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Dunno if it is considered history but I wasnt sure where else to put it.

I heard that the navy or some agency was hired to hunt pirates recently.

Or is it the Navy?

Anybody have more info on this?

(what a job, how cool is that?)


While we were at Pirates in Paradise we went scuba diving. Two of the divers were serving at the military base there in Key West and we asked them what they do primarily at the base there. We learned that the Navy works side by side with customs, the FBI, the NSA, the Coast Gaurd and every other international waters organization there to capture smugglers and drug runners in Caribbean waters.

I just smiled at one of the guys and said, "Lad, you're a privateer and pirate hunter."

He replied, "Too bad I don't get prize money for the sale of the boats."






The Navy is indeed on the hunt for pirates again...

From CNN


-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
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"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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