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I'm along the CT shoreline and I've heard there be many a corsier nearby....I've spotted them out and about and now and again a quick jig and an arr escapes them tho they appear to consider it that no one takes notice.

we are drawn to the likes of each other tho it is i believe and i would be grateful to see an opportunity to jes wet a whistle and get to know some of the same kind.

it would not be beyond my capabilities if it were that i may have to travel a bit to join in refreshment and merriment if that be the case as well.

with a bow and a wave....

godspeed and fairwinds,



Well, lass, there be two crews in Connecticut Colony. Free Men of the Sea, of which I am a member does many things, fairs, re-enactments, festivals and the like. A good bunch of pirates, ready wi' a song, a drink or a sword, dependin' on whats needed.

Above that, I have my own crew that does things separate from the Free Men. We are high authenticity, living history types, that live period and are weapons specialists. Gunnery, both small arms and cannon, and live steel weapons combat are the mainstay of the Company of the White Rose.

Where are ye? I'm in Hamden, but the crews are scatterd about the state.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



I be marooned currently in the "Friendly Port" of Westbrook, CT at the present.

less than 3 minutes of brisk walkin would bring me directly to the brink of the depths herself.

do you know of any gatherings or faires or possibly where it would be prudent to investigate further to such events?

and thank you for your reply so far.


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