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Dang.... that was cooooool......(lots of O's so ye know it be good....)

Just wish we got a photo of the nice guy wot gave us th' rum... at th' parade.......... Dang... gotta love Key West............

Hey Twenty thumbs up (If I got ter go and cut them off ter show my apriecation..... OK...)


Thank'e Patrick. I'm sorry that I missed the parade, but I had a wench what needed feeding, an' ye do not want her to go hungry for long: she gets vicious.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

the dates are the day after thanksgiving until dec. 3rd!!!

Hmmm....I must check Mate Jan's schedule; might be we could make it a trip FER Thanksgiving. Problem is, as a college instructor, she gets a lot of time off, but doesn't have much chance to TAKE off while classes are in session. B)

Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"


Hey Patrick...

I did get the guy wot gave us the rum...page 2 of the haggie maggie photobucket page...with Don Maitz...standin behind the white picket fence..nice guy...

Maggie B)


haggie maggie photobucket page

OK..... Aaaargh... so whar be th' link....?

Wit out a link..... I be blunderin' round photobuckets.........

An is it just me... or does anyone else get a wierd image bout the name.... photobuckets.....? :lol:

Hey Patrick...

I did get the guy wot gave us the rum...page 2 of the haggie maggie photobucket page...with Don Maitz...standin behind the white picket fence..nice guy...

Maggie :lol:



Rum guy.





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