable at the time.

I never purchased earrings before last summer. The only place that I know of that has inexpensive ones (<$10/pr.) is the local Longs Drugstore. I've looked at Wally-world and Target and their stuff is way too feminine for me. Where does a manly man go to buy masculine, (cinematic) piratey-looking earrings? Should I be shopping at tattoo parlors or what?

--Cap'n Bob


I'm not quite sure what a manly earring is. If you're talking about just a simple hoop, a tattoo/piercing parlor is probably your best bet. If there is a mall near you, the resident "goth" store (ie Hot Topic) will also have a selection.

And as far as I know, for things that go into your body cheap is usually synonymous with infections and green crusty bits. Generally a reasonable price for solid gold or sterling silver is 6-12$ per hoop depending on size and embellishments. You might also look into titanium hoops if you're still having problems with infections.


I have some golden hoop earrings which were purchased at ShopKo - just the plain, ordinary hoops with no extra dangly things.

Yesterday, I made me some fangly earrings. I cut some dead branches off a corkscrew/curly willow and whittled a pair of "fangs" out of some of the curvier sections. I used a pin and a small hammer to put holes through them (alternating sides so the hole came together in the center and I didn't have to pull the pin out so far). Also, I sanded them with a fine-grain (emery-board-like) piece of sandpaper.

Using a larger needle, I widened the holes to where I could get a safety pin through, for a couple of safety pins became the earrings' hooks. (I used a wirecutter to cut off the head of the safety pin and sanded down the sharp end.)

Because they're made of willow wood, they're not only light-colored, but they're also light-weight. I've had them on all day today and they've been extremely comfortable, far as earrings go. :)

  Duchess said:
I'm not quite sure what a manly earring is. If you're talking about just a simple hoop, ...


...a tattoo/piercing parlor is probably your best bet. If there is a mall near you, the resident "goth" store (ie Hot Topic) will also have a selection.

Ah! Thanks! I knew there were such places, but didn't know what to look for. Hot Topic it is, then.

... Generally a reasonable price for solid gold or sterling silver is 6-12$ per hoop depending on size and embellishments. ...

Cool! I can swing that much swag.

...You might also look into titanium hoops if you're still having problems with infections.

Actually I haven't been having problems with infections. I just didn't wanna take any chances.

--Cap'n Bob


Not the dread earring thread....What ye tryin' to do Hurricane-- incite a riot?????!!!!!!


I'd buy a pair of gold ones in case ye lose one. If there be no piercing/tat shops nearby, check the mall fer piercing stores, they often have bargains on gold filled loops. And are ALWAYS happy to see a male customer in port!

I do like a man with gold in his head!

  hurricane said:
Where's that pirates and earrings discussion around here? Anyone know? :)

-- Hurricane

Hey Hurricane, never thought I'd see the day when you played the authenticity card! Good on yer mate. :P:P:P


"With this Fore-Staff he fansies he does Wonders, when, God knows, it amounts to no more but only to solve that simple Question, Where are we? Which every chi'd in London can tell you." - Ned Ward The Wooden World Dissected, 1707


... Generally a reasonable price for solid gold or sterling silver is 6-12$ per hoop depending on size and embellishments. ...

Oy, that much? My card of three pair (various sizes) was about $6. 'Course, the price may depend on how much metal is used - gold vs. filler, overall volume of metal - though heavier earrings can be a pain in my opinion, as they can drag down on your ear uncomfortably.

I'd also like to mention that you can sometimes come across some awesomeosities at dollar stores. Not always, but sometimes. Or second-hand stores, although some of those lately (where I live, anyway) seem to want to charge an arm and a leg for their merchandice.


I found 18k gold earring hoops at the 99 cent store about two months back!

They get them from stores that have over-stock or can't sell what they have, so the cheap stores get them. You never know what one is going to find at these places!

BTW-I found them in some little plastic baskets on top of the shelf.

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