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Before I start this topic. I have to do a disclimer.....

1. I am not a Nazi...

2. I do Not beleave any part of what they thought.....

I am about to watch a propaganda movie.... pre WWII... "Triumph of the Will" Nazi propaganda stuff.... from the liner notes it says that Hitler will decend from the sky and transform into an eagle... and come down to Nurinburge.....

What fasinates me.... is how Hitler spoke ( I don't even understand German... but dang..... he had such passion...) scarry stuff.....

I guess ... "The reason we learn History, is so we don't make the same mistakes again"

Dang.. they had a good costume designer... great uniforms... and interesting symbology.................. like I said scarry stuff......

My Dad, was stationed on Okanawa.. prepitiry for the invasion of Japan.... sorta kinda happy (NO GLAD ) we bomed Japan........ we won... but at what price..... Hitler is facinating.... because he is no longer around.....I see it totaly different from those that were there......

My point.... don't know untill I watch the movie.....

I do know that the U.S. has the best propoganda in the world.. (the British have the best spys...) Why the Heck don't we use it/that........

Awh... heck............I will have to watch the movie..... I thought it might be kinda funny... but now that I think about it... it becomes morbid................ OH well... wait an see.............


Nazis were a scary bunch... just their obsession with the occult...


"If you were to put me with this here sniper rifle anywhere up to and including one mile from Adolf Hitler... with a clean line of sight... well, pack your bags, boys. War's over!"


Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend

Pyrates of the Coast

"All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket."

"Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."


Capt. Morgan please just make sure you nail him prior to the invasion of France. After that he's only a danger to his own citizens. Quite frankly I shutter to think what might have happened had Admiral Durnitz been the first Fuhrer not the second. Also I rember reading something about Hitler studing under a magiacian to learn his theatrical speaking style but it's been a while and he had a lot of "freinds" in showbiz. I also have to admit that they were great at putting on a show the impassioned speeches sympols of power refrences to history masses of troops it's all quite impressive really the kind of thing you'd imagine seeing in some midievil war parade or something.



So far , I've only watched the first part of the movie..... I would have been nice if it was subtitled, so you could read what they were saying......

Up to what I've waatched so far, it just shows Hitler and Germany after recovering from thiere depression.... lots of shots of food, and happy Germans.....and some speakers (that I guess) are saying what a good job Hitler has done for Germany. Some interesting shots of uniformed men martching with shovles.......


Highly passionate, charismatic speaches are the stock and trade of dictators. Fidel Castro only recently backed off the length of his compulsory-attendance speeches, from 7 hours to a mere 5. What a slacker. :P

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?


I agree, Passionate, Charismatic, I hate to say it, but inspiring (not that i beleive what he did, but.... oh you know what i freakin mean! lol)

and to be honest, he did a lot of really good things before he went totally off his rocker... the Autobahn, the volkswagon (yeah i'm a car guy) and did some good things for the German economy.

As far as bombing Japan, Patrick, I think it was a necessary evil. Yes there were a lot of lives lost, and while that is terrible, there would have been soo many more lost were the war allowed to continue. Sometimes I think this country is a little too afraid to flex our muscles and tell the world "you mess with us, we'll stomp you like a marlboro". Teddy Rosevelt told the world with the "Great White Fleet" and FDR did it with "the Bomb".

<<Stepping off my soap box now>> sorry if i offended anyone. God i love history....

- 10 Fathoms Deep on the Road to Hell... Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum...

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